- Scots Language Centre (original) (raw)

Ulster Scots Week

Derry City an Strabane District Cooncil, alang wi uphaud fae the Agency for Ulster Scots, is awa tae haud a week tentie til Ulster Scots, baith spoken an wrutten, atween 25 an 29 November 2024. The cooncil wad like tae hear fae aw fowk or groups that’s versant in Scots whit …
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So Long, Wee Moon

The theatre company Braw Clan, that stertit in 2023, an haes as its ettle plays …

Dido an Aeneas Opera

The Scots Opera Project, foondit back in 2014 bi David Douglas, haes pit oot a puckle …

Scots in Education Conference 2023

In Partnership with Scottish Government, Scottish Qualifications Authority, Education Scotland and and Scots Hoose, the Scots Language Centre are delighted to host the 2023 Scots in Education Conference.
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The Jolly Beggars

The Scots Opera Project present a new version of Burns’ The Jolly Beggars, composed by Alan Fleming-Baird and performed by professional opera singers and a community chorus. The piece has been guided and advised by Creative Scotland's Scots Scriever Dr Michael Dempster. …
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Tannahill The Opera

The world premiere of the Scots Opera Project's "Tannahill" at the historic …

Young children explore their richts in Scots with new book

Children's Commissioner Nicola Killean has launched a new illustrated book, in Scots...

Wee Scran

Wee Scran is on Arbroath Road, Dundee an sells pieces an ither sma meat. Scran is anither word for ony kind o meat, whithe…

Da Wirld Geen Widdergaets

This ane wis seen at the Hoswick veesitor centre, in Shetland. The poyem is bi Stella Sutherland an is wrutten in the dial…

Braw in Embra

This ane wis taen in Embra ('Edinburgh') an shaws an eatery that sells braw scran. Braw is whit we say in Scots whan we re…

Cairds fae Shetland

A wheen o cairds wrutten in the dialect o Shetland that can be fund at the Hoswick veesitor centre. Photie taen bi Sarah …

Otters Aboot

This sign bides in Tresta, Shetland, an reads "Otters Aboot" sae at fowk kens tae caw cannie. The Soothron for a…

Beware o' 'e bairns

This wee sign bides in Thirsa, Caitnes ('Thurso, Caithness') an reads 'beware o' 'e bairns'. A bairn is a young body. Here…

Taps aff

This poster fae a weel kent drinks company wis seen in a tunnel jist aff the Coogate o Dundee. It jalouses the drinks wil…

Craigie's Stane

Craigie's Stane at Lerrick ('Lerwick') in Shetland, wi a bonnie sicht ower the watter. The Soothron for stane is "sto…

Brig o Stirlin

This hoose is by the auld brig o Stirlin ('Stirling') an haes ower its lintel the word brig follaed wi a Greek letter. A b…

Ferry Selkie

The Ferry Selkie haesna lang opent in Brochty Ferry ('Broughty Ferry') by Dundee. Brochty is affen kent as The Ferry jist.…