Roger Blench: Plateau languages: Wordlists & papers (original) (raw)

Roger Blench : Plateau materials


This page includes all the electronic material I have on the Plateau languages of Central Nigeria. Some of it is raw wordlist material unanalysed, other pieces unfinished or finished papers.


Subgroup Includes
Plateau page
Alumic page Alumu, Hasha, Sambe
Beromic Berom, Cara, Iten
Northwest Kulu, Eda, Kuturmi
Izere page Izere
Rigwe page Rigwe
Hyamic languages Hyam, Shang
Koro page Nyankpa, Idũ, Waci
Ndunic page Shakara, Nyeng
Ninzic page Mada, Ninzo, Anib
South page Eggon, Ake, Jili
Southeast Page Horom, Fyem
Tarokoidpage Tarok, Pe
Eloyi wordlist


Field trip reports

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