Welcome to Tarrington, Herefordshire – The official website of Tarrington Village and surrounding area promoting the life of the village, past and present. (original) (raw)

Tarrington is a small village located half way between Ledbury and Hereford on the A438, in the county of Herefordshire. The village has 226 residencies and a population, according to the 2011 census of 576. The village has three main meeting places, a public house the Tarrington Arms (currently being restored), the Lady Emily Community Hall housed in the former village school and a Parish Church, St Philip and St James.

In terms of the landscape, the area falls within two of the national character areas, as defined by Natural England: the Herefordshire Lowlands and South Herefordshire and Over Severn, embodied by a gently undulating tranquil and rural landscape.

To find out more about the village take a look around our website. If there is anything else you would like to know please contact us.

calendar-iconUpcoming Events

Flicks in the Sticks

Adults £5, U-16 and Film Club £2.50.

If the idea of a regular night out at your local cinema appeals, why not come along and join our film club – annual subscription is £25 with admission to all films reduced by £2.50/session – support the Hall’s Film programme and meet your friends.

Driving Mum (12) – Saturday 14th September @ 7.30pm

Fownhope Road Works

Road Closures:

Weekend of 17th August – 18th August:
Common Hill Lane will be closed from September Cottage to the Medical Centre for installation of the foul drainage system.

2 weeks from 19th August – 30th August:
Common Hill Lane will be closed from September Cottage to the Medical Centre for a full 2 weeks to enable completion of the foul drainage system


Drivers wishing to access the Medical Centre or the village from Common Hill should take Hawkers Lane to either the Woolhope Road or the B4224 at the top of Nash Pitch. A full closure will be installed downhill of September Cottage so please do not ignore the road closure signs.

There will also be no access to the Medical Centre Car Park during the weekend closures. Anyone wishing to collect a prescription from the vending machine will need to park in Church Croft and walk to the Medical Centre. Pedestrian access will be provided through the road closures, although pedestrians will have to wait for an escort to ensure that it is safe to pass.

Swing from Paris Jazz Evening – SOLD OUT!

Tarrington Craft Group Open Day – Tuesday 24th September @ 11.30am-2.30pm

For more information regarding future events in Tarrington, please see 2024 Events