Polity IV Project: Country Reports 2010 (original) (raw)

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Annual Polity scores have been plotted for each of the 167 countries currently covered by the Polity IV data series for the period 1946-2013 (trend graphs are also included with the Polity IV 2010 Country Reports). This version of the Polity Country Trend graphs display periods of "factionalism" and important Polity change events, including autocratic backsliding, executive auto-coup or autogolpe, revolution, collapse of central authority (state failure), and successful military coups. Click on the country of interest in the "Regimes by Type 2013" map directly below (or table following) to view that country's contemporary regime trend (click here for a explanatory guide to the Polity Country Trend graphs).

Polity IV Individual Country Regime Trends, 1946-2013 Click here to view Legend Key for Trends Graphs
Afghanistan Burundi East Timor Haiti Laos Myanmar Rwanda Tajikistan
Albania Cambodia Ecuador Honduras Latvia Namibia Saudi Arabia Tanzania
Algeria Cameroon Egypt Hungary Lebanon Nepal Senegal Thailand
Angola Canada El Salvador India Lesotho Netherlands Serbia Togo
Argentina Cape Verde Equatorial Guinea Indonesia Liberia New Zealand Sierra Leone Trinidad
Armenia Cen. Afr. Rep. Eritrea Iran Libya Nicaragua Singapore Tunisia
Australia Chad Estonia Iraq Lithuania Niger Slovak Rep. Turkey
Austria Chile Ethiopia Ireland Luxembourg Nigeria Slovenia Turkmenistan
Azerbaijan China Fiji Israel Macedonia Norway Solomon Is. UAE
Bahrain Colombia Finland Italy Madagascar Oman Somalia Uganda
Bangladesh Comoros France Ivory Coast Malawi Pakistan South Africa Ukraine
Belarus Congo Gabon Jamaica Malaysia Panama South Sudan UK
Belgium Costa Rica Gambia Japan Mali Papua N. G. Spain United States
Benin Croatia Georgia Jordan Mauritania Paraguay Sri Lanka Uruguay
Bhutan Cuba Germany Kazakhstan Mauritius Peru Sudan Uzbekistan
Bolivia Cyprus Ghana Kenya Mexico Philippines Suriname Venezuela
Bosnia Czech Republic Greece Korea, North Moldova Poland Swaziland Vietnam
Botswana Denmark Guatemala Korea, South Mongolia Portugal Sweden Yemen
Brazil Djibouti Guinea-Bissau Kosovo Montenegro Qatar Switzerland Zambia
Bulgaria Dominican Rep. Guinea Kuwait Morocco Romania Syria Zimbabwe
Burkina Faso D. R. Congo Guyana Kyrgyzstan Mozambique Russia Taiwan