escenic (original) (raw)

Joan Armatrading gives one of the characteristic chuckles that regularly punctuate her conversation. Then, in a smoky alto voice, she says, "I'm a funny kind of person, me."

No kidding. Here is a woman who has sold more than 10 million records. She has a staunchly loyal following, filling concert halls and clubs all over the world. But it would be hard to find anyone who looks so resolutely unstellar.

Her strong, unlined face is topped by a shapeless mop of thick black hair (at the age of 52, she has no grey strands). She is wearing a denim top over a V-necked jumper, with a darker pair of jeans underneath. On her feet there's a battered pair of sandals, worn over woolly grey socks. "I wear sandals winter and summer," she explains, "but in the winter I wear the sandals with the socks."

By Armtrading's standards, that last remark counts as a major revelation. She has a reputation for being as buttoned-up in interviews as she is confessional on record. In 1976, after two acclaimed but unsuccessful albums, she announced herself to the record-buying public with the opening lines of Love and Affection: "I am not in love / But I'm open to persuasion." Love has been the subject-matter of much of her work since. Her new album is called Lovers Speak. Yet whom or how she loves (let alone where she lives, in what circumstances) have remained subjects she simply will not discuss, and she's not about to break her silence now.

"People who like my music have a legitimate interest in me," she admits, "but I need to retain some privacy, not to be telling people what's going on, or what I feel. When you go home, the reason it's beautiful is because it's personal to you and the people you want to include in it."

She won't even explain how her life inspires her work. "I don't think about what I'm writing. Someone asked me if I'd write an in-depth analysis of all the songs on my new album, and all the inspirations behind them. I can't do that. I haven't got a clue! Go to track one. There you are. Play that."

All this may make Armatrading sound obstructive. But she is happy to admit to and laugh at her own double-standards. "I absolutely love reading Hello!" she confesses, with a huge smile, "but when you open that magazine and you walk into someone's bedroom, and there's their bed, and the pillows, and the bedcover, you think, 'How do they feel now?' Everybody knows everything - oh, the sitting-room's off to the left, and the kitchen's over there, oohhh . . . But I love reading it, no question!"

And every so often, she will reveal something that is as intimate as any bedroom secret. Talking about her family, for example, she observes, "My father showed that dying is easy. He was obviously in pain, but he never said anything about that. He made it look easy, like just another thing you do: 'Today I'm going to die.' So since then, I've never been scared of dying."

Armatrading was born in St Kitts, but when she was three, her parents emigrated to Britain, leaving her and her siblings (Joan was the third of six children) behind until they could afford to bring them over, too.

Finally, aged seven, she was put on a BOAC flight to England. "Every time I see a little child on a plane, I'm back there. I remember the stewardess looking after me, getting off the plane, going on the coach to the centre of Birmingham. I don't know if I recognised my mum's face when I saw her, but I recognised the sense that she was my mum, probably because she was going . . ." and here she spreads her arms far apart, as if gathering a child into her bosom.

"People ask me if I missed the West Indies when I got to England, but no. I was with my mum and dad! That was it! I couldn't care less about the other stuff, this was all I wanted. We didn't have a lot of money," she says. "My father worked on the railways, as a carpenter. But my parents were very encouraging. They let us all know that if you want to do something, you can do it."

She got her first guitar, at 14, from a pawnshop, in exchange for a couple of old prams. "I had no idea what I was doing. I never had any lessons. I was just writing stuff that sounded nice to me. When I started, there wasn't a black woman, or any woman, playing guitar in the way that I played, writing songs in the way that I wrote, singing the way I sang. I had no great plan to be anything. I was just a young person who had a natural ability to write."

After a spell in the London stage production of Hair! - "I didn't take my clothes off, for definite," she says. "I can't do stuff like that!" - she became a professional musician. Her career peaked in the late 1970s and early '80s, when songs like Me Myself I, Drop the Pilot and Walk Under Ladders brought her success on both sides of the Atlantic.

Her most recent - and she says, greatest - achievement, however, has nothing to do with music. In 2001, Armatrading completed a five-year Open University degree-course in History. "I used to watch the Open University programmes on TV all the time," she explains. "As I was watching one morning, I thought, 'Why don't I just send off for the pack? I'm here watching it all the time.' "

She worked on her degree when out on the road, writing essays late into the night, as a way to wind down after shows. "I knew I wanted this degree, and if I wanted it I was going to have to work to get it," she says. "I didn't get the chance to go through exams when I was young. I got a couple of GCSEs, but I had to leave school to help out with the family. So I couldn't do all of that then, and I really wanted to."

Part of her course included a summer school at York University, so I ask her how she got on with the other students.

"They were all right," she replies.

Did they ask her to sing? "Yeah."

Outside a studio or a concert hall, Armatrading just doesn't like to perform. Perhaps the exposure is just too great. For it's not until after our interview that I get the chance to hear her new album and discover that Lovers Speak is a classic break-up album, written very directly, emotionally and sensually from the perspective of someone getting over a relationship, and pulling themselves together in the aftermath. Poignant, gorgeous, melodic: it's like Dylan's Blood on the Tracks, for chicks.

So I email Armatrading with a single question: "Autobiographical or what?"

The next morning I get an answer from her assistant: "Joan says it is not autobiographical by any means - she wrote it from observation." Well, she would say that, wouldn't she?

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