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News from the Government and Government Offices

24 June 2024
Inflation in Sweden has decreased and the target is expected to be reached this year. At the same time, the labour market situation has worsened and unemployment has risen. The Swedish economy is expected to remain in recession until 2025, but recovery is approaching. These are the conclusions of the Ministry of Finance in a new economic forecast. The Government’s inflation-focus is now shifting from fighting to monitoring, while Sweden will be built to be more prosperous.

Johan Forssell, Minister for International Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade

Johan Forssell, Minister for International Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade Photo: Kristian Pohl/Government Offices

Swedish government increases humanitarian support to Gaza

In view of the extensive humanitarian needs in Gaza, the Government has presented a new humanitarian aid package amounting to SEK 120 million. With this decision to further increase the humanitarian assistance, Sweden will have contributed more than SEK 520 million in humanitarian aid to address the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

Illustration: Government Offices

Sweden's new migration policy

Sweden’s migration policy is undergoing a paradigm shift. The Government is intensifying its efforts to reduce, in full compliance with Sweden’s international commitments, the number of migrants coming irregularly to Sweden. Labour immigration fraud and abuses must be stopped and the ‘shadow society’ combated

Content about the Government and the Government Offices of Sweden

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