1000.00 OMNITOPOLOGY (original) (raw)

1005.22 Because the rooted vegetation cannot get from one place to another to procreate, all the insects, birds, and other creatures are given drives to cross-circulate amongst the vegetation; for instance, as the bee goes after honey, it inadvertently cross- pollinates and interfertilizes the vegetation. And all the mammals take on all the gases given off by the vegetation and convert them back to the gases essential for the vegetation. All this complex recirculatory system combined with, and utterly dependent upon, all the waters, rocks, soils, air, winds, Sun's radiation, and Earth's gravitational pull are what we have come to call ecology.
1005.40 Genetic Intercomplexity: DNA-RNA genetics programming is precessionally helical with only a net axial linear resultant. The atoms and molecules are all always polarized, and their total interprecessional effects often produce overall linear resultants such as the stem of a plant. All the genetic drives of all the creatures on our Earth all interact through chemistry, which, as with DNA-RNA, is linearly programmable as a code, all of which is characterized by sequence and intervals that altogether are realized at various morphologically symmetrical and closely intercomplementary levels of close proximity intercomplexity. On the scale of complexity of ecology, for instance, we observe spherically orbiting relay systems of local discontinuities as one takes the pattern of regenerativity from the other to produce an omniembracing, symmetrically interfunctioning, synergetic order. The basic nuclear symmetries and intertransformabilities of synergetics omniaccommodates the omnidirectional, omnifrequencied, precessional integrity.
1006.14 Human awareness is conceptually initiated by special-case otherness observability. Humans conceptualize, i.e., image-ize or image-in, i.e., bring-in, i.e., capture conceptually, i.e., in-dividualize, i.e., systemize by differentiating local integrities from _out_of the total, nonunitarily conceptualizable integrity of generalized Universe.
1007.15 In contradistinction to, and in complementation of, Eulerian topology, omnitopology deals with the generalized equatabilities of a priori generalized omnidirectional domains of vectorially articulated linear interrelationships, their vertexial interference loci, and consequent uniquely differentiated areal and volumetric domains, angles, frequencies, symmetries, asymmetries, polarizations, structural-pattern integrities, associative interbondabilities, intertransformabilities, and transformative-system limits, simplexes, complexes, nucleations, exportabilities, and omni-interaccommodations. (See Sec.905.16.)
1007.22 About 150 years ago Leonhard Euler opened up the great new field of mathematics that is topology. He discovered that all visual experiences could be treated as conceptual. (But he did not explain it in these words.) In topology, Euler says in effect, all visual experiences can be resolved into three unique and irreducible aspects: __ vertexes, faces, and edges (Secs.223.04 and1006.20) or, as unique dimensional abundances: __ points, areas, and lines (Sec.527.11) or, as structural identifications: __ joints, windows, and struts (Sec.986.053) or, as we say in synergetics topology: __ crossings, openings, and trajectories (Sec.524.30) or the more generalized: events, nonevents, and traceries or more refined as: __ fixes, discontinuities, and continuities or in most refined synergetics: events, novents, and even interrelatabilities (Sec.269.05).
Fig. 1007.30 1007.30 When you look at a tetrahedron from above, one of its vertexes looks like this: (See Fig. 1007.30)You see only three triangles, but there is a fourth underneath that is implicit as the base of the tetrahedron, with the Central vertex D being the apex of the tetrahedron. The crossing point (vertex-fix) in the middle only superficially appears to be in the same plane as ABC. The outer edges of the three triangles you see, ACD, CDB, ADB, are congruent with the hidden base triangle, ABC. Euler assumed the three triangles ACD, CDB, ADB to be absolutely congruent with triangle ABC. Looking at it from the bird's-eye view, unoperationally, Euler misassumed that there could be a nonexperienceable, no-thickness plane, though no such phenomenon can be experientially demonstrated. Putting three points on a piece of paper, interconnecting them, and saying that this "proves" that a no- thickness, nonexperiential planar triangle exists is operationally false. The paper has thickness; the points have thickness; the lines are atoms of lead strewn in linear piles upon the paper.
1007.31 You cannot have a something-nothingness, or a plane with no thickness. Any experimental event must have an insideness and an outsideness. Euler did not count on the fourth triangle: he thought he was dealing with a plane, and this is why he said that on a plane we have V + F = L + 1 . When Euler deals with polyhedra, he says "plus 2." In dealing with the false plane he says "plus 1." He left out "1" from the right-hand side of the polyhedral equation because he could only see three faces. Three points define a minimum polyhedral facet. The point where the triangles meet in the center is a polyhedral vertex; no matter how minimal the altitude of its apex may be, it can never be in the base plane. Planes as nondemonstrably defined by academic mathematicians have no insideness in which to get: ABCD is inherently a tetrahedron. Operationally the fourth point, D, is identified or fixed subsequent to the fixing of A, B, and C. The "laterness" of D involves a time lag within which the constant motion of all Universe will have so disturbed the atoms of paper on which A, B, and C had been fixed that no exquisite degree of measuring technique could demonstrate that A, B, C, and D are all in an exact, so-called flat-plane alignment demonstrating ABCD to be a zero-altitude, no-thickness-edged tetrahedron.

Copyright © 1997 Estate of R. Buckminster Fuller