Sant Kirpal Singh - His life and His mission - SANT KIRPAL SINGH - His life and mission (original) (raw)

Sant Kir­pal ­Singh Ji (1894 – 1974), a ­great ­Saint of ­the twen­ti­eth cen­tu­ry ­needs no in­tro­duc­tion
­for ­the ho­ly ­work He ­did ­for hu­man­i­ty through­out ­the ­world.

He ­taught ­the ­world ­over ­the vir­tues of for­bear­ance, pa­tience, for­give­ness
­and god­li­ness with ­deep rev­er­ence.

His teaching centred between God and man by developing man and serving
and reminded the human beings of the relationship between the two practically.

He taught us the basic necessities of truth eternal as man to man, but more practically as Father to son.
Wherever He did so, He looked loveable, compassionate, and very kind.
We could feel His pristine and illustrious beauty in our heart.