Bevan NHS speeches (original) (raw)

Bevan is the most significant figure in the history of the NHS and deserves a page to himself. He was never a member of the Socialist Medical Association, but clearly got to know some of the leading figures quite well during the agitation around the establishment of the NHS. He is still invoked in argument, especially in Wales – see What Bevan would think of Blair. A dramatic presentation of Nye Bevan and the Fight for the NHS.

Aneurin Bevan and the Socialist Ideal – Professor Vernon Bogdanor

Tredegar’s role in the foundation of the NHS:

The text of speeches and memoranda reproduced here where not otherwise indicated is taken with kind permission from Charles Webster’s collection “Aneurin Bevan on the National Health Service” published by the Wellcome Unit for the History of Medicine, Oxford 1991.

Aneurin Bevan: An appreciation of his services to the health of the people. Pamphlet published by the Socialist Medical Association about 1960

Aneurin Bevan – Labour’s lost leader BBC site with recordings

Website of the Aneurin Bevan Society

Bevan and the NHS

Brief biography of Bevan

Portraits of Bevan in the National Portrait Gallery

Jennie Lee’s papers in the archive of the Open University

The Miner’s Canary – Let it Fly