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Goal of the PALEOMAP Project The goal of the PALEOMAP Project is to illustrate the plate tectonic development of the ocean basins and continents, as well as the changing distribution of land and sea during the past 1100 million years. In the Earth History section of this website are full-color paleogeographic maps showing the ancient mountain ranges and shorelines, active plate boundaries, and the extent of paleoclimatic belts. NEW App for iPad/iPhone, "Ancient Earth: Breakup of Pangea". A Scalable, Rotatable, and Completely Interactive PaleoGlobe Animation. Download from the App Store or visit our website, (www.ancient-earth.com), or search for "ancient earth" at the (App Store) 3D movable Paleoglobes. Interactive 3D virtual object - globes that you and manipulate, rotate, and view from many angles. Times available: Modern Globe, Miocene (20 Ma), K/T boundary (65 Ma), Late Cretaceous (80 Ma), Early Cretaceous (120 Ma), Earliest Cretaceous (140 Ma), Pangea - earliest Jurassic (200 Ma), early Permian (280 Ma). 3D Paleogeographic Animations. A sample of the new 3D topographic and bathymetric models that can be visualized as stunning 3D globes. 3D Animations of the Latest Cretaceous, Cretaceous, Early Permian. and theMiddle Devonian.
Research & Scientific PublicationsTheResearch section of this website describes the current Research of the PALEOMAP Project. This Research includes: An Atlas of Plate Tectonic Reconstructions (back to 200 mya) with Antonio Schettino A set of 10 maps showing Plate Tectonics into the far future An animation of the Evolution of the North Pacific, with Warren Nokleberg, USGS and colleagues A Revised Set of Paleogeographic Maps (40 new maps back to 750 mya) A Global Database of Climatically Sensitive Lithofacies compiled by A. J. Boucot 4-dimensional globes, that spin and animate back through time For other Interesting Websites: Links
Teaching MaterialThe PALEOMAP Project publishes the results of its research in a variety of formats useful for teaching and research: Atlases & AnimationsAtlases & Animations showing the plate tectonic, paleogeographic, climatic, oceanographic, and biogeographic development of the earth during the last 1100 million years.

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