1000.00 OMNITOPOLOGY (original) (raw)

1020.00 Compound Curvature: Chords and Arcs

1024.12 As one floating molecule is surrounded by six other floaters and the six are surrounded by 12, or the next perimeter of 18, pulling on one molecule distributes the pull to six, and the six distribute the pull to 12, and the 12 distribute the pull to 18, and therefore the original pull becomes proportionally reducible and the relative distance between the molecules varies from one surrounding hexagon to the next. This relative proximity brings about varying tension, which brings about varying density. Varying density, we learn in optics, brings about varying refraction of light frequency, ergo, of light as color, which accounts for the rainbow spectrum differentiating witnessed as sunlight strikes oil-covered waters. By passing light through clear plexiglass structural models, the structural strains as distributed throughout the plastic mass are visually witnessable by the red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet rainbow spectrum.
1024.19 Even as a child blows his bubble gum, the manufacturer of plastic film first extrudes plastic wire; in its most plastic state, its end is conically pierced centrally while a machine blows air into the pierced core (cone) of the wire, which then yields in its absolute geometrical orderliness of intermolecular and interatomic integrities so that the intruded gas stretches the progressively pulled-around and conically intruded wire into a thin, monometrically single-molecule thickness__or a plurality of molecular thicknesses directly and geometrically proportional to the pressure. As the gas is introduced through the apex of the piercer of the wire (like a micro-cratered cone with a compressed air "volcano" erupting from within it), it stretches the wire into a bubble expanding at 180 degrees from the gas-introducing point; the now transparently thin-skinned bubble is led into and flatteningly gathered between metal rolls, which progressively close to flatten the bubble into a cylinder form until the whole cylinder of thin film is cut, split, and finally opened up to a single film: the evenness of the bubble stretching has turned the skin of the cylinder into a single sheet. The consistency of the chemical aggregates that nature allows chemists to produce in various chemical situations provides varieties of thicknesses. Mylar polyester, for instance, is inelastic and permits no further yielding; it is not subject to secondary deformation __stretching__such as occurs with rubber. There eventually comes a limit of the orderly rearrangeability of the atomic and molecular structuring beyond which it will no longer flex and at which point it breaks, i.e., disconnects because exceeding its critical-proximity interattraction limits. The relative proximity of the atoms is far more exquisite than that of molecules.
1024.23 All humans, endowed at birth with a billion capabilities beyond the knowledge of the parents, evolve in ways that are an utter mystery to them. The exquisite, myriadly endowed child employs that mysterious endowment and intuitionally apprehends itself as inventor of ways of using the orderly laws of Universe to produce tools, substances, and service integrities, to communicate and allow humans to participate in Universe's ever-transforming evolutionary events in an as yet preposterously meager degree, which has given rise to a nature-permitted variety of little humans on tiny planet Earth each becoming Mr. Big, with a suddenly mistaken sense of power over environmental transformations__participation in which permitted him to feel himself as a manager of inventories of logistical multiplicity which, at the most ignorant level, manifests itself as politically assured mandates and political-world gambling = gamboling = ideological warfare = national sovereignties = morally rationalizing public = body politic = individual nations as United Nations.
1024.24 Stress-producing metaphysical gas stretches and strains nature to yield into social-evolution conformations such as the gas-filled plastic tube of Universe. There is an a priori universal law in the controlled complexity that tolerates man's pressurized nonsense, as nature permits each day's seemingly new Universe of semifamiliarities, semiwonders, and semimystery, what humans might think of as history unfolding on this little planet. There is the Game of Cosmic History, in which Universe goes on approximately unaware of human nonsense while accommodating its omnilocal game- playing. Flies have their game. Mosquitoes have their game. Microbes have their game. Lion cubs have their game. Whatever games they may be playing, positive or negative, realistic or make-believe, all the games are fail-safe, alternate circuits, omniconsequential to eternally regenerative Universe integrity. It's all permitted. It all belongs.
1024.25 Only humans play "Deceive yourself and you can fool the world"; or "I know what it's all about"; or "Life is just chemistry"; and "We humans invented and are running the world." Dogs play "Fetch it" to please their masters, not to deceive themselves. The most affectionate of dogs do not play "Burial of our dead"__"Chemistry is for real." Only humans play the game of game of masks and monuments. Fictional history. Historical architecture. Crabs walk sideways; but only human society keeps its eyes on the past as it backs into its future. Madison Avenue aesthetics and ethics. Comic strips and cartoons ... truth emergent, laughing at self-deception ... momentary, fleeting glimpses of the glory, inadvertently revealed through faithful accuracy of observation__lucid conceptioning__spoken of as the music of the stars, inadequate to the mystery of integrity ... All the poetry,. all the chemistry, all the stars,... are permitted transformations of all the eternal integrity. All the constants, gravitational constant, radiational constant, Planck's constant,... above all, mathematics, geometry, physics, are only manifests of the eternal mysteries, love, harmonic integrity beyond further words. The isotropic vector matrix yields to palm trees and jellyfish as a complex of mathematical integrities. As one will always be to one other. But no other: no one. Other is four. No four__but whereas one has no relations; two have only one interrelationship; three have three interrelationships; but four have a minimum of six relationships synergetics. No insideness without four. Without four, no womb: no birth: no life ... the dawning awareness of the integrity of Universe. For humanity the only permitted infallibly predictable is the eternal cosmic integrity.

1030.00 Omniequilibrium

1030.11 The sphere is a convex vector equilibrium, and the spaces between closest- packed uniradius spheres are the concave vector equilibria or, in their contractive form, the concave octahedra. In going contractively from vector equilibrium to equi-vector- edged tetrahedron (see Sec.460), we go from a volumetric 20-ness to a volumetric oneness, a twentyfold contraction. In the vector-equilibrium jitterbug, the axis does not rotate, but the equator does. On the other hand, if you hold the equator and rotate the axis, the system contracts. Twisting one end of the axis to rotate it terminates the jitterbug's 20-volume to 4-volume octahedral state contraction, whereafter the contraction momentum throws a torque in the system with a leverage force of 20 to 1. It contracts until it becomes a volume of one as a quadrivalent tetrahedron, that is, with the four edges of the tetrahedron congruent. Precessionally aided by other galaxies' mass-attractive tensional forces acting upon them to accelerate their axial, twist-and-torque-imposed contractions, this torque momentum may account for the way stars contract into dwarfs and pulsars, or for the way that galaxies pulsate or contract into the incredibly vast and dense, paradoxically named "black holes."
1031.13 As we have learned, there are only three prime structural systems of Universe: tetrahedron, octahedron, and icosahedron. When these are projected on to a sphere, they produce the spherical tetrahedron, the spherical octahedron, and the spherical icosahedron, all of whose corner angles are much larger than their chordal, flat-faceted, polyhedral counterpart corners. In all cases, the corners are isosceles triangles, and, in the even frequencies, the central triangles are equilateral, and are surrounded by further symmetrically balanced sets of positive and negative scalenes. The higher the frequency, the more the scalenes. But since the positive and negative scalenes always appear in equal abundance, they always cancel one another out as dynamically complementarily equilateral. This is all due to the fact that they are projections outwardly onto a sphere of the original tetrahedron, octahedron, or icosahedron, which as planar surfaces could be subdivided into high-frequency triangles without losing any of their fundamental similarity and symmetry.
1032.11 The spheres and spaces are rationally one-quantum-jump, volumetrically coordinate, as shown by the rhombic dodecahedron's sphere-and-space, and share _sixness_of volume in respect to the same nuclear sphere's own exact fiveness of volume (see Secs.985.07 and985.08), the morphological dissimilarity of which render them one-quantumly disequilibrious, i.e., asymmetrical phases of the vector equilibrium's complex of both alternate and coincident transformabilities. They are involutionally-evolutionally, inward- outward, twist-around, fold-up and unfold, multifrequencied pulsations of the vector equilibria. By virtue of these transformations and their accommodating volumetric involvement, the spheres and spaces are interchangeably intertransformative. For instance, each one can be either a convex or a concave asymmetry of the vector equilibrium, as the "jitterbug" has demonstrated (Sec.460). The vector equilibrium contracts from its maximum isotropic-vector-matrix radius in order to become a sphere. That is how it can be accommodated within the total isotropic-vector-matrix field of reference.
1032.21 The only instantaneity is eternity. All temporal (temporary) equilibrium life- time-space phenomena are sequential, complementary, and orderly disequilibrious intertransformations of space-nothingness to time-somethingness, and vice versa. Both space realizations and time realizations are always of orderly asymmetric degrees of discrete magnitudes. The hexagon is an instantaneous, eternal, simultaneous, planar section of equilibrium, wherein all the chords are vectors exactly equal to all the vector radii: six explosively disintegrative, compressively coiled, wavilinear vectors exactly and finitely contained by six chordal, tensively-coil-extended, wavilinear vectors of equal magnitude.

Copyright © 1997 Estate of R. Buckminster Fuller