Europarl Parallel Corpus (original) (raw)

European Parliament Proceedings Parallel Corpus 1996-2011

For a detailed description of this corpus, please read:

Europarl: A Parallel Corpus for Statistical Machine Translation, Philipp Koehn, MT Summit 2005, pdf.

Please cite the paper, if you use this corpus in your work. See also the extended (but earlier) version of the report (ps,pdf).

The Europarl parallel corpus is extracted from the proceedings of the European Parliament. It includes versions in 21 European languages: Romanic (French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Romanian), Germanic (English, Dutch, German, Danish, Swedish), Slavik (Bulgarian, Czech, Polish, Slovak, Slovene), Finni-Ugric (Finnish, Hungarian, Estonian), Baltic (Latvian, Lithuanian), and Greek.

The goal of the extraction and processing was to generate sentence aligned text for statistical machine translation systems. For this purpose we extracted matching items and labeled them with corresponding document IDs. Using a preprocessor we identified sentence boundaries. We sentence aligned the data using a tool based on the Church and Gale algorithm.

Release v7

On 15 May 2012 we released a further expanded and improved version of the corpus. Previous versions are available here. The corpus is released as a source release with the document files and a sentence aligner, and parallel corpora of language pairs that include English.

Changes since v6

Some documents have the SPEAKER tag attribute LANGUAGE which indicates what language the original speaker was using.

To use the parallel corpora with tools like GIZA++, you want to:

Size of the Corpus

Sizes for single-language data after removing XML.

Language Sentences Words
Bulgarian 411,636 -
Czech 668,595 13,195,311
Danish 2,323,099 47,761,381
German 2,176,537 47,236,849
Greek 1,517,141 -
English 2,218,201 53,974,751
Spanish 2,123,835 54,806,927
Estonian 692,210 11,358,009
Finnish 2,119,515 33,708,706
French 2,190,579 54,202,850
Hungarian 658,824 12,606,986
Italian 2,081,669 50,259,169
Lithuanian 678,665 11,512,131
Latvian 666,026 12,085,228
Dutch 2,333,816 53,487,257
Polish 387,490 7,087,016
Portuguese 2,121,889 52,300,149
Romanian 402,904 9,663,544
Slovak 674,359 13,116,301
Slovene 634,488 12,665,974
Swedish 2,241,386 45,665,947

Sizes for parallel corpora after sentence aligning and removing XML.

Parallel Corpus (L1-L2) Sentences L1 Words English Words
Bulgarian-English 406,934 - 9,886,291
Czech-English 646,605 12,999,455 15,625,264
Danish-English 1,968,800 44,654,417 48,574,988
German-English 1,920,209 44,548,491 47,818,827
Greek-English 1,235,976 - 31,929,703
Spanish-English 1,965,734 51,575,748 49,093,806
Estonian-English 651,746 11,214,221 15,685,733
Finnish-English 1,924,942 32,266,343 47,460,063
French-English 2,007,723 51,388,643 50,196,035
Hungarian-English 624,934 12,420,276 15,096,358
Italian-English 1,909,115 47,402,927 49,666,692
Lithuanian-English 635,146 11,294,690 15,341,983
Latvian-English 637,599 11,928,716 15,411,980
Dutch-English 1,997,775 50,602,994 49,469,373
Polish-English 632,565 12,815,544 15,268,824
Portuguese-English 1,960,407 49,147,826 49,216,896
Romanian-English 399,375 9,628,010 9,710,331
Slovak-English 640,715 12,942,434 15,442,233
Slovene-English 623,490 12,525,644 15,021,497
Swedish-English 1,862,234 41,508,712 45,703,795

Test Sets

Several test sets have been released for the Europarl corpus. In general, the Q4/2000 portion of the data (2000-10 to 2000-12) should be reserved for testing. All released test sets have been selected from this quarter. The shared tasks for the 2006 and 2007 ACL Workshops on Statistical Machine Translation provide test sets from the Europarl corpus.

The original common test set from the Koehn/Och/Marcu ACL 2003 Paper is available in the archives.

Extended versions of these test sets are available in the Evaluation Matrix of the EuroMatrix project.

Known Bugs

Terms of Use

We are not aware of any copyright restrictions of the material. If you use this data in your research, please Please let us know if you find problems with the data or if you want the data for other language pairs. We recommend using the last quarter of 2000 for testing (2000-10 until 2000-12) for consistency in reporting research results on this data.


The work was in part supported by the EuroMatrixPlus project funded by the European Commission (7th Framework Programme).