UFC 84 'Ill Will' Play-by-Play (original) (raw)

Sherdog.com reports from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas, Nev., with live play-by-play of UFC 84, which is headlined byB.J. Penn (Pictures) versus Sean Sherk (Pictures).

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Round 1
Carwin very aggressive with punches at the start. Huge right cross dropped Wellisch and he's out cold, forcing referee Yves Lavigne to step in. The punch forced Wellisch's mouthpiece to fly out. The official time of the KO was 0:44 of the first round.

Round 1
Kim enters to Korean heavy metal pacing in front of the South Korean flag. Tan followed to the Rolling Stones' "Start Me Up." The referee is Steve Mazzagatti. Kim opened with right hand that knocked Tan down. Tan grabbed a single-leg but ate a flurry of elbows that opened up a cut. Kim reversed Tan and briefly mounted him, landing more elbows. Kim lands several more vicious elbows and dominates from top position. Tan survives, but the round was all Kim, 10-8.

Round 2
Tan started the round with a right head kick that was blocked. Tan tried a single leg but was stuffed by Kim. Tan pinned Kim along the fence. Huge wizzer from Kim slams Tan down hard, giving Kim side control. Kim tried to pass but got stuck in half-guard, then butterfly-guard. After a hard time passing, Kim regained side-control and landed a few elbows. Both guys look tired late in the round. Kim got full mount but only for a few seconds as he was pulled into half again. Moments later, Tan was able to pull full-guard. Kim finished the round with a few decent right elbows and punches. 10-9 for Kim.

Round 3
Tan comes out throwing, but Kim uses a picturesque hip-throw to put Tan on his back. Kim lands several left elbows and Tan's eyes go blank. Tan comes out throwing, but Kim uses a picturesque hip-throw to put Tan on his back. Kim lands several left elbows and Tan's eyes go blank, prompting Mazzagatti to show mercy at 0:25 of the third.

Round 1
Yoshida enters to what appears to be Japanese gangster rap, while "War Machine" follows to reggae music. Both guys look fit and ready to go. Koppenhaver is the obvious crowd favorite. The two go toe-to-toe immediately. In a clinch, Yoshida tosses Koppenhaver with a perfect judo throw. During a scramble, war machine falls into a guillotine. Koppenhaver tries to defend but Yoshida has it too tight. Yoshida rolls him over and switches to an anaconda, putting "War Machine" to sleep. Herb dean pulls the Japanese fighter off Koppenhaver at the 0:56 mark of the opening period.

Round 1
Etim comes out to Phil Collins. Clementi follows to the Beastie Boys. The referee is Yves Lavigne. they feel each other out. Clementi gets a takedown, but does not advance his cause and the fighters are stood up. Etim lands a solid punch to knock Clementi down. Etim uses his reach to land several hard lefts. Clementi gets up. The round ends with the fighters exchanging punches. 10-9 for Clementi.

Round 2
The two square off and exchange blows. Etim lands a sneaky left hook but Clementi is unfazed. Clementi shoots in and battles for a double leg takedown. Etim pulls half-guard and applies a guillotine but it doesn't look deep. Clementi battles free and sweeps etim, landing in side-control. Not much happens and with 2:12 left, the referee stands them up. Etim pulls guard and sinks another guillotine. It looks deep but clementi again escapes. Clementi is stuck in Etim's guard and lands a few solid punches. The round ends with Clementi in Etim's guard. Close round but it goes to Etim, 10-9.

Round 3
Clementi scores a quick takedown and spends more than two minutes landing mostly ineffective blows from Etim's guard. The crowd boos until Lavigne stands them up with 1:17 remaining. Etim lands a knee to the head, but Clementi scores another takedown and maintains position until time expires. Sherdog.com scores it 10-9 (29-28) for Clementi. All three judges agree and award the unanimous decision to Rich Clementi.

Round 1
Sokoudjou lands a hard right leg kick early. Sokoudjou lands two hard leg kicks followed by a stiff kick to Nakamura's ribs. Nakamura's misses badly with two loopy overhand rights. Lots of posturing and sizing up from both men. Nakamura is looking for a takedown but he can't time his shot. Very little action and now the crowd is restless and booing. Both miss punches late. With mere seconds left, Sokoudjou lands a powerful right kick to the body and straight right to Nakamura's head and floors him. Sokoudjou charges after him and lands three punches but the round ends. Nakamura was brought to his corner but was out. Referee Steve Mazzagatti stops the fight. Sokoudjou calls out "Shogun" Rua in the cage after his win.

Round 1
Palhares gets a powerful body-lock takedown and soon gains mount. Salaverry gives up his back and fights off the choke for more than a minute. He attempts to break free, but Palhares transitions to a beautiful arm bar. Salaverry taps at 2:36 of the first.

Round 1
Mendes is all over Silva early with a head kick that drops him to the canvas. Silva recovers and goes to the clinch and finds himself in the top position on the floor after Mendes slips while trying to execute a judo throw. Silva smoothly moves to mount, where he hits the head with both hands. Silva pounds away until Mendes taps from the punishment. The official time is 2:24 of the first.

Round 1
Lyoto chops lazily at Tito's lead leg with low kicks. The pace is slow through the first minute. Ortiz's first shot is easily stuffed from long range. Machida stays away and and throws a front kick that misses the chest. The crowd grows restless as Machida uses footwork to circle away from his opponent. Lyoto lands a switch kick and slams Ortiz to the floor. He hops into side-control and bombs away as time expires.

TJ De Santis scores the round: 10-9 Machida
Jordan Breen scores the round: 10-9 Machida
Mike Fridley scores the round: 10-9 Machida

Round 2
Machida scores with a kick to the body and a straight left. The Brazilian glides away from Ortiz as he rushes forward to strike. Lyoto continues to land with a low kick as he keeps a safe distance from Ortiz. Tito shoots and ends up pulling guard, but he is able to do nothing with it.

TJ De Santis scores the round: 10-9 Machida
Jordan Breen scores the round: 10-9 Machida
Mike Fridley scores the round: 10-9 Machida

Round 3
In what has been the best action thus far in the bout, referee Yves Lavigne slips and falls as the third frame begins. Ortiz is sporting a small cut over his right eye. Ortiz comes close to scoring a single-leg, but Machida's takedown defense remains stellar. The fighters trade punches from the clinch with Ortiz getting the best of the exchange. Lavigne separates the fighters with 1:40 remaining in the bout. Machida lands a solid knee to the liver that collapses Ortiz to the canvas. Machida pounces but he can't put Ortiz away. Ortiz rallies and nearly puts Machida way with a triangle-armbar transition. Machida survives and holds on.

TJ De Santis scores the round: 10-9 (30-27) Machida
Jordan Breen scores the round: 10-9 (30-27) Machida
Mike Fridley scores the round: 10-9 (30-27) Machida

All three official judges agree with scores of 30-27 for Lyoto Machida.

After the decision is announced, Ortiz walks towards White; points and appears to direct some verbal malice his way. He waits to be interviewed, but is respectful to the fans and the UFC on the mic.

Round 1
Reljic attacks the legs with kicks and lands a straight left. A left legged body kick rocks Gouveia's frame. Reljic, a southpaw, works all levels with kicks to the legs, body and head. Just when it looked as if Reljic was taking over, Gouveia scored with a hard right to the body and some follow punches. Reljic pulled guard to bide recovery time and the strategy works as time expires.

TJ De Santis scores the round: 10-9 Reljic
Jordan Breen scores the round: 10-9 Reljic
Mike Fridley scores the round: 10-9 Reljic

Round 2
Gouveia lands a hard right and left that drops Reljic to the floor. Gouveia, from the top position in half-guard, hits the body and head with his right hand. The fighters stand and Gouveia is knocked down by a left to the temple. Gouveia covers up and is beat on until referee Herb Dean halts the fight at 3:15 of the second.

Round 1
Wandelei counters a kick with a right hand that hurts Jardine. Silva pounces and destroys the fallen fighter with right hands. Jardine is knocked stiff, starring into space. He remains motionless as the time of 0:36 is announced. Vintage Silva. Sherdog.com's Brad McCray reports that Jardine sat up four minutes later. He got to a stool at 8:40 local time.

Round 1
Sherk is stuffed on a single-leg at the opening bell. Penn fires his right hand straight down the pipe and lands. Sherk connects with a left hand that snaps Penn's head backwards. The fighters trade jabs in the center of the Octagon. A one-two from the champion buckles Sherk's legs but he recovers quickly. The combo opened a small cut on the right side of Sherk's nose, near the eye. Penn scores with a right hand lead and a follow up jab. Penn continues to jab with his right hand down.

TJ De Santis scores the round: 10-9 Penn
Jordan Breen scores the round: 10-9 Penn
Mike Fridley scores the round: 10-9 Penn

Round 2
Sherk lands a low kick after both fighters score in a punching exchange. Penn answers with a stiff body shot and an uppercut. The pace slows briefly but picks back up with Penn landing an uppercut on the inside. Sherk is hanging right in there with short, quick flurries, but he is starting to show signs of damage from the jabs that Penn continues to land. A left hook from Penn finds its target after he stuffs a single-leg attempt from Sherk.

TJ De Santis scores the round: 10-9 Penn
Jordan Breen scores the round: 10-9 Penn
Mike Fridley scores the round: 10-9 Penn

Round 3
Jabs land for both fighters in the center of the cage. Sherk, bleeding under both eyes, has no answer for Penn's jab and straight right through 12 minutes of action. Penn picks it up a little bit with a right kick to the thigh of the challenger and two rights on the mouth. Penn is shaking his right hand like it's hurt, but he continues to throw it. Penn explodes into a flying knee that stops Sherk. He pounces with punches until the horn sounds to end the round.

TJ De Santis scores the round: 10-9 Penn
Jordan Breen scores the round: 10-8 Penn
Mike Fridley scores the round: 10-8 Penn

B.J. tells the referee than Sherk is done and Mario Yamasaki agrees. Penn retains at 5:00 of the third.