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Newsletter 104 - April/May news

Greetings from the ReactOS Team! This year, we will start with a short summary highlighting ongoing work on the project as well as announcing the selection of our brand new developers. We will also talk about the current situation with symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) support in ReactOS. Development team enlargement Over the last decade, the number of people in the project team base has not changed much. While development continued and still continues as usual, the development team hadn’t seen any increase in new developers.

1st-stage GUI setup, Part 3 - December 2023: First tests

Greetings! Welcome to the third blog of the series “1st-stage GUI setup”: September 2023: Partly Wine-syncing setupapi October-November 2023: Making partitioning UI work December 2023: First tests In this third blog post, I will cover my work done during the month of December 2023: testing the whole 1st-stage GUI setup, together with the partially wine-synced setupapi dll. Finishing and testing the partitioning page UI The first week was devoted to finally putting together the code for manipulating partitions from the user interface, using the new workflow, and testing it.

1st-stage GUI setup, Part 2 - October-November 2023: Making partitioning UI work

Greetings! Welcome to the second blog of the series “1st-stage GUI setup”: September 2023: Partly Wine-syncing setupapi October-November 2023: Making partitioning UI work December 2023: First tests As you may have noticed, I have been quite silent about my work and not regularly writing blog posts about what I have done so far. Well, I am more concerned about getting actual code written and working before discussing about it, instead of doing that about half-done not-yet-tested code; much like what the GUI setup was during these previous months.

1st-stage GUI setup, Part 1 - September 2023: Partly Wine-syncing setupapi

Greetings to all ReactOS followers! As many of you certainly are aware by now, I have been officially hired by ReactOS Deutschland e.V. to develop the graphical version of the 1st-stage ReactOS installer (“1st-stage GUI setup”). This is the first blog of the series “1st-stage GUI setup”: September 2023: Partly Wine-syncing setupapi October-November 2023: Making partitioning UI work December 2023: First tests During this first month of September 2023, my goal was to partly sync the code of the setupapi.