Spertus Institute for Jewish Learning and Leadership, Chicago. Jewish Learning for a Better World. (original) (raw)

An Institution of Higher Jewish Learning Dedicated to Real-World Action

At Spertus Institute, we believe that the wisdom in Jewish history, thought, and texts has meaning as an academic pursuit and as a catalyst for action. The learning we offer is significant to the challenges we face today — and to building a stronger and more vibrant future.

Spertus Institute provides learning that is rich and relevant, rooted in Jewish wisdom, and open to all.

Spertus graduate degree, certificate, and public programs serve students in Chicago and worldwide.

Students gain knowledge, understanding, and the skills to shape a stronger future, within and beyond their Jewish communities.

Headshot of Tani Prell Epstein, a Spertus alumnus

I acquired a deeper understanding and appreciation of Judaism. I was given the tools to help me shape a new Jewish future.


Creative Director
B’chol Lashon, Chicago

Ornate ceiling and stained glass window of a synagogue. Ornately tiled with blue, red, white, and brown.

Doctor of Hebrew Letters

Sarah Jarvis and Rebecca Leavey at Spertus graduation, 2022. Photo by Maggie Russo.

MA in Jewish Professional Studies

Jewish star on blue wall

Leadership Certificate in Combating Antisemitism


Those who learn at Spertus spark change in communities around the world. Their work ripples through their organizations and communities. It impacts every aspect of Jewish life.

orange globe showing Spertus Institute has a global impact

Ian Solow-Niederman

Why Spertus? They invested in me and my future.


Regional Director
Alpha Epsilon Pi