Studio Electronics- Clients (original) (raw)
The United Affiliates Newsletters
September 1964 (Courtesy of Phill Sawyer) First issue. Editorial by Bill Putnam, Dynamic history of United growth, Inter-company relationships, Newsletter scene. Photos of Bill Putnam, Tony Parri, "Bud" Morris. Four pages.
October 1964 (Courtesy of Phill Sawyer) United pioneered in Vegas, Remote activities, URCON sets record pace, 1200 Musicians with talents ranging from accordion to xylophone, New digital Metronome displayed. Photos of Sammy David, Jr., United remote truck, Louis Armstrong, Jimmy Durante, UA 960 Metronome. Four pages.
December 1964 (Courtesy of Phill Sawyer) Custom console for Desert Inn, Universal Audio expands marketing, Christmas message, Pro audio compared to Hi Fi, Wedding Bells for Paul Jeansonne, International Markets, Custom studio for Ray Charles Enterprises, Installation for Tally Ho Lounge in Las Vegas, Universal Audio catalog grows, UA 500-A program equalizer introduced, UA 550-A recording filter. Photos of Desert Inn console, Jerry Ferree, UA 500-A program EQ, UA 550-A filter. Eight pages.
Fall 1965 Message from M. T. Putnam, Console for Studio 1 nears completion, United and Western aid Warner Bros., UA 120 reverb unit, Jimmie Haskell scores, Coast expands, Dave Pell promoted to A&R at Liberty, Recording the Ellington sound (from San Francisco Chronicle, written by Ralph Gleason), Studio 1 almost complete, 1965 albums recorded at United-Western, Recording in Las Vegas. Photos of Warren Gilman with plans for Studio 1 console, UA 120 reverb, Dave Pell & Vicki Carr, Rick Nelson, Jimmy Bowen & Keely Smith, Jan and Dean with Lou Adler, Trini Lopez, Emil Richards, Johnny Mathis & Jimmy Lockert, Ernie Freeman, Harold (Lanky) Linstrot, The Young Americans. Eight pages.
December 1965 Western Studio 1 unveiled, Western hosts AES field trip, United “remembers When” (late 50’s and early 60’s sessions), Coast Recorders, Tribute to Sinatra, UAI enters solid state field, UAI 120 Reverb, Christmas sessions. Photos of Studio 1, Warren Gilman & Bob Doherty, Jimmy Hilliard, McGuire Sisters, Henry Lewy, Hal Blaine, Jimmy Lockert, Frank Sinatra, The Bantams, Eddie Brackett. Eight pages.
March 1966 (Courtesy of Phill Sawyer) SEC wins Caesers palace contract, First Studio 1 date tops charts ("My Love" by Petula Clark"), URCON completes Sinatra remotes, Mel Tanner, United and the Bat-sessions, Mastering, Manufacturing companies merged, SEC to build solid state console, SEC to exhibit at AES Spring convention, Alan Solomon appointed, Jim Mackenzie. Photos of Caesers Palace, Duane and Ron Blackwell, Jimmy Durante with Milton Berle and Noel Blanc, John Mercer, Petula Clark, mastering rooms, Alan Solomon, The Turtles, Jim Mackenzie, Righteous Brothers, Paul Shiveley with Phil Kaye, Earl Palmer. Eight pages.
May 1966 Film scoring network installed, Salute to the ad-man, Western’s Artie Becker, sessions at Coast, Preparation of the master tape, New facility on Valerio St., Walt Payne, United scores Death of a Salesman for CBS, Tarzan feature, and the Oscars. Photos of Jerry Ferree, Artie Becker, Andy Richardson, Valerio St. building, SEC assembly line, Walt Payne, Nancy Sinatra with Lee Hazelwood & Billy Strange, Johnny Rivers, Roger Williams session, Hal Blaine. Eight pages.
December 1966 UA at New York AES, Bob Doherty, Christmas sessions, Recording the live session, 1966 sessions. Photos of UA at AES, Lorne Greene, Dean Martin, Studio 1, Tommy Tedesco, Winston Wong, Jean King. Eight pages.
April 1967 Grammy winners recorded at United-Western, New 8-track recorder for United-Western, Improvements at United-Western, Bill Putnam addresses investors, Newspaper articles and TV features include United-Western, Studio Design, New look at Coast, Warren Gilman of Studio Electronics, Henry Lewy’s interest in meditation and visit to India, Musings of a record producer. Photos of Glen Campbell, Shorty Rogers, Dick Glasser, Studio A, Studio 1, Bill Putnam at console, Herb Alpert & Bones Howe, Warren Gilman. Eight pages.
July 1967 Manufacturing division on the move, SEC No. 1 in limiting, Frank de Medio, Hippop (synthesized music), San Francisco beautiful new world of the hippies, Film scoring unit at Western. Photos of 1176 limiter testing, Frank de Medio, 930 oscillator, 1176 limiter, Jan Ashton (drummer for Mojo Men). Four pages.
October 1967 Recording studios progress report, “Anonymous record producer reflects on the new creative sound”, United acquires Waveforms Inc., Photos of Jerry Ferree & Frank de Medio, Vince Guaraldi, Petula Clark & Tony Hatch, Perry Botkin, Jr., Bowen David. Eight pages.
December 1967 Raymond McKinnon becomes director of United and Affiliates, U.R.E.I. name announced, Studio 3 sessions, Coast Recording, Studio E goes to 8-track. Photos of Raymond McKinnon & Allen Byers, “3’s A Crowd”. Four pages.
March 68 Shareholders approve consolidation, R&D unit expands, Film scoring at Western, Promotion activities at U.R.E.I., Coast sessions. Photos of Stella Stevens, Noel Harrison, Liza Minelli, UA limiter testing, Sammy Davis Jr. Four pages.
July 1968 “People At Play”, the hobbies of URC staffers and how they spend their free time. Twelve pages.
December 1968 Studios will offer 16-track recording, Sound symposiums at Coast, Coast to move, Gary Owens to M.C. White Christmas ball, U.R.E.I. adds 1100LU amp and 2100S input module. Photos of Tiny Tim, Bing Crosby, Gary Owens, Allen Byers, Joey Bishop with Don Blake, Chuck Britz, Ernie Freeman, and Art Freeman, John Gary & Dick Bradshaw, Sammy Davis Jr. Eight pages.
July 1969 U.R.E.I. hitches moon ride with Apollo Eleven, Studio 3 Alumni Club (43 artists with gold records recorded in 3), Coast Studio B, Charlie Brown TV Special, The Invasion of the 16-eyed monster (pitfalls of 16-track recording). Photos of Dave Pell, Francis Ford Coppola & Bill Putnam, The Shades Of Joy, Allen Byers. Eight pages.
December 1969 (Large PDF File, 10 MB) Half million dollars for improvements to UA companies, the colorful world of Coast Recorders, Four studios modernized at United-Western, Annual stockholders meeting, San Francisco talent directory, Coast open house, U.R.E.I. LA-3A and 1200 amp, contemporary music scoring, Joe Sidore screen credit, Shelley Herman and Brad Plunkett appointments. Photos of new Studio 1 console, Western Studios 2 and 3, stockholders meeting, Bud Morris, Coast Studio A, B, C, early Ampex 16-track deck, Letter from San Francisco mayor Alioto, collage of Coast open house photos, Coast open house autographs, Joe Sidore, Brad Plunkett, United Studio A, U.R.E.I. booth at New York AES. Sixteen pages.
May 1970 Moog at Coast, Norman Greenbaum, Promoting Set-up men to engineers, Steve Barri, Studio 7 opens, Quad sessions with Stan Kenton. Photos of Beaver & Krause with Moog, Steve Barri, Tennessee Ernie Ford. Eight pages.
October 1970 Agreement between Columbia Records and Coast, Coast acquires S.F. Mercury studios, Jon Voight scenes filmed at United, Jackie Mills interview, Roy Halee heads S.F. Columbia studios. Photos of Jon Voight, Jackie Mills, Bob Doherty. Eight pages.
April 1971 Sony VR-310 Video recorder at United/Western, U.R.E.I. custom systems for Electrovision in Hawaii and San Francisco, KEPEX now available at United, Columbia opens San Francisco studios, Art Becker on videocassettes and videotape, Interview with Mike Post, 3 new U.R.E.I. products at L.A. AES, Ladies’ Association of Sound Studios. Photos of Clive Davis with Boz Scaggs and Mike Hart, Little John band, Mike Post & Andy Williams, U.R.E.I. Instand Remix Monitor Consolette, Electrovision system. Eight pages.
October 1971 Queue up for quad, BYU seminars with Bill Putnam and Stan Kenton, Little Dipper shown at AES New York, Hugh Allen appointed AES VP, Wes Farrell interview, Sesame Street at Coast, sessions at San Francisco’s Columbia Studios, New URC logo. Photos of Stan Kenton, U.R.E.I. 565 Little Dipper, John Neal, Wes Farrell & David Cassidy, Walt Kramer & Mike Felix. Eight pages.
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