History, Heritage, Irish Folklore, Information and News from County Sligo, Ireland (original) (raw)

Welcome to Irish Traditions, Heritage and Folklore at SligoHeritage!

"...Each age is a dream that is dying/ or one that is coming to birth..."

For the devotee of Irish history, heritage, mythology or folklore, County Sligo in the west coast province of Connacht, has everything. For those who take time to read the landscape, every stone and hill has its own unique, often bloody, story to tell. Here one can literally trace the dramatic tendrils of our nation, from mythological origins through a turbulent history to a modern nation. In its lofty mountains, its winding rivers, its jagged coastline, God has created here a land blessed by time and unspoiled by time or man.

The mighty prow of 'bare Benbulbens head,' made famous by the poet W.B. Yeats, defines the County Sligo landscape. This is the 'Yeats' country', a countryside rich in history, folklore and mythology. In Drumcliffe churchyard the poet himself lies at peace in the Sligo soil that inspired much of his work.

My name is Joe Mc Gowan, host of this, County Sligo's only heritage site. My interest in heritage, folklore and history has led to the writing and publishing of several books on the subject. These web pages have been created to give the visitor an understanding, not just of Sligo's history, and heritage, but also a taste of current events.

Knocknarea, final resting place of Maeve, Iron Age Queen of Connacht

Unfolded here are the beliefs of ordinary people, their superstitions, customs and way of life. Our journey revealing the character of Ireland, and County Sligo in particular, is a microcosm, not just of Sligo, but of a romantic Ireland on the verge of extinction. In a series of articles the lives of historical figures and events will be told. The warp and weft of everyday people, their existence mostly uncelebrated and unsung, will be discovered here too.

"How many, ignorant of their own country, run eagerly into foreign regions to search out and admire whatever curiosities are to be found, many of which are much inferior to those which offer themselves to our eyes at home": Linnaeus

For information on the 'Mullaghmore Memorial' copy and paste this url into Google:

New feature on Sligo Heritag e. Go HERE for holiday information when planning a trip to Sligo

Go to NEWSROUND To keep up with Sligo Heritage; for Bealtaine:The Fire Festival and Mary or Baal?; The Reewoge Days; How St.Patrick banished the last serpent; Imbolc/St. Brigid's Day: Links to the Christmas Mummers; A very Happy Christmas and New Year to all my Sligo Heritage readers; The Maryland Irish Festival; Ballintogher John Egan Festival; Cult of the Undead in Ireland?

For Sunday Miscellany Podcast on May customs go here: SunMisc "May: Mary's month or Baal's" is the last recording on the disc

To keep up with latest events on Sligo Heritage visit our FB page HERE or HERE

**RTE Nationwide podcast: A glimpse of Inishmurray Island. Click HEREInishmurray: "A Trip to the Island" Click HERE

Podcast of RTE programme "Streets of Sligo" Click HERE
In Heritage archives:: Go HERE for text and pictures of the MUMMERS PLAY. For an explanation of the STRAWBOY tradition, scroll to bottom of page. Youtube: Go HERE for a Youtube clip of the STRAWBOYS. For an explanation of WRENBOYS go HERE