Sturgis Charter Public School – International Baccalaureate For All (original) (raw)

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Discover Sturgis

An International Baccalaureate School

Sturgis Charter Public School received its authorization to offer the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme in 2004. Despite having a non-selective admission policy with students gaining entrance via a lottery, Sturgis challenges conventional wisdom by offering students a unique “IB for All” experience in which all courses for grades 11-12 are IB with no non-IB alternative courses and all courses in grades 9-10 are IB prep. Ensuring college readiness is our ultimate goal as students take a minimum of six IB courses in grade 11 and in grade 12.

Frequently Asked Questions

Academic Calendar

In Search of Deeper Learning

“Finally, there is no substitute for a mature set of humanistic values that adults model and that guide key decisions at the school. [Sturgis], for example, sought a tricky balance that would enable it to be a school that was highly committed to equity and yet not all-consumed by scores on IB exams. Holding this balance was what made the school what it was. On the one hand, had its leaders fallen into the trap of many other schools, by trying simply to maximize scores, they would have increased the test-prep focus and drained much of the intellectual vitality from the school. On the other hand, had they not been so committed to equity, reducing the focus on outcomes could have significantly lowered standards and increased inequality. More generally, having adults who really cared about their students, who knew when to push and when to support, was critical to the success of all the good schools that we encountered”.

US News and World Report Charter School Rankings: 59 Charter School in US

Offering Comprehensive Student Support

The Sturgis Curriculum offers extensive exposure to the creative arts. Our electives offer students an opportunity to explore theatre, design, dance, music, and more.