Islanders face rising seas with nowhere to go (original) (raw)
This was published 22 years ago
Joseph Molocai is worried. "I got no gardens any more, I don't know how we can keep feeding ourselves," said the old man, who, like countless generations of his forefathers, scratches a living on the infertile sands of Papua New Guinea's Carteret, or Tulun, islands.
The sea level around these six remote atolls, 200 kilometres off the east coast of Bougainville, is rising steadily, and island leaders say people are dying of starvation because salt-invaded gardens have failed.
In what could be the first forced displacement of people due to global warming, the relocation of the 1400 Carteret islanders is considered inevitable, but the PNG Government has no money to move them.
Some authorities caution that the islanders might have brought their woes upon themselves by blasting reefs with dynamite to kill fish, thus removing natural barriers protecting the atolls.
Island leaders deny this, but whatever the cause, Mr Molocai said his people could no longer eat most traditional foods. "The wild taros, the greens, the breadfruit, they don't grow any more," he said. "We just got coconuts and, when we can catch them, fish. All the gardens are spoilt. When the high tide comes in, all the saltwater goes in the gardens."
Often, during high seas, islanders stand below sea level behind dunes. "It's really scary," said another islander, Leonard Luhat.
"The land area on our islands is getting smaller and smaller. You can walk from one side to the other side very quick. The sea is destroying them."
Paul Tobasi, the atolls' district manager with PNG's Bougainville province, said it was not unusual for islanders, who have no air links with the rest of the country, to go without substantial food for long periods if rough seas prevented fishing.
Mr Tobasi said that during an extensive patch of bad weather last year two men and a woman in their sixties died of starvation-related illnesses on Piul island.
Small tidal waves were becoming more frequent. "Five houses were washed away in November on Iesill Island and it was lucky nobody was killed. There are storm surges more and more often. We worry a big cyclone will come along and kill everyone."
Mr Tobasi said the PNG Government had agreed in principle to relocate islanders to Bougainville, Buka island and elsewhere, but did not have the funds. "Every time I ask, they say there's no money."
He believes the rising sea level is related to global warming caused by greenhouse emissions, a view shared by environmentalists.
The Climate Action Network's co-ordinator, Anna Reynolds, said that although the Carteret islands' plight was unusually severe, the intrusion of saltwater from rising sea levels was causing similar problems elsewhere in the Pacific.
However, Fred Terry, the director of the United Nations Development Project on Bougainville, said the destruction of reefs in the Carterets with dynamite might be the cause there.
"During the Bougainville conflict people went to the atolls to get away from it," Mr Terry said. "The islanders had all these extra mouths to feed and needed more fish. They have a history as reef destroyers."
Mr Terry said the movement of tectonic plates could also be responsible. "None of this means they don't have a major problem."
Mr Tobasi denied that reefs were being destroyed by dynamite. "There is no way that can be responsible."
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