holding the referendum of the USSR and the information of the District Commission on election of the deputy of the USSR at the 669 Sukhumi territorial electoral district (original) (raw)

INFORMATION OF THE CENTRAL COMMISSION OF THE ABKHAZ ASSR on holding the referendum of the USSR and the information of the District Commission on election of the deputy of the USSR at the 669 Sukhumiterritorial electoral district

On 17 March of this year the referendum of the USSRand election of the people�s deputy at the 669 Sukhumi territorial electoral district was held.

Having checked the results, electoral commission informs the following:

In due course of referendum of the USSRthere were established 239 commissions and polling stations.� 318,317 citizens, authorized to vote, were included in the electoral roll.� 166,876 people got the ballot-papers, i.e. 52.4%.�166,544 people participated in voting, i.e. 52.3%.� The question brought up to a vote: �Do you consider necessary to reserve the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics as renewed federation of equal sovereign republics, where the rights and freedoms of all nationalities will be secured� got 164,231 �yes� votes, i.e. 98.6% of participating voters, and 1566� �no� votes, i.e. 0.95%. 747 ballots were declared invalid, i.e. 0.45% (ballots where the voters stroke out both of words � �yes� and �no�, or neither one)

In order to elect the People�s Deputy of the USSR from Sukhumi territorial district #669, 198 polling stations have been set up.� Ochamchire district didn�t participate in the election, as it doesn�t belong to the district # 669.� 257, 147 people were enrolled in the list of electors.� 126 086 electors got the ballots and 125 793 voted (48.9%).�120 155 voted in favour of the candidate Arshba (95.5%), another candidate, Murman Omanidze got 1 321 votes (i.e. 1.05%).

22 March 1991

(Newspaper �SovetskaiaAbkhazia�, # # 50-51, 22 March 1991)