Austria Districts (original) (raw)

Austria is divided into nine states. The states are subdivided into 80 politische Bezirke (political districts) and 15 Statutarst�dte (statutory cities). These 95 units are further subdivided into Gemeinden (communes or municipalities). There were 2,354 commune-level entities in 2013, down from 2,359 in 1999. Here is a list of the districts and statutory cities of Austria.

Name Type HASC AKZ GKZ NUTS Population Area(km.²) Capital
Amstetten b AT.NO.AM AM 305 121 112,547 1,186 Amstetten
Baden b AT.NO.BN BN 306 122,127 139,320 754 Baden
Bludenz b AT.VO.BZ BZ 801 341 61,187 1,286 Bludenz
Braunau am Inn b AT.OO.BR BR 404 311 98,000 1,040 Braunau am Inn
Bregenz b AT.VO.BG B 802 341,342 127,262 865 Bregenz
Bruck an der Leitha b AT.NO.BL BL 307 127 42,954 495 Bruck an der Leitha
Bruck-M�rzzuschlag b AT.ST.BZ BM 621 223 102,175 2,155 Bruck an der Mur
Deutschlandsberg b AT.ST.DL DL 603 225 60,748 864 Deutschlandsberg
Dornbirn b AT.VO.DO DO 803 342 82,462 172 Dornbirn
Eferding b AT.OO.EF EF 405 312 31,767 260 Eferding
Eisenstadt s AT.BU.ES E 101 112 13,147 43 Eisenstadt
Eisenstadt Umgebung b AT.BU.EU EU 103 112 40,943 453 Eisenstadt
Feldkirch b AT.VO.FK FK 804 342 100,281 278 Feldkirch
Feldkirchen b AT.KA.FE FE 210 212 30,363 559 Feldkirchen
Freistadt b AT.OO.FR FR 406 313 65,131 994 Freistadt
G�nserndorf b AT.NO.GF GF 308 125,126 95,975 1,272 G�nserndorf
Gm�nd b AT.NO.GD GD 309 124 37,793 787 Gm�nd
Gmunden b AT.OO.GM GM 407 315 99,595 1,433 Gmunden
Graz s AT.ST.GZ G 601 221 264,351 127 Graz
Graz Umgebung b AT.ST.GU GU 606 221 143,243 1,103 Graz
Grieskirchen b AT.OO.GR GR 408 311 62,632 579 Grieskirchen
G�ssing b AT.BU.GS GS 104 113 26,662 485 G�ssing
Hallein b AT.SZ.HA HA 502 323 57,755 669 Hallein
Hartberg-F�rstenfeld b AT.ST.HF HF 622 224 89,486 1,223 Hartberg
Hermagor b AT.KA.HE HE 203 212 18,765 809 Hermagor
Hollabrunn b AT.NO.HL HL 310 125 50,381 1,011 Hollabrunn
Horn b AT.NO.HO HO 311 124 31,510 784 Horn
Imst b AT.TR.IM IM 702 334 56,660 1,724 Imst
Innsbruck s AT.TR.IN I 701 332 121,076 105 Innsbruck
Innsbruck Land b AT.TR.IL IL 703 332 167,082 1,989 Innsbruck
Jennersdorf b AT.BU.JE JE 105 113 17,623 253 Jennersdorf
Kirchdorf an der Krems b AT.OO.KI KI 409 314 55,607 1,239 Kirchdorf an der Krems
Kitzb�hel b AT.TR.KB KB 704 335 61,794 1,162 Kitzb�hel
Klagenfurt s AT.KA.KG K 201 211 94,683 120 Klagenfurt
Klagenfurt Land b AT.KA.KL KL 204 211 58,611 766 Klagenfurt
Korneuburg b AT.NO.KO KO 312 126 75,423 627 Korneuburg
Krems an der Donau Land b AT.NO.KR KR 313 124 55,946 923 Krems an der Donau
Krems an der Donau Stadt s AT.NO.KS KS 301 124 24,080 52 Krems an der Donau
Kufstein b AT.TR.KU KU 705 335 101,251 969 Kufstein
Landeck b AT.TR.LA LA 706 334 43,703 1,595 Landeck
Leibnitz b AT.ST.LB LB 610 225 77,371 683 Leibnitz
Leoben b AT.ST.LN LN 611 223 62,791 1,099 Leoben
Lienz b AT.TR.LZ LZ 707 333 49,553 2,019 Lienz
Liezen b AT.ST.LI LI 612 222 79,556 3,268 Liezen
Lilienfeld b AT.NO.LF LF 314 122 26,417 932 Lilienfeld
Linz s AT.OO.LS L 401 312 190,802 96 Linz
Linz Land b AT.OO.LL LL 410 312 139,218 460 Linz
Mattersburg b AT.BU.MA MA 106 112 39,100 238 Mattersburg
Melk b AT.NO.ME ME 315 121 76,431 1,014 Melk
Mistelbach b AT.NO.MI MI 316 125,126 74,075 1,293 Mistelbach
M�dling b AT.NO.MD MD 317 127 114,407 277 M�dling
Murau b AT.ST.MU MU 614 226 29,254 1,384 Murau
Murtal b AT.ST.MT MT 620 226 73,819 1,676 Judenburg
Neunkirchen b AT.NO.NK NK 318 122 85,587 1,150 Neunkirchen
Neusiedl am See b AT.BU.ND ND 107 112 55,401 1,038 Neusiedl am See
Oberpullendorf b AT.BU.OP OP 108 111 37,579 701 Oberpullendorf
Oberwart b AT.BU.OW OW 109 113 53,675 732 Oberwart
Perg b AT.OO.PE PE 411 313 65,765 613 Perg
Reutte b AT.TR.RE RE 708 331 31,711 1,236 Reutte
Ried im Innkreis b AT.OO.RI RI 412 311 58,596 584 Ried im Innkreis
Rohrbach im M�hlkreis b AT.OO.RO RO 413 313 56,777 827 Rohrbach
Rust s AT.BU.RU EU 102 112 1,899 20 Rust
Salzburg s AT.SZ.SS S 501 323 148,236 66 Salzburg
Salzburg Umgebung b AT.SZ.SL SL 503 323 143,442 1,005 Salzburg
Sankt Johann im Pongau b AT.SZ.JO JO 504 322 78,394 1,755 Sankt Johann im Pongau
Sankt P�lten s AT.NO.PS P 302 123 52,091 108 Sankt P�lten
Sankt P�lten Land b AT.NO.PL PL 319 123 96,628 1,123 Sankt P�lten
Sankt Veit an der Glan b AT.KA.SV SV 205 213 56,233 1,494 Sankt Veit an der Glan
Sch�rding b AT.OO.SD SD 414 311 56,565 618 Sch�rding
Scheibbs b AT.NO.SB SB 320 121 41,086 1,024 Scheibbs
Schwaz b AT.TR.SZ SZ 709 335 79,247 1,842 Schwaz
Spittal an der Drau b AT.KA.SP SP 206 212 78,437 2,764 Spittal an der Drau
Steyr s AT.OO.SR SR 402 314 38,215 27 Steyr
Steyr Land b AT.OO.SE SE 415 314 58,751 973 Steyr
S�doststeiermark b AT.ST.SO SO 623 224 89,617 1,069 Feldbach
Tamsweg b AT.SZ.TA TA 505 321 20,555 1,020 Tamsweg
Tulln b AT.NO.TU TU 321 126 71,023 658 Tulln
Urfahr Umgebung b AT.OO.UU UU 416 312,313 81,491 650 Linz
Villach s AT.KA.VI VI 202 211 59,458 135 Villach
Villach Land b AT.KA.VL VL 207 211 64,696 1,009 Villach
V�cklabruck b AT.OO.VB VB 417 315 130,520 1,085 V�cklabruck
Voitsberg b AT.ST.VO VO 616 225 52,116 679 Voitsberg
V�lkermarkt b AT.KA.VK VK 208 213 42,324 908 V�lkermarkt
Waidhofen an der Thaya b AT.NO.WT WT 322 124 26,737 669 Waidhofen an der Thaya
Waidhofen an der Ybbs s AT.NO.WY WY 303 121 11,469 131 Waidhofen an der Ybbs
Weiz b AT.ST.WZ WZ 617 224 87,888 1,071 Weiz
Wels s AT.OO.WE WE 403 312 58,709 46 Wels
Wels Land b AT.OO.WL WL 418 312 67,961 458 Wels
Wien s AT.WI.WS W 901 130 1,724,381 415 Wien
Wiener Neustadt s AT.NO.WN WN 304 122 41,469 61 Wiener Neustadt
Wiener Neustadt Land b AT.NO.WB WB 323 122 75,151 972 Wiener Neustadt
Wien Umgebung b AT.NO.WU WU 324 126,127 115,175 485 Wien
Wolfsberg b AT.KA.WO WO 209 213 54,101 974 Wolfsberg
Zell am See b AT.SZ.ZE ZE 506 322 84,865 2,642 Zell am See
Zwettl b AT.NO.ZT ZT 325 124 43,769 1,399 Zwettl
Type: b = Politischer Bezirk (political district); s = Statutarstadt (statutory city). HASC: Hierarchical administrative subdivision codes. The middle two letters identify the state. For key,see the States of Austria page. AKZ: Autokennzeichen are the letter codes used on license plates to identify the district in which a caris registered. A few places have their own licence-issuing authorities, and thus use codes which differfrom the rest of their district. Specifically, Schwechat has SW, although it's part of Wien Umgebung; thecity of Leoben hasLE, although it's part of Leoben; and Bad Aussee and Gr�bming have BAand GB,respectively, although they are both part of Liezen. GKZ: Gemeindekennziffer (commune code number) is a hierarchical numbering system for states,districts, and communes of Austria. Each commune can be represented by a five-digit number. Thefirst digit represents a state, and is the same as the ISO 3166-2 code for the state. The first threedigits represent a district, as shown in the table. NUTS: Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (level 3); the letters AT should be prefixed to eachthree-digit code. See table below for key to codes. Population: 2011-10-31 census from population registers.

NUTS codes were developed by Eurostat in order to report European statistics on the basis of a set of comparable regions. If these NUTS codes are truncated to two digits, they become level-2 NUTS codes, which represent an Austrian state. Truncated to one digit, they become level-1 NUTS codes, which represent a region (for a list of regions, see "Administrative Subdivisions of Countries"). Here is a list of all level-3 NUTS codes in Austria, with their names. Note that in Austria, NUTS level-1 and level-3 areas have no administrative significance.

AT111 Mittelburgenland
AT112 Nordburgenland
AT113 S�dburgenland
AT121 Mostviertel-Eisenwurzen
AT122 Nieder�sterreich-S�d
AT123 Sankt P�lten
AT124 Waldviertel
AT125 Weinviertel
AT126 Wiener Umland-Nordteil
AT127 Wiener Umland-S�dteil
AT130 Wien
AT211 Klagenfurt-Villach
AT212 Oberk�rnten
AT213 Unterk�rnten
AT221 Graz
AT222 Liezen
AT223 �stliche Obersteiermark
AT224 Oststeiermark
AT225 West- und S�dsteiermark
AT226 Westliche Obersteiermark
AT311 Innviertel
AT312 Linz-Wels
AT313 M�hlviertel
AT314 Steyr-Kirchdorf
AT315 Traunviertel
AT321 Lungau
AT322 Pinzgau-Pongau
AT323 Salzburg und Umgebung
AT331 Au�erfern
AT332 Innsbruck
AT333 Osttirol
AT334 Tiroler Oberland
AT335 Tiroler Unterland
AT341 Bludenz-Bregenzer Wald
AT342 Rheintal-Bodenseegebiet

Change history:

  1. ~1973: Dornbirn district split from Feldkirch.
  2. 1982-01-01: Feldkirchen district split from Klagenfurt Land district. The new district began its operations on 1987-01-01. (Source: private communication from Karem Abdalla.)
  3. 2001: at the time of the census, the districts and statutory cities were:
Name Type HASC AKZ GKZ NUTS Population Area(km.²) Capital
Amstetten b AT.NO.AM AM 305 121 109,319 1,187 Amstetten
Baden b AT.NO.BN BN 306 122,127 127,020 753 Baden
Bludenz b AT.VO.BZ BZ 801 341 60,587 1,288 Bludenz
Braunau am Inn b AT.OO.BR BR 404 311 95,348 1,040 Braunau am Inn
Bregenz b AT.VO.BG B 802 341,342 121,369 863 Bregenz
Bruck an der Leitha b AT.NO.BL BL 307 127 40,118 495 Bruck an der Leitha
Bruck an der Mur b AT.ST.BM BM 602 223 65,155 1,307 Bruck an der Mur
Deutschlandsberg b AT.ST.DL DL 603 225 61,629 863 Deutschlandsberg
Dornbirn b AT.VO.DO DO 803 342 75,952 172 Dornbirn
Eferding b AT.OO.EF EF 405 312 30,770 260 Eferding
Eisenstadt s AT.BU.ES E 101 112 11,394 43 Eisenstadt
Eisenstadt Umgebung b AT.BU.EU EU 103 112 38,837 453 Eisenstadt
Feldbach b AT.ST.FB FB 604 224 67,359 727 Feldbach
Feldkirch b AT.VO.FK FK 804 342 93,657 278 Feldkirch
Feldkirchen b AT.KA.FE FE 210 212 30,339 559 Feldkirchen
Freistadt b AT.OO.FR FR 406 313 64,166 994 Freistadt
F�rstenfeld b AT.ST.FF FF 605 224 23,056 264 F�rstenfeld
G�nserndorf b AT.NO.GF GF 308 125,126 88,948 1,270 G�nserndorf
Gm�nd b AT.NO.GD GD 309 124 40,213 786 Gm�nd
Gmunden b AT.OO.GM GM 407 315 99,563 1,432 Gmunden
Graz s AT.ST.GZ G 601 221 226,424 128 Graz
Graz Umgebung b AT.ST.GU GU 606 221 131,528 1,101 Graz
Grieskirchen b AT.OO.GR GR 408 311 62,090 579 Grieskirchen
G�ssing b AT.BU.GS GS 104 113 27,379 485 G�ssing
Hallein b AT.SZ.HA HA 502 323 54,447 668 Hallein
Hartberg b AT.ST.HB HB 607 224 67,938 955 Hartberg
Hermagor b AT.KA.HE HE 203 212 19,853 807 Hermagor
Hollabrunn b AT.NO.HL HL 310 125 50,358 1,010 Hollabrunn
Horn b AT.NO.HO HO 311 124 32,503 784 Horn
Imst b AT.TR.IM IM 702 334 52,704 1,725 Imst
Innsbruck s AT.TR.IN I 701 332 113,826 105 Innsbruck
Innsbruck Land b AT.TR.IL IL 703 332 155,201 1,990 Innsbruck
Jennersdorf b AT.BU.JE JE 105 113 18,009 254 Jennersdorf
Judenburg b AT.ST.JU JU 608 226 48,370 1,096 Judenburg
Kirchdorf an der Krems b AT.OO.KI KI 409 314 55,321 1,240 Kirchdorf an der Krems
Kitzb�hel b AT.TR.KB KB 704 335 59,337 1,164 Kitzb�hel
Klagenfurt s AT.KA.KG K 201 211 90,255 120 Klagenfurt
Klagenfurt Land b AT.KA.KL KL 204 211 56,559 765 Klagenfurt
Knittelfeld b AT.ST.KF KF 609 226 29,798 578 Knittelfeld
Korneuburg b AT.NO.KO KO 312 126 68,067 626 Korneuburg
Krems an der Donau Land b AT.NO.KR KR 313 124 54,478 924 Krems an der Donau
Krems an der Donau Stadt s AT.NO.KS KS 301 124 23,773 52 Krems an der Donau
Kufstein b AT.TR.KU KU 705 335 93,796 970 Kufstein
Landeck b AT.TR.LA LA 706 334 42,924 1,594 Landeck
Leibnitz b AT.ST.LB LB 610 225 75,439 681 Leibnitz
Leoben b AT.ST.LN LN 611 223 67,939 1,101 Leoben
Lienz b AT.TR.LZ LZ 707 333 50,677 2,020 Lienz
Liezen b AT.ST.LI LI 612 222 82,684 3,269 Liezen
Lilienfeld b AT.NO.LF LF 314 122 27,180 931 Lilienfeld
Linz s AT.OO.LS L 401 312 186,298 96 Linz
Linz Land b AT.OO.LL LL 410 312 129,324 461 Linz
Mattersburg b AT.BU.MA MA 106 112 37,533 238 Mattersburg
Melk b AT.NO.ME ME 315 121 75,432 1,013 Melk
Mistelbach b AT.NO.MI MI 316 125,126 72,871 1,290 Mistelbach
M�dling b AT.NO.MD MD 317 127 106,783 277 M�dling
Murau b AT.ST.MU MU 614 226 31,586 1,385 Murau
M�rzzuschlag b AT.ST.MZ MZ 613 223 43,038 849 M�rzzuschlag
Neunkirchen b AT.NO.NK NK 318 122 86,049 1,145 Neunkirchen
Neusiedl am See b AT.BU.ND ND 107 112 51,817 1,039 Neusiedl am See
Oberpullendorf b AT.BU.OP OP 108 111 38,300 702 Oberpullendorf
Oberwart b AT.BU.OW OW 109 113 53,612 732 Oberwart
Perg b AT.OO.PE PE 411 313 64,049 612 Perg
Radkersburg b AT.ST.RA RA 615 224 24,121 337 Bad Radkersburg
Reutte b AT.TR.RE RE 708 331 31,609 1,237 Reutte
Ried im Innkreis b AT.OO.RI RI 412 311 58,339 585 Ried im Innkreis
Rohrbach im M�hlkreis b AT.OO.RO RO 413 313 58,060 828 Rohrbach
Rust s AT.BU.RU EU 102 112 1,719 20 Rust
Salzburg s AT.SZ.SS S 501 323 144,816 66 Salzburg
Salzburg Umgebung b AT.SZ.SL SL 503 323 135,440 1,004 Salzburg
Sankt Johann im Pongau b AT.SZ.JO JO 504 322 78,103 1,755 Sankt Johann im Pongau
Sankt P�lten s AT.NO.PS P 302 123 49,272 118 Sankt P�lten
Sankt P�lten Land b AT.NO.PL PL 319 123 93,438 1,112 Sankt P�lten
Sankt Veit an der Glan b AT.KA.SV SV 205 213 58,951 1,494 Sankt Veit an der Glan
Sch�rding b AT.OO.SD SD 414 311 57,119 618 Sch�rding
Scheibbs b AT.NO.SB SB 320 121 41,450 1,023 Scheibbs
Schwaz b AT.TR.SZ SZ 709 335 74,989 1,845 Schwaz
Spittal an der Drau b AT.KA.SP SP 206 212 82,013 2,764 Spittal an der Drau
Steyr s AT.OO.SR SR 402 314 39,496 27 Steyr
Steyr Land b AT.OO.SE SE 415 314 57,741 971 Steyr
Tamsweg b AT.SZ.TA TA 505 321 21,420 1,020 Tamsweg
Tulln b AT.NO.TU TU 321 126 64,681 658 Tulln
Urfahr Umgebung b AT.OO.UU UU 416 312,313 77,922 649 Linz
Villach s AT.KA.VI VI 202 211 57,740 135 Villach
Villach Land b AT.KA.VL VL 207 211 64,883 1,009 Villach
V�cklabruck b AT.OO.VB VB 417 315 126,809 1,084 V�cklabruck
Voitsberg b AT.ST.VO VO 616 225 53,714 678 Voitsberg
V�lkermarkt b AT.KA.VK VK 208 213 43,737 907 V�lkermarkt
Waidhofen an der Thaya b AT.NO.WT WT 322 124 28,241 669 Waidhofen an der Thaya
Waidhofen an der Ybbs s AT.NO.WY WY 303 121 11,686 132 Waidhofen an der Ybbs
Weiz b AT.ST.WZ WZ 617 224 86,133 1,069 Weiz
Wels s AT.OO.WE WE 403 312 56,516 46 Wels
Wels Land b AT.OO.WL WL 418 312 63,086 457 Wels
Wien s AT.WI.WS W 901 130 1,566,459 415 Wien
Wiener Neustadt s AT.NO.WN WN 304 122 37,626 61 Wiener Neustadt
Wiener Neustadt Land b AT.NO.WB WB 323 122 72,181 969 Wiener Neustadt
Wien Umgebung b AT.NO.WU WU 324 126,127 102,170 484 Wien
Wolfsberg b AT.KA.WO WO 209 213 56,784 973 Wolfsberg
Zell am See b AT.SZ.ZE ZE 506 322 84,354 2,640 Zell am See
Zwettl b AT.NO.ZT ZT 325 124 45,783 1,400 Zwettl
99 divisions 8,068,949 83,854
Population: 2001-05-15 census.
  1. 2012-01-01: Judenburg and Knittelfeld districts merged to form Murtal
  2. 2013-01-01: Bruck an der Mur and M�rzzuschlag districts merged to form Bruck-M�rzzuschlag; Hartberg and F�rstenfeld districts merged to form Hartberg-F�rstenfeld; Feldbach and Radkersburg districts merged to form S�doststeiermark (Southeast Styria).