Global Warming Links (original) (raw)
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- 2024 SkS Weekly Climate Change & Global Warming News Roundup #52
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- Sabin 33 #8 - Will solar development destroy jobs?
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- 2024 SkS Weekly Climate Change & Global Warming News Roundup #51
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- Stop emissions, stop warming: A climate reality check
- Sabin 33 #7 - Are solar projects hurting farmers and rural communities?
Global Warming Links, sorted by argument
Sort by argument | Peer-Review | Last week | Last month
Number of pro-AGW links are indicated in green, skeptic links in red.
It's not happening (97,28)
- **Scientists falsified data (**12,59)
* Phil Jones hid flaws in UHI study (5,1)
* Chinese station data is missing (1,3)
* NASA emails show corruption (2,1)
* New Zealand data was fudged (5,8)
* Australian BOM Data Fudged (0,1)
* Darwin temperature adjustments (6,4)
* CRU lost temperature data (3,6)
* NASA blew up their own satellite (2,2)
* Mid-century cooling was rewritten (0,3)
* Ben Santer rewrote the 1995 IPCC report (1,5)
* Scientists withheld data (0,3) - **Temp record is unreliable (**39,367)
* Hockey stick is broken (38,241)
* Briffa's hockey stick was broken (5,14)
* Tiljander was flipped upside down (3,3)
* Tree-rings diverge from temperature after 1960 (4,15)
* Temperature proxies are unreliable (5,11)
* Russian Kola data refutes hockey stick (0,1)
* McShane and Walters debunk the hockey stick (7,2)
* Ljungqvist broke the hockey stick (1,1)
* Principal components disprove hockey stick (0,0)
* Marcott's hockey stick is broken (0,2)
* Dropped stations introduce warming bias (16,18)
* NASA exclude Arctic stations (0,1)
* Russian data was not included (1,3)
* It's Urban Heat Island effect (23,182)
* Spencer finds less warming in US than CRU (0,1)
* Airports inflate warming trend (3,0)
* Global temperature does not exist (4,14)
* Regional climate change is more important than global temperature change (1,1)
* 1934 - hottest year on record (26,159)
* It's microsite influences (5,32)
* NASA GISS adjustments introduce warming bias (2,7)
* IPR restriction invalidate climate research (2,1)
* Increase in temperature is less than instrument error (0,0)
* Mercury thermometers can't measure within tenths of a degree (0,1)
* 3 of 4 temperature datasets are interdependent (17,3)
* There's not enough weather stations (0,3)
* Satellite error inflated Great Lakes temperatures (1,4)
* Satellite temperature measurements are degrading (0,3)
* Thermometer measurements are uncertain (0,3)
* Satellite record is more reliable than thermometers (1,0) - **It's cooling (**63,483)
* We're heading into an ice age (21,276)
* Solar cycle 24 will stop global warming (3,17)
* Without CO2 emissions, we'd be in an ice age (1,3)
* It's freaking cold! (11,223)
* It snowed somewhere (3,21)
* 2009-2010 winter saw record cold spells (23,15)
* Record snowfall disproves global warming (27,11)
* Record high snow cover was set in winter 2008/2009 (7,5)
* Oceans are cooling (57,111)
* It hasn't warmed since 1998 (30,313)
* The southern hemisphere hasn't warmed as much (7,19)
* Phil Jones says no global warming since 1995 (10,25)
* Radiative imbalance is negative (7,2)
* Global warming stopped in1998,1995,2002,2007,2010, ???? (13,87)
* BEST hides the decline in global temperature (1,0)
* No warming in 16 years (1,5)
* DMI show cooling Arctic (1,4)
* We're heading into cooling (4,9)
* There's been statistically-significant cooling since 2001 (1,5)
* Global warming has stopped so can't be causing Arctic warming (2,1) - **Ice isn't melting (**18,7)
* Antarctica is gaining ice (58,253)
* Antarctica is cooling (12,18)
* Antarctica is too cold to lose ice (4,1)
* Antarctic ice melt is falling (5,1)
* Glaciers are growing (174,84)
* Greenland is gaining ice (54,65)
* Ice Sheet losses are overestimated (5,10)
* Greenland has lost ice before (1,2)
* Greenland ice loss is slowing down (17,0)
* Antarctica snowfall hasn't risen (4,3)
* Arctic icemelt is a natural cycle (29,154)
* Arctic sea ice has recovered (71,39)
* Arctic sea ice loss is matched by Antarctic sea ice gain (14,14)
* Arctic sea ice loss in the 1940s was similar to today's (1,0)
* Arctic sea ice extent was lower in the past (1,2)
* Wind is causing Arctic sea ice loss (4,6)
* North Pole has been ice free before (0,1)
* Arctic ice melt is caused by underwater volcanoes (6,1)
* Northwest passage has been navigated in the past (1,0)
* Arctic Storm Caused the 2012 Record Sea Ice Minimum (1,0)
* Global sea ice is increasing (12,2)
* Southern sea ice is increasing (14,2) - **Climategate CRU emails suggest conspiracy (**54,193)
* Trenberth can't account for the lack of warming (3,15)
* Scientists tried to 'hide the decline' in global temperature (7,37)
* Freedom of Information (FOI) requests were ignored (6,10)
* Peer review process was corrupted (5,34)
* Climate science peer review is pal review (1,0)
* Climategate was whitewashed (4,45)
* Oxburgh's trick to hide the trick (0,5)
* Muir Russell lied about deleted emails (0,1)
* CRU tampered with temperature data (2,15)
* Skeptics were kept out of the IPCC? (2,7)
* Principal source of predictions is CRU (0,0) - **Sea level rise is exaggerated (**30,194)
* Pacific Islands are not drowning (3,8)
* Pacific Islanders aren't evacuating due to rising sea levels (2,6)
* Maldives is not sinking (2,9)
* Bangladesh sea levels aren't rising (2,2)
* Arctic sea level is falling (2,1)
* Sea level was high 81,000 years ago in Mallorca (1,0)
* New Zealand sea level rise is not accelerating (1,1)
* Sea level rise is decelerating (14,23)
* Sea level fell in 2010 (1,2)
* Sea level is not rising (10,8)
* New data sets on sea levels not rising (1,2)
* Scientists admitted faking sea level rise (0,1)
* Tuvalu sea level isn't rising (11,7) - **There is no consensus (**45,511)
* IPCC is alarmist (14,144)
* IPCC were wrong about Dutch sea levels (1,2)
* IPCC were wrong about Himalayan glaciers (37,35)
* Himalayan glaciers are not shrinking (1,0)
* IPCC overstated link to extreme storms (7,2)
* IPCC were wrong about Amazon rainforests (54,9)
* IPCC exagerated African agriculture impact (3,6)
* IPCC overestimate temperature rise (12,28)
* Monckton shows the IPCC overestimated warming (1,0)
* Pachauri labelled Himalayagate as 'voodoo science' (1,2)
* IPCC were wrong about Antarctic sea ice (0,3)
* IPCC ‘disappeared’ the Medieval Warm Period (1,21)
* 1/3 of IPCC is not peer-reviewed (19,8)
* The IPCC consensus is phoney (4,15)
* IPCC relied on one solar physicist (0,1)
* IAC review of IPCC is devastating (0,2)
* IPCC overpredicts CO2 rise (0,4)
* UN predicted 50 million climate refugees (0,5)
* Uncertainties have been underestimated (1,2)
* IPCC graph showing accelerating trends is misleading (1,2)
* 28% of IPCC arguments are incorrect (2,2)
* IPCC edited out natural causes of climate change (1,0)
* IPCC admit they got it wrong (0,3)
* IPCC admits global warming has paused (1,0)
* IPCC human-caused global warming attribution confidence is unfounded (2,0)
* IPCC global warming projections were wrong (1,0)
* Al Gore got it wrong (6,252)
* Al Gore is a hypocrite (2,70)
* Al Gore overestimated sea level rise by factor of 100 (0,5)
* Less than half of published scientists endorse global warming (1,25)
* 500 scientists refute the consensus (11,14)
* APS reversed its stance on climate change (2,3)
* Naomi Oreskes' study on consensus was flawed (4,14)
* The science isn't settled (10,60)
* Proponents don't attempt to falsify AGW (1,3)
* AGW is an argument from authority (0,6)
* Mainsream Media is biased against climate skepticism (0,3)
* It's not 100% certain (0,12)
* Statistics makes science like a crapshoot (2,6)
* AGW advocates wont debate with skeptics (0,5)
* They changed the name from 'global warming' to 'climate change' (9,34)
* 900+ peer reviewed papers are skeptical of AGW (14,7)
* The Science Is Not Settled (1,29)
* Over 31,000 scientists signed the OISM Petition Project (9,16)
* Institute of Physics doesn't support AGW (9,0)
* Climate 'Skeptics' are like Galileo (4,14)
* PNAS study publishes black list of skeptics (0,10)
* Royal Society embraces skepticism (1,4)
* The 97% of Scientists is a small sample (0,3)
* US Senate Minority Report Debunks Concensus (3,1)
* Consensus is not science (1,5)
* Calling skeptics 'deniers' is equating them to Holocaust deniers (0,3)
* The consensus is crumbling (0,5)
* The 97% consensus on human-caused global warming is a robust result (4,0)
* 97% consensus on human-caused global warming has been disproven (2,1)
* Cook et al consensus study is flawed (0,21)
* Less than 1% of papers agree with consensus (0,12)
* 67% of 12,000 papers have no position on AGW (1,3)
* Deniers are part of the 97% (1,9)
* Many authors claim misrepresentation (0,6)
* Cook didn't release his data (0,1)
* Cook et al paper was a PR exercise (0,4)
* Self-raters are not representative sample (0,1)
* Cook et al used an unquantified definition of consensus (0,8)
* Classification asymmetry biased against rejection papers (0,1)
* Cook et al search parameters were too restrictive (0,4)
* AMS survey found 52% consensus (0,0) - **Climate scientists are in it for the money (**8,165)
* It's all a socialist plot (3,18)
* Global warming is money motivated (10,40)
* Climate scientists are manipulated by funding threats and promises (8,16)
* AGW science has been polticized (4,27)
* It's an anti-capitalist political myth (3,30)
* It's environmentalist propaganda (2,3)
* It's a plot to set up a one world government (2,21)
* Nazis invented global warming (0,5)
* Grants are awarded to consensus scientists (0,14) - **Deserts are retreating (**13,21)
- **Springs aren't advancing (**33,3)
- **Global warming theory isn't falsifiable (**2,11)
- **AGW is religion (**1,66)
- **Global warming does not cause volcanic eruptions (**4,0)
- **Melting ice isn't warming the Arctic (**11,1)
- **The stratosphere isn't cooling as predicted (**11,0)
- **Hurricane activity was low in 2010 (**0,5)
- **Opinion polls suggest the public don't believe in Global Warming (**0,18)
- **Global warming is a hoax (**2,1)
- **IPCC needs improvement (**0,23)
- **European heat wave exaggerated (**0,0)
- **Scientists falsified data (**12,59)
It's not us (42,41)
- **There's no empirical evidence (**18,106)
* AGW is an argument from ignorance (7,4)
* Warm nights are due to urbanisation (0,1)
* Any warming will increase downward radiation (4,1)
* Many forcings could explain stratospheric cooling (6,2) - **Increasing CO2 has little to no effect (**54,109)
* CO2 is just a trace gas (18,38)
* Outgoing longwave radiation hasn't changed (6,1)
* CO2 has a short residence time (30,17)
* CO2 effect is saturated (21,35)
* Postma disproved the greenhouse effect (2,0)
* Greenhouse effect has been falsified (26,37)
* Moon is warmer than expected (1,4)
* Robert Wood 1908 experiment disproved greenhouse effect (1,0)
* CO2 is heavier than air (2,5)
* 2nd law of thermodynamics contradicts greenhouse theory (20,11)
* CO2 cools as well as heats (3,6)
* CO2 cools according to adiabatic theory (4,0)
* CO2 effect is logarithmic (2,7)
* Venus doesn't have a runaway greenhouse effect (4,3)
* CO2 only causes 35% of global warming (2,1)
* LWIR back radiation does not heat the oceans but causes evaporation and cooling (0,0)
* Removing all CO2 would make little difference (1,1)
* Water vapor masks CO2 effect (4,3)
* CO2 is invisible, odourless, weightless, tasteless (0,3) - **Climate's changed before (**39,587)
* Medieval Warm Period was warmer (61,116)
* Boreholes show strong Medieval Warm Period (5,6)
* Was Greenland really green in the past? (3,121)
* Greenland was warmer in 1940 (1,32)
* We're coming out of the Little Ice Age (3,110)
* We're coming out of an ice age (0,10)
* Sea level has been rising for millennia (0,2)
* Central England warmed more in the 18th century (0,4)
* Akasofu Proved Global Warming is Just a Recovery from the Little Ice Age (1,0)
* CO2 was higher in the past (10,86)
* CO2 levels were high during Snowball Earth (13,1)
* CO2 was higher in the 1800s (6,2)
* CO2 was higher in the late Ordovician (3,3)
* Plant stomata show higher and more variable CO2 levels (23,4)
* Glaciers have been receding since the 1800's (9,37)
* Glacier melt is natural (10,8)
* Lake Chad has emptied before (1,35)
* Arctic was warmer in 1940 (7,23)
* It's a 1500 year cycle (9,151)
* It's a climate regime shift (3,22)
* It's a climate shift step function caused by natural cycles (2,4)
* Wine grew in England in Roman times (3,6)
* It's a natural cycle (29,44)
* It's internal variability (3,5)
* It's natural variability (5,18)
* Loehle and Scafetta find a 60 year cycle causing global warming (1,1)
* Holocene Optimum was warmer (2,3)
* Holistic Management can reverse Climate Change (0,0)
* Global temperatures have risen as fast in the past (3,7)
* Thomas Jefferson wrote about warming winters (0,1)
* It was warmer in the Roman Warm Period (3,9)
* It warmed just as fast in 1860-1880 and 1910-1940 (2,10)
* Most of the last 10,000 years were warmer (3,10)
* Droughts and floods have happened before (3,5)
* Earth was warmer in past interglacials (2,4)
* The Earth warmed 11 degrees in the last 10,000 years (0,1)
* Humans survived past climate changes (1,0)
* Heatwaves have happened before (1,1)
* Bushfires have happened in the past (0,0) - **There's no correlation between CO2 and temperature (**15,97)
* Polynomial cointegration refutes AGW (1,1)
* It cooled mid-century (8,98)
* CO2 lags temperature (23,281)
* Deglaciations ended while CO2 was rising (2,0)
* Warming causes CO2 rise (3,4)
* CO2 increase is natural, not human-caused (1,7)
* It warmed before 1940 when CO2 was low (7,94)
* Temperature has fallen while CO2 was rising (1,4)
* Constructal Law disproves global warming (0,1)
* We didn't have global warming during the Industrial Revolution (1,1)
* Soares finds lack of correlation between CO2 and temperature (10,2)
* An exponential increase in CO2 will result in a linear increase in temperature (3,6) - **It's the sun (**55,647)
* It's cosmic rays (43,204)
* It's cosmic-ray-driven ozone depletion (2,1)
* CERN CLOUD experiment proved cosmic rays are causing global warming (1,9)
* Solar Cycle Length proves its the sun (14,23)
* It's SSCs (0,1)
* The sun is getting hotter (2,7)
* Water levels correlate with sunspots (1,7)
* Solar cycles cause global warming (4,15)
* It's the solar system (0,11)
* It's planetary movements (1,5)
* Ultraviolet light increased since 1979 (1,1)
* Solar flare index and temperature are linked (2,1)
* Low solar activity causes cold European winters (0,2)
* IPCC's AR5 admitted it's the sun (0,0)
* A grand solar minimum could trigger another ice age (1,0) - **Other planets are warming (**8,116)
* Neptune is warming (2,47)
* Mars is warming (11,163)
* Mars is colder despite all the CO2 (6,2)
* Jupiter is warming (4,45)
* Triton is warming (1,27)
* Saturn is warming (0,8)
* Pluto is warming (3,38)
* Encaladus is warming (1,2)
* Iapetus is warming (0,1)
* Venus is hot due to internal heating (2,3)
* Methane on Mars disproves AGW on Earth (0,0)
* Venus is hot from a collision (1,0) - **It's the ocean (**8,49)
* It's El Niño (13,34)
* McLean's reply to Foster 2010 was censored (8,2)
* It's ocean salinity (0,7)
* It's the gulf stream (1,2)
* It's Pacific Decadal Oscillation (8,59)
* It's Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) (4,4) - **CO2 is not the only driver of climate (**11,25)
* It's clouds (9,38)
* It's soot (5,25)
* It's the earth's orbit (1,5)
* It's Milankovitch cycles (8,25)
* The earth’s orbit is decaying (0,1)
* It's dust (4,2)
* It's aerosols (14,28)
* A drop in volcanic activity caused warming (3,4)
* Aerosols should mean more warming in the south (6,1)
* It's ozone (2,3)
* It's methane (4,15)
* Animal agriculture and eating meat are the biggest causes of global warming (1,0)
* Veganism is the best way to reduce carbon emissions (1,0)
* It's magnetic poles (0,10)
* Magnetic Polar Shifts Cause Global Superstorms (0,1)
* It's ice crystals (2,3)
* It's the Milky Way (1,4)
* It's land use (17,19)
* It's forests (0,1)
* It's geothermal (2,2)
* It's albedo (7,8)
* It's God (1,2)
* God won't allow it. (0,0)
* It's magma (0,2)
* Underground temperatures control climate (1,1)
* It's Internal Radiative Forcing (6,8)
* It's satellite microwave transmissions (1,1)
* It's the moon (0,2)
* It's wind (1,2)
* It's waste heat (7,5)
* It's overpopulation (2,0)
* It's CFCs (1,3)
* Water vapor is the most powerful greenhouse gas (16,136)
* Water vapor in the stratosphere stopped global warming (2,5)
* It's heat from combustion (0,0)
* It's latent heat flux from increased plant water use efficiency (1,0)
* It's gravity (0,3)
* It's interstellar dust (1,0)
* It's Nibiru/Planet X (0,2)
* It's global brightening (17,5)
* It's something we haven't thought of (0,0)
* Gravity causes global warming (0,2)
* Kudzu causes global warming (0,1) - **Humans are too insignificant to affect global climate (**10,24)
* Human CO2 is a tiny % of CO2 emissions (34,128)
* It's bushfires (1,0)
* It's earthquakes (0,0)
* It's bacteria (0,2)
* CO2 is coming from the ocean (20,6)
* Hemispheric timing show oceans are source of CO2 (1,2)
* Volcanoes emit more CO2 than humans (19,37)
* Underwater volcanoes are warming the oceans (2,0)
* Ocean acidification is caused by underwater volcanoes (15,2)
* Mt Pinatubo eruption emitted more CO2 than all human CO2 emissions in history (0,1)
* CO2 emissions do not correlate with CO2 concentration (5,3)
* Breathing contributes to CO2 buildup (4,8)
* Murry Salby finds CO2 rise is natural (5,8)
* CO2 is not increasing (31,4)
* CO2 measurements are suspect (14,31)
* Mauna Loa is a volcano (6,3)
* Ice core CO2 measurements are uncertain (17,9)
* CO2 trajectory is uncertain (2,1)
* Carbon cycle uncertainty is high (9,7)
* Carbon isotope ratios are inaccurate (0,1) - **Models are unreliable (**37,445)
* Climate is chaotic and cannot be predicted (4,16)
* The upper troposphere is drier than the models had predicted (0,1)
* Ice age predicted in the 70s (36,281)
* Scientists can't even predict weather (8,61)
* Aerosols provide too much uncertainty (4,10)
* Models exagerate projected temperature rise (6,15)
* There's no tropospheric hot spot (18,68)
* Satellites show no warming in the troposphere (19,80)
* Weather balloons show tropospheric cooling (12,5)
* The upper troposphere should warm 2 to 3 times faster than the surface (0,4)
* Ozone theory is uncertain (0,2)
* Increasing snowfall in Northern Hemisphere invalidates models (8,5)
* Hansen's 1988 prediction was wrong (11,21)
* Hansen predicted the West Side Highway would be underwater (1,1)
* Errors in model projections accumulate over time (1,2)
* Clouds provide too much uncertainty (6,16)
* Global warming is based on modelling (2,44)
* Computer code isn't included in peer-review process (0,0)
* There's too much uncertainty (3,9)
* Models are rigged to produce desired results (5,9)
* Finite-difference solving method don't work with a grid this large (0,0)
* UAH atmospheric temperatures prove climate models and/or surface temperature data sets are wrong (1,1) - **Extreme weather isn't caused by global warming (**83,100)
* Hurricanes aren't linked to global warming (43,206)
* Global warming doesn't affect tropical cyclones (46,6)
* AGW doesn't increase hurricane intensity or frequency (0,1)
* The 2003 heat wave was not caused by global warming (4,0)
* Drought is not caused by global warming (23,6)
* Pakistan flood was nothing special (0,3)
* One-in-1,000-year events happen all the time (0,0)
* Linking extreme weather to AGW is political opportunism (3,2)
* There's no link between global warming and extreme weather (0,1)
* 2010 Russian heatwave (1,1)
* The connection between Hurricane Sandy and global warming (1,0)
* Climate change isn't increasing extreme weather damage costs (2,0) - **Sea level rise preceded temperature rise in the past (**2,6)
- **Wildfires are not caused by global warming (**17,18)
- **Diurnal Temperature Range is not decreasing (**44,2)
- **Mt. Kilimanjaro's ice loss is due to land use (**3,82)
- **It's geomagnetic activity (**0,5)
- **It's the clearing stratosphere (**0,2)
- **Hot Water Bottle Effect regulates temperature (**0,1)
- **It's wobble theory (**0,1)
- **Magnetic polar shift correlates to climate change (**0,2)
- **It's nuclear bombs (**0,0)
- **Nuclear testing is causing global warming (**1,0)
- **It's insects (**0,1)
- **There's no empirical evidence (**18,106)
It's not bad (421,260)
- **Climate sensitivity is low (**94,180)
* Earth hasn't warmed as much as expected (5,24)
* Infrared Iris will reduce global warming (14,21)
* Negative feedbacks will stabilise climate (32,69)
* Growing forests can offset our CO2 emissions (2,1)
* Planting a trillion trees will solve global warming (1,0)
* Natural weathering will remove excess CO2 (2,2)
* Early Faint Sun Paradox proves negative feedback (3,3)
* Extra plant transpiration-cooling negates CO2 warming (5,0)
* Thunderstorms regulate Earth's temperature (0,1)
* Negative feedback from vegetation will cancel out global warming (77,2)
* Carbon cycle amplification less than thought (26,5)
* Ferenc Miskolczi proved that CO2 cannot cause runaway climate change (7,2)
* Soil microbes provide negative feedback (73,3)
* Permafrost feedback won't happen (3,2)
* Lindzen and Choi find low climate sensitivity (16,19)
* Monckton finds low climate sensitivity (5,3)
* Chylek finds low climate sensitivity (2,2)
* We don't need to cut CO2 emissions (11,1)
* Positive feedback means runaway warming (2,6)
* Humidity is falling (31,11)
* Clouds provide negative feedback (12,29)
* Warming in pipeline is small (4,3)
* Non-CO2 forcings have higher efficacy (1,2)
* Spectroscopic study finds low climate sensitivity (0,2)
* Water vapour levels have fallen since the 1950s hence water vapour does not increase with temperature (16,2)
* Roy Spencer finds negative feedback (17,16)
* Schmittner finds low climate sensitivity (1,6)
* Tropical thermostat limits sea surface temperature to 30°C (1,0)
* No long tail means climate sensitivity is low (1,0) - **Animals and plants can adapt (**240,32)
* Mosquito migration is unrelated to global warming (4,14)
* Polar bear numbers are increasing (35,113)
* Extinctions have always happened and are natural (70,1)
* Warming will bring more species diversity (144,1)
* Global warming is actually good for rainforests (53,1) - **There's no such thing as an ideal climate (**3,22)
* Earth was warmer for most of its history (0,5) - **Greenland ice sheet won't collapse (**11,37)
- **CO2 is not a pollutant (**6,124)
* CO2 is plant food (30,83)
* CO2 increases vegetation (27,19)
* CO2 is good for plants (8,27)
* Ocean acidification isn't serious (239,35)
* Corals are resilient to bleaching (42,16) - **Gulf stream is stable (**33,44)
- **Coral reef threat is exaggerated (**82,33)
* Corals survived during past periods of high CO2 (4,6)
* More CO2 increases coral calcification (33,3)
* Great Barrier Reef is in good shape (1,0) - **Technological breakthroughs will fix global warming (**5,4)
* Better to innovate than mitigate (5,1)
* Clean coal will save us (5,1) - **Cold spells kill more people than heat waves (**36,13)
- **Sea level rise predictions are exaggerated (**34,31)
* Scientists retracted claim that sea levels are rising (6,1)
* Coral atolls grow as sea levels rise (6,2) - **Amazon is not vulnerable to drought (**58,4)
- **Daily temperature change is much greater than long-term climate change (**1,2)
- **Major climate change only occurs over geologic time (**3,0)
- **Heat waves won't become more intense or frequent (**34,4)
- **Greenland has only lost a tiny fraction of its ice mass (**2,3)
- **It's only a few degrees (**3,2)
- **Glacier melt doesn't affect many people (**8,1)
- **God promised Noah no floods (**1,1)
- **Melting permafrost is a good thing (**32,1)
- **Diseases won't spread because of global warming (**135,9)
- **There is no tipping point (**21,1)
- **300,000 climate deaths estimate is flawed (**1,3)
- **Global warming is beneficial (**2,0)
- **Warmer is better (**0,0)
- **Climate sensitivity is low (**94,180)
It's too hard (12,17)
- **CO2 limits will harm the economy (**20,127)
* Climate change solutions are too expensive (2,0)
* Mitigation costs too much (10,10)
* Mitigating would cost more than the damages it would prevent (8,3)
* Stern used low discount rate (0,1)
* A carbon price would raise electricity prices (3,3)
* Renewable energy is too expensive (6,12)
* Renewable energy investment kills jobs (1,5)
* Productivity Commission says renewables aren't cost-efficient (0,0) - **CO2 limits will hurt the poor (**10,60)
- **CO2 limits will make little difference (**9,29)
* Kyoto is useless (1,5)
* CO2 limits won't cool the planet (2,4)
* CO2 limits will move jobs overseas to less efficient countries (0,0) - **Renewables can't provide baseload power (**12,3)
* Solar panels contribute to global warming (2,2)
* Wind turbines kill birds (6,12)
* Nuclear power is the cleanest form of energy (0,0)
* Gas emissions are 50% better than coal emissions (0,0) - **Efficiency leads to more energy use (**5,3)
- **Peak oil will make us reduce emissions anyway (**0,0)
- **Science should keep out of politics (**3,1)
- **It's not urgent (**14,19)
- **Electric cars accelerate global warming (**0,1)
- **Fukushima means fossil fuels are here to stay (**0,1)
- **Humanity needs energy (**0,2)
- **Our country shouldn't go first (**12,0)
* Europe pay less carbon tax than us (1,0)
* Australia emits only 1.5% of global CO2 emissions (9,1) - **Can't accurately measure CO2 emissions (**0,0)
- **Electromagnetic fields from solar farms are harmful to human health (**0,0)
- **Toxic heavy metals leach out from solar panels and pose a threat to human health (**0,0)
- **Solar panels generate too much waste and will overwhelm landfills (**0,0)
- **Clearing trees for solar panels negates any climate change benefits (**0,0)
- **Solar energy is worse for the climate than burning fossil fuels (**0,0)
- **Solar projects harm biodiversity (**0,0)
- **Solar projects will hurt farmers and rural communities (**1,0)
- **Solar development will destroy jobs (**0,0)
- **Reliance on solar will make the United States dependent on China and other countries (**0,0)
- **Utility-scale solar farms destroy the value of nearby homes (**0,0)
- **Solar energy is more expensive than fossil fuels and completely dependent on subsidies (**1,0)
- **Solar panels don’t work in cold or cloudy climates (**0,0)
- **Solar energy is unreliable (**0,0)
- **We do not have sufficient mineral resources for [large-scale] solar development (**0,0)
- **Electromagnetic radiation from wind turbines poses a threat to human health (**0,0)
- **Wind turbines are error prone and a threat to human health and safety (**0,0)
- **Low-frequency noise from wind turbines harms human health and causes 'wind turbine syndrome' (**0,0)
- **Shadow flicker from wind turbines can trigger seizures in people with epilepsy (**0,0)
- **Wind turbines are a major threat to birds, bats, and other wildlife. (**0,0)
- **Offshore wind development is harmful to whales and other marine life (**0,0)
- **Producing and transporting wind turbine components releases more carbon dioxide than burning fossil fuels (**0,0)
- **Wind turbines will generate an unsustainable amount of waste (**0,0)
- **Wind turbines take up too much land (**0,0)
- **Wind power - particularly offshore wind power - is too expensive (**1,0)
- **Wind turbines are bad for farmers and rural communities (**0,0)
- **Wind energy is bad for U.S. jobs (**0,0)
- **Wind turbines destroy nearby property values (**0,0)
- **Wind energy is unreliable (**0,0)
- **Wind turbines are very noisy (**0,0)
- **Electric vehicles have a net harmful effect on climate change (**0,0)
- **Electric vehicles will cost the United States many automobile industry jobs (**0,0)
- **Electric vehicles are impractical due to range restrictions (**1,0)
- **Electric vehicles cannot function in hot or cold weather (**0,0)
- **CO2 limits will harm the economy (**20,127)
It's too late (1,3)
- **Better to adapt than mitigate (**43,42)
* Famine and disease are a higher priority (3,9)
* CO2 limits take money away from real threats (2,16) - **China pollutes more (**3,27)
- **Better to geoengineer (**23,6)
- **It's unstoppable (**1,6)
- **Better to adapt than mitigate (**43,42)