Baronie | Welcome to our world of chocolate. (original) (raw)

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For more than a century we have been striving for quality and excellence in our chocolate and this has generated many smiles, all over the world, along the way.

Discover our story

Our brands

Our own brands carry our signature. Discover our unique flavours and our dedication, while enjoying our craftsmenship.


We are on the move. Driven by passion, empowered by the ambition to explore our role as partners in chocolate even more.


We think global but act local. We listen and connect. We respond to customer needs.

Partners in chocolate

We craft your chocolate

Your brand combined with our passion and expertise makes great chocolate… We co-create all kinds of chocolate products as a partner.


Our story

Trusted partner worldwide

For more than a century we are trusted by our customers, developers and trading companies all over the world for our sourcing, product and market knowledge.

Our story


A sweeter world for all

We want to make a difference because we care. Part of our mission is to ensure the future of our supply chain and the people who operate it.

Our commitment