Pie_Julian_Apostate_Laws (original) (raw)
Edited by Rev. Daniel R. Jennings
The Emperor Constantine II and Julian-Caesar to Felix, Bishop.
Let all ecclesiastics be free from the imposition of taxes which are not due, and from the wickedness of unjust
exactions; for no agreement having reference to base employments shall be required of them; and while traders are
liable to certain contributions, all ecclesiastics shall be exempt from the noise and bustle incident to transactions of
this kind. For when they have accumulated anything, either through economy, foresight, or trade (if they know their
conduct to have been honorable), they are obliged to devote it to the relief of the poor and needy. Anything which
can be acquired or accumulated by the said ecclesiastics in factories or shops, they must consider to have been
obtained for the benefit of religion.
(1) The laws of the Divine Emperor, My Father, provide that their employees who are engaged with them in the same
occupation, shall also enjoy the same privileges as the clergy themselves.
(2) Hence the aforesaid persons shall be exempt from the necessity and the annoyance of extraordinary burdens.
(3) Nor shall they, or their property, be liable to contribution for traveling expenses.
(4) This privilege is granted to all ecclesiastics, so that their wives, children, and servants, both male and female, and
their sons and daughters, shall always remain exempt from impositions of this kind.
Given on the ninth of the Ides of December, during the Consulate of Constantine, Consul for the ninth time, and
Julian-Cæsar, Consul for the second time, 357.
(Codex Justinian, Bk. 1, Tit. 3.2, Concerning Bishops and Other Members of The Clergy, Superintendents of Orphan
Asylums, Of Hospitals and of Charitable Foundations, Monasteries of Ascetics and Monks and Their Privileges;
Castrense Peculium; The Redemption of Captives; and Forbidden or Permitted Marriages of Ecclesiastics.)
The Emperor Constantius and Julian-Cæsar to Thalassius, Prætorian Prefect.
If anyone, after renouncing the venerated Christian faith, should become a Jew, and join their sacrilegious
assemblies, We order that, after the accusation has been proved, his property shall be confiscated to the Treasury.
Given at Milan, on the fifth of the Nones of July, during the Consulate of Constantius, Consul for the ninth time, and
Julian-Cæsar, Consul for the second time, 357.
(Codex Justinian, Bk. 1, Tit. 7.1, Concerning Apostates.)