Argentina - Record International Players (original) (raw)

Argentines in the Italian National Team

Last match included: Argentina-Colombia, 14 Jul 2024

Note that two matches (against Slovakia League XI on 22 Jun 1995 in Mendoza, won 6-0, and against Poland B League XI on 20 Jun 1996 in Tucum�n, won 2-0) are (again) included in the list of official matches (having been recognised as such by the Argentinian FA and FIFA, but (of course) not by the visitors).

Appearances for Argentina National Team

Name First/Last Caps Goals

Lionel Andr�s MESSI 2005-2024 * 187 109 Javier Alejandro MASCHERANO 2003-2018 * 147 3 �ngel Fabi�n DI MAR�A 2008-2024 * 145 31 Javier Adelmar ZANETTI 1994-2011 145 5 Nicol�s Hern�n OTAMENDI 2009-2024 * 117 6 Roberto Fabi�n AYALA 1994-2007 115 7 Diego Pablo SIMEONE 1988-2002 106 11 Sergio Leonel AG�ERO 2006-2021 * 101 42 Oscar Alfredo RUGGERI 1983-1994 97 7 Sergio Germ�n ROMERO 2009-2018 * 96 0 Diego Armando MARADONA 1977-1994 91 34 Ariel Arnaldo ORTEGA 1993-2010 87 17 Gabriel Omar BATISTUTA 1991-2002 78 56 Carlos Alberto T�VEZ 2004-2015 * 76 13 Gonzalo Gerardo HIGUA�N 2009-2018 * 75 32 Juan Pablo SOR�N 1995-2006 75 11 Am�rico Rub�n GALLEGO 1975-1982 73 3 Juan Sebasti�n VER�N 1996-2010 73 9 Gabriel Iv�n HEINZE 2003-2010 72 3 Daniel Alberto PASSARELLA 1976-1986 70 22 Rodrigo Javier DE PAUL 2018-2024 * 69 2 �ver BANEGA 2008-2018 * 65 6 Hern�n Jorge CRESPO 1995-2007 64 35 Lautaro Javier MART�NEZ 2018-2024 * 64 29 Leandro Daniel PAREDES 2017-2024 * 64 5 Nicol�s Alejandro TAGLIAFICO 2017-2024 * 63 1 Fernando Rub�n GAGO 2007-2017 * 61 0 Marcos Faustino ROJO 2011-2019 * 61 3 Alberto C�sar TARANTINI 1974-1982 61 1 Jorge Mario OLGUIN 1976-1982 60 0 Roberto N�stor SENSINI 1987-2000 60 0 Marcos Jacier ACU�A 2016-2024 * 59 1 Jorge Luis BURRUCHAGA 1983-1990 59 13 Lucas BIGLIA 2011-2018 * 58 1 Ubaldo Matildo FILLOL 1974-1985 58 0 Pablo ZABALETA 2005-2016 * 58 0 Giovani LO CELSO 2017-2024 * 57 3 Maximiliano Rub�n RODR�GUEZ 2003-2014 * 57 16 Walter Adri�n SAMUEL 1999-2010 57 4 Cristian Alberto GONZ�LEZ 1995-2005 56 10 Ren� Orlando HOUSEMAN 1973-1979 55 13 Claudio Javier L�PEZ 1995-2003 55 10 Osvaldo C�sar ARDILES 1975-1982 53 8 Ricardo Omar GIUSTI 1983-1990 53 0 Pablo C�sar AIMAR 1999-2009 52 8 Esteban Mat�as CAMBIASSO 2003-2011 * 52 4 Mart�n Gast�n DEMICHELIS 2005-2016 * 51 2 Ezequiel Iv�n LAVEZZI 2007-2016 * 51 9 Juan Rom�n RIQUELME 1997-2008 51 17 Claudio Paul CANIGGIA 1987-2002 50 16 Roberto Carlos ABBONDANZIERI 2004-2008 49 0 Nicol�s Andr�s BURDISSO 2003-2011 * 49 2 Miguel Angel BRINDISI 1969-1974 46 17 Leopoldo Jacinto LUQUE 1975-1981 45 22 Dami�n Emiliano MART�NEZ 2021-2024 * 45 0 Marcelo Daniel GALLARDO 1994-2003 44 14 Luis Oscar GONZ�LEZ 2003-2011 * 44 6 Sergio Javier GOYCOCHEA 1987-1994 44 0 Jos� SALOM�N 1940-1946 44 0 Jos� Antonio CHAMOT 1993-2002 43 2 Oreste Omar CORBATTA 1956-1962 43 18 Mario Alberto KEMPES 1973-1982 43 20 Nahuel MOLINA 2021-2024 * 43 1 Gabriel Alejandro MILITO 2000-2011 * 42 1 Antonio ROMA 1956-1967 42 0 Oscar Alfredo GARR� 1983-1988 41 0 Germ�n Alejo PEZZELLA 2017-2024 * 41 3 Federico VAIRO 1955-1958 41 1 Jos� Daniel VALENCIA 1975-1982 41 5 Mat�as Jes�s ALMEYDA 1996-2003 40 1 Javier Pedro SAVIOLA 2000-2007 40 11 Jos� Rafael ALBRECHT 1961-1969 39 3 Sergio Daniel BATISTA 1985-1990 39 0 Fabricio COLOCCINI 2003-2013 * 39 1 Nicol�s Iv�n GONZ�LEZ 2019-2024 * 39 5 Nelson VIVAS 1994-2003 39 1 Paulo Bruno DYBALA 2015-2023 * 38 3 Nery Alberto PUMPIDO 1983-1990 38 0 Abel Eduardo BALBO 1989-1998 37 11 Bleo Pedro FOURNOL "CALOMINO" 1912-1924 37 5 Juan H�ctor GUIDI 1956-1961 37 0 Angel Amadeo LABRUNA 1942-1958 37 17 Juan Francisco LOMBARDO 1952-1959 37 0 Oscar MAS 1965-1972 37 10 Roberto Alfredo PERFUMO 1966-1974 37 0 Am�rico Miguel TESORIERE 1919-1925 37 0 Juli�n �LVAREZ 2021-2024 * 36 9 Jos� Luis BROWN 1983-1990 36 1 Juan Domingo BROWN 1906-1916 36 2 Cristian Gabriel ROMERO 2021-2024 * 36 3 Germ�n Adri�n Ram�n BURGOS 1995-2002 35 0 Pedro Rodolfo DELLACHA 1953-1958 35 0 Rodolfo Jos� FISCHER 1967-1972 35 12 Enrique GARC�A 1935-1943 35 9 Antonio SASTRE 1933-1941 35 6 Ludovico BIDOGLIO 1921-1928 34 0 Luis Adolfo GALV�N 1975-1982 34 0 Jos� Manuel MORENO 1936-1950 34 19 Antonio Ubaldo RATTIN 1959-1969 34 1 Leonardo Rub�n ASTRADA 1991-1999 33 1 Juan Alberto BARBAS 1979-1985 33 0 Angel Segundo MEDICI 1922-1928 33 0 Federico FERN�NDEZ 2011-2014 * 32 2 Ezequiel GARAY 2007-2015 * 32 0 Gustavo Adri�n L�PEZ 1994-2003 32 4 Gonzalo Ariel MONTIEL 2019-2024 * 32 1 Rub�n Marino NAVARRO 1960-1963 32 0 Jos� Horacio BASUALDO 1989-1995 31 0 Ra�l Oscar BEL�N 1959-1963 31 9 Ricardo Daniel BERTONI 1974-1982 31 12 Alexis MAC ALLISTER 2019-2024 * 31 2 Norberto Doroteo M�NDEZ 1945-1956 31 19 Exequiel Alejandro PALACIOS 2018-2024 * 31 0 Angel Hugo BARGAS 1971-1974 30 1 Jorge Omar CARRASCOSA 1970-1977 30 1 Ram�n Armando HEREDIA 1971-1974 30 2 Luis Alberto ISLAS 1984-1994 30 0 Diego Alberto MILITO 2003-2010 30 4 Ermindo Angel ONEGA 1960-1967 30 11 Guido RODR�GUEZ 2017-2024 * 30 1 Sergio Fabi�n V�ZQUEZ 1991-1994 30 0

Note: * indicates the player is still active, at least at club level.

Goalscoring for Argentina National Team

Name First/Last Goals Lionel Andr�s MESSI 2005-2024 * 109 Gabriel Omar BATISTUTA 1991-2002 56 Sergio Leonel AG�ERO 2006-2021 * 42 Hern�n Jorge CRESPO 1995-2007 35 Diego Armando MARADONA 1977-1994 34 Gonzalo Gerardo HIGUA�N 2009-2018 * 32 �ngel Fabi�n DI MAR�A 2008-2024 * 31 Lautaro Javier MART�NEZ 2018-2024 * 29 Luis ARTIME 1961-1967 24 Leopoldo Jacinto LUQUE 1975-1981 22 Daniel Alberto PASSARELLA 1976-1986 22 Herminio MASANTONIO 1935-1942 21 Jos� Francisco SANFILIPPO 1956-1962 21 Mario Alberto KEMPES 1973-1982 20 Norberto Doroteo M�NDEZ 1945-1956 19 Jos� Manuel MORENO 1936-1950 19 Ren� Alejandro PONTONI 1942-1947 19 Oreste Omar CORBATTA 1956-1962 18 Domingo Alberto TARASCONI 1922-1929 18 Miguel Angel BRINDISI 1969-1974 17 Angel Amadeo LABRUNA 1942-1958 17 Ariel Arnaldo ORTEGA 1993-2003 17 Juan Rom�n RIQUELME 1997-2008 17 Claudio Paul CANIGGIA 1987-2002 16 Maximiliano Rub�n RODR�GUEZ 2003-2014 * 16 Rinaldo Fioramonte MARTINO 1942-1946 15 Marcelo Daniel GALLARDO 1994-2004 14 Jorge Luis BURRUCHAGA 1983-1990 13
Roberto Eugenio CHERRO 1926-1937 13 Rodolfo Jos� FISCHER 1967-1972 13 Ren� Orlando HOUSEMAN 1973-1979 13 Carlos Alberto T�VEZ 2004-2015 * 13 Antonio Valent�n ANGELILLO 1956-1957 12 Ricardo Daniel BERTONI 1974-1982 12 Humberto Dionisio MASCHIO 1956-1957 12 Carlos Desiderio PEUCELLE 1928-1940 12 Rub�n Hugo AYALA 1971-1974 11 Abel Eduardo BALBO 1989-1998 11 Manuel FERREIRA 1927-1930 11 Ermindo Angel ONEGA 1960-1967 11 Javier Pedro SAVIOLA 2000-2007 11 Diego Pablo SIMEONE 1988-2002 11 Juan Pablo SOR�N 1995-2006 11 H�ctor Rub�n SOSA 1959-1962 11 Ram�n Angel D�AZ 1979-1982 10 Cristian Alberto GONZ�LEZ 1995-2005 10 Claudio Javier L�PEZ 1995-2003 10 F�lix LOUSTAU 1945-1952 10 Oscar MAS 1965-1972 10 Rodolfo Joaqu�n MICHELI 1953-1956 10 Manuel SEOANE 1924-1929 10

Note: * indicates the player is still active, at least at club level.

About this document

Prepared and maintained by Roberto Mamrud for the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation

Author: Roberto Mamrud ( Last updated: 2 Sep 2024

(C) Copyright Roberto Mamrud and RSSSF 1998/2024
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the author. All rights reserved.