Sitting on top of the universe (original) (raw)

August 21, 2006 — 10.00am

Jennifer Hawkins descends the staircase from a replica airliner at the Myer show, all air-hostess chic in a barely-there white miniskirt, jacket and pillbox hat.

She's a little nervous, understandably, but the smile and poise never falter. She manages to hold her own with fast-talking comedian Gary Eck in the partly-scripted segment of the show, rolling with the gags about wardrobe malfunctions and her multiple spokesmodel duties.

Later in the show she returns as a towering bronzed glamazon, virtually sewn into a daffodil-hued Alex Perry gown. And in a Gentlemen Prefer Blondes moment, a posse of fleet-footed, Hugo Boss-suited men literally fall at her feet, then whisk her over their heads in a sea of outstretched hands. How she can even move in the dress is questionable, but she glides and sashays as if she were born in it. And she's loving every minute.

She would doubtless be relieved that everything went according to plan. And then some. When we catch up for our interview, it's two days earlier and she has just had her first rehearsal for the show. "I'm pumped!" exclaims Hawkins. (Actually, she first says she's stoked, then catches herself for using a term she is trying to eliminate from her vocabulary. After some discussion, I convince her that it's an appropriate and now underused phrase. "Well, I'm stoked then," says our former Miss Universe, who is still a Newcastle girl at heart.)

In fact, it seems Australians still have a special place for Hawkins, who, if she were anyone else, might have outgrown her 15 minutes of fame long ago. On the walk to the interview, her face is smiling out from billboards promoting CoverGirl lip gloss; her TV ads for Myer are beamed into households nightly; her travel-guide duties on The Great Outdoors convince us to update our passports; and her well-honed figure sets off lingerie for Lovable. But despite what could have become overexposure, it seems that we still love her.

"I hope it stays that way and doesn't backfire because of all [these campaigns]," says Hawkins. "Because you take things on that suit you, and it just happens that they've all landed at the same time. It's not like I was trying to maximise [my profile]. I'm not into the whole plotting and planning thing for my career. Honestly, I just do it and think about it later."

But still, Hawkins fears that the tide may yet turn. "I hate the whole tall-poppy syndrome. I don't want people to think it's all gone to my head, because it hasn't. That's why I'm a little bit stressed, because in the back of my head I'm like, 'When, when, when?"'

If her recent appearance at the Lovable launch, all sparkling underwear and shimmering skin, is anything to go by, her appeal is as much for the girls as the boys. When I mention that on the night I overheard numerous women saying how gorgeous she is up close (and she is), while the boys were all snapping pics of her on their mobile phones, she is genuinely flattered and more than a little embarrassed. In person, the all-Australian girl next door is girl-from-Ipanema gorgeous - tall, tanned, young and, yes, lovely. She is whippet-thin, but fit. ("I just have to exercise otherwise I get a build-up of emotions, anxiousness and stress. This morning before rehearsals I went for a run on the beach and felt a hundred times better," she explains.) And her skin does, well, glow. (Apparently as a teenager, Hawkins did briefly suffer the scourge of bad skin, and still gets the occasional breakout after a big night out. "I had a few drinks on the weekend so I'm waiting to see when it's going to pop up.")

Her current relaxed look is, she says, a result of her weekend in Newcastle, catching up with girlfriends and her family. "It was full on," says the former Newcastle Knights cheerleader of returning to her home town and the stares of onlookers. "What if people think that I'm this or that or that I'm too big for my boots? I think you should just do what you want to do or you'll worry too much about things."

So Hawkins just did what she normally does when she visits: movies with a girlfriend, breakfast with another, lunch out, a visit to the Brewery. "And on Saturday night I stayed in and watched Failure To Launch with my mum and dad," says the youngest of four siblings. "It was really nice because that's the time when I get to actually talk with them. "

While her parents didn't attend the Myer show ("Too intense for them," says Hawkins), they watched their daughter on the news after the fact. "Mum tapes it all, she's hilarious. I'm just like, 'Mum'. . . It's very sweet." The day of our interview is also the day her parents celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary. "How does anyone do that?" marvels the 22-year-old. "I don't think I could do that. I don't even know if I want to get married. You know when you're just not there?"

But boyfriend Jake Wall is still a constant fixture in Hawkins's life, despite their clashing work schedules. "He's good," coos Hawkins. "He's doing his thing with Dancing On Ice, so he's busy, I'm busy. Sometimes I would worry that we don't see each other that much. And then he'd say: 'If I was a carpenter I'd go to work at five in the morning and get home and you could still be working.' So he puts everything in perspective."

As she does for him. With his recent move to the northern beaches, "it's a little bit more of a distance", laments Hawkins. "But he's with his boys so he can go for a surf. And I'm like, 'Yes, get back to that! I'd rather you be on a surfboard than have sequins on, yeah!"' she adds of her beau's ice-skating turn. "He has been amusing. He'd ring me [while filming the show] and say he had to wear this green vest with frills on it. I'm like, 'Don't worry, you'll look hot, just get your chest out!"'

Not that Hawkins is opposed to looking at other chests, either. Giggling like a schoolgirl, she admits that when the NRL players hit the catwalk at the Myer show: "I'm perving. It's all about the perve factor! And Jake knows that."

That's one of the endearing things about Hawkins. She's just one of the girls, and she still has a wide-eyed appreciation of all that has happened to her. "I'm grateful on the whole. I think it would be crap if you put yourself above everyone." Although, as she discovered on a trip to Disneyland for The Great Outdoors, sometimes it might be OK to put yourself ahead of the others. "Note to self," says the presenter, "when you turn up with a camera crew they let you go to the front of the line."

Having become increasingly well-travelled during her tenure as Miss Universe, which saw her settle for a year in New York's Trump Tower and visit Rio during carnivale, it's not the glamorous, five-star lifestyle that most attracts Hawkins. Travel highlights from her TV gig include India and a mud festival in Korea. "It was random. You cover yourself in mud and then pelt mud at everyone else."

And as for her personal itinerary, high on the agenda comes a tropical jaunt with Wall over Christmas and "camping with the family. The whole family. We do it every year - twice this year. We just went and took heaps of wine . . . We tend to go in winter when it's really, really cold so we can have a big fire. I like a bit of roughing it."

Unless, of course, she's glamming it up for the cameras or a night out, in which case the happy camper often turns to her feel-good favourites. "I try to go with the trends, but I always revert to jeans and a sexy top. On a confidence level, everyone exudes confidence when they feel comfortable." She has been adding a few more labels to her wish list of late, however. "I do like Leona Edmiston this season. And Karen Walker is kind of funky - tough but cute." And, clued-up everygirl that she is: "Cue is another one. They've really stepped it up. It's beautiful." It's proof that, despite the oversized Gucci sunnies holding back her hair, Hawkins is "not really a brand Nazi".

Still, girls will be girls. Before heading off to see Alex Perry for a final dress fitting, Hawkins enthuses about the matching shoes: "They're Manolos. They're massive! But I'm really glad because the guys I'm dancing with are all tall. With heels I'm about six foot."

Then she reflects on the impending show and her part in it and admits to being more than a little nervous. "When you're doing something different there's always that anxious feeling: 'Will people take to it?' But without a risk there's no going forward. You've always got to be out of your comfort zone to be able to move forward."

Somewhere Hawkins must be getting pretty used to by now. And she has every right to be stoked.

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