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Christina Hendricks, a red-headed bombshell with va-va-voom curves, has been called the 'sexiest woman on television today' for her portrayal of the sultry secretary Joan Holloway in Mad Men, the television series set in the 1960s about an advertising agency. So it's no surprise that strangers often approach her to praise her character's sassy poise or to congratulate her for confounding the Hollywood skinny-actress stereotype with that voluptuous silhouette.

What really tickles her, however, is another frequent comment. 'For some reason – and I love this – I keep hearing people say they have had more sex since watching Mad Men,' she says with a burst of laughter. 'I love that. It's a sexy show, you know. It's sexy, because in some ways it's dangerously sexy.'

If you have never watched Mad Men, here's a quick primer: the American drama, shortly to return to BBC Four, is set in early 1960s New York and centres on Sterling Cooper, a fictional advertising agency on Madison Avenue, the 'Mad' of the title and the hub of an industry then considered the epitome of glamour. It follows the tangled lives and loves of the agency's employees, competitive, ambitious and often secretive men and women at a time when social change was brewing but overt sexism, racism and anti-Semitism were par for the course.

Hendricks, 33, plays the agency's composed yet feisty office manager, a queen bee who stands up to – and transfixes – the men with her knowing rejoinders and signature sashay ('She's so much woman,' says one male colleague) while putting other women in their place: 'You're the new girl and you're not much, so you might as well enjoy it,' is her curt advice to her fellow secretary, Peggy.

In the second series, Joan 'has some really big tests, Hendricks says. 'She has a bad year.' This means trials both personal – a new man, but is he good enough? – and professional. But fans will be pleased to know that she still looks fabulous; it's not giving too much away to reveal that the first episode opens with a shot of Joan from behind, zipping herself into a tight red dress and pushing her breasts into place.

Today television's sexiest siren looks a far cry from her on-screen persona, whose skirts are so tight you wonder if she was sewn into them. She is wearing jeans and a T-shirt and tucking into a sandwich on the sofa of her flat in Los Angeles, in an art deco building that Buster Keaton once called home. Instead of Joan's elaborate hairdos (which Hendricks hates – 'It's sculpture in itself, takes forever and is just so hairsprayed and big and teased it's the opposite of sexy to me'), her hair falls in soft, choppy layers about her face, which has echoes of Cate Blanchett and, yes, Marilyn Monroe. Unlike Monroe, however, Hendricks is actually a natural blonde.

Nor is there any of Joan's guardedness. Hendricks is open and funny, and her voice softer and higher than her alter ego's. 'My voice gets lower when I play Joan,' she explains. 'When they meet me people say, "Oh my God, you seem so young and you don't seem so mean!" Like I'm not, I promise!' she says.

Hendricks auditioned for three parts in the show before being cast as Joan. She says that Matthew Weiner, the Sopranos writer who created the series, 'had a very different idea of who Joan would be – he envisioned her much smaller and mousier and sharper-tongued – and I changed his mind.'

Horrifying as fans may find this, the now iconic Joan Holloway was intended only to be a guest role. Hendricks' on-screen magnetism, however, soon changed that and a movement was born: 1.5 million entries on Google, websites such as 'What Would Joan Holloway Do?' filled with her best quotes and imaginary advice, even a Facebook group called 'I'd like to engage in wanton and unchaste activities with Joan Holloway'.

Mention of the word 'icon' makes Hendricks blush. 'When people use that word, it's just the most amazing thing. Joan's this wonderful combination that people have responded to. I think that in this world of men, in this boys' club, she gives a sense of levity to the workplace, and sexuality, and she's a little brassy. She's just so much fun to play. I love her.'

Mad Men is Hendricks' first taste of the big time and comes 11 years after she moved to Los Angeles with her mother, a psychologist, now retired. (Her parents split up when she was 17.) A former model, Hendricks had appeared in a number of series and had a recurring role in ER but hadn't really broken through.

She says that Mad Men has changed her life 'in almost every capacity', from casting agents no longer trying to book other actresses during her auditions to people approaching her in the street. Much of the attention has been focused on her body and how refreshing it is to see a fuller-figured actress burn up the screen. 'I feel like everyone talks about my bust in public,' she says, laughing.

Such talk was much in evidence at the Emmy Awards in September, where her emerald Grecian-style gown with plunging neckline almost overshadowed her show's historic night – winning six awards, including best drama. Red-carpet interviewers fell over themselves to talk to her. 'You look like what a real woman is supposed to look like,' gushed one. 'Thank you for showing everybody you don't have to be a waif to make it in Hollywood.'

'I've had people come up to me and say, "You've made me feel proud about my curves," or, "It's so refreshing to see body types [like yours],"' says Hendricks when asked about all the attention. 'Well, that feels nice because, after all, I feel sexy and I feel like a woman and I feel happy, and I don't feel like I'm constantly depriving myself or beating myself up and I still feel beautiful. But
at the same time I'm a woman and do I want to lose 10 pounds? Absolutely, like everyone does. So I can't say I've mastered that, I've gotten beyond that.'

Hendricks, whose father is a retired forestry worker, moved around as a child, living in Tennessee, Idaho and Virginia. She was first bitten by the acting bug when she and her brother became involved in community theatre groups. But at high school in Virginia she felt displaced and 'uncomfortable in my skin'. Teased for her artistic interests by the school 'jockse_SSRq, she became 'this little goth punk-rock girl' with purple hair and black lipstick. 'My mother was mortified and kept telling me how horrible and ugly I looked, and strangers would walk by with a look of shock on their face, so I never felt pretty, you know. I just always felt awkward.' It was at this time that she got into modelling, even though she thought 'it was ridiculous because I was so hardcore'.

Persuaded to enter a contest to appear on the cover of Seventeen magazine, she posed for some pictures wearing a wig in a cemetery. 'When I got the pictures back my mum and I started crying because I had no idea I could be pretty,' Hendricks recalls. 'It just sort of changed my perspective of myself.' She didn't win but, at the age of 19, she moved to New York and began modelling professionally. 'I loved it a lot,' she says. 'I know a lot of girls who are like, "Ugh, I hated it," and I'm like, "Really? You hated being paid to travel all around the world and have your picture taken? That must have been horrible for you."' She laughs. 'I think it helped that I started a little bit older, but I really took advantage of the travel and learning about different cultures. I just thought it was a world of fantasy.'

She describes modelling as 'freeze-frame acting' and a 'good boot camp'. 'I have always said that I don't think I'd have as thick a skin as an actress if I hadn't done the modelling, because you get rejected seven times a day as a model and you're not even doing anything. That can either kill you in a month or, you know, build up a tolerance in you, and I think it helped me.' Was she ever under pressure to lose weight? 'Not really because I was just so skinny [at the time she weighed just over eight stone]. But because I was very busty I had a little bit of a problem when I was doing runway.'

After New York, Hendricks spent a year living in London modelling – she has dual nationality because her father was born in Britain, as was her grandmother. She loves London. 'It feels like home,' she says. 'I was there for the perfect time – 1996. It was huge for fashion and music and there was so much energy. It was Britpop-crazy and I'm the biggest Britpop fan. I went and saw Oasis the other night and it was great. I was freaking out and jumping up and down.' She ended up living in Islington, 'but not the nice part. It was near the women's prison, off the Holloway Road.' She pauses. 'Joan Holloway… Holloway Road… maybe that was like the precursor, the foreshadowing.'

Hendricks describes her Mad Men character as 'a bossy person who loves attention' and who knows how to get it. 'But when she goes home she's certainly not the most well-adjusted person. She doesn't really know what she wants, and she's vulnerable and looking for love and scared of love. That's why, for an actress, it's a dream role because you can't just say Joan is this or that.'

To prepare for the part, on the advice of Weiner, Hendricks devoured the books of Helen Gurley Brown, who wrote the 1962 pre-feminist guide Sex and the Single Girl, which partly inspired the character. 'There are all sorts of zingers in there. I mean, honestly, there's things about if you are expecting a male guest at your home to make sure that you have a towel and a cigarette waiting in the bathroom…'

Then, of course, there is Joan's wiggle. Hendricks says that, when filming began, her transformation into Joan, with her ramrod posture and hip-swinging strut, was almost unconscious. 'When I put the clothes on, all of a sudden I just walked and talked like that. It was very strange,' she recalls. 'Matt [Weiner] came up to me and said, "What are you doing?" and I went, "I don't know," and he said, "But that's Joan, that's Joan!" So we were both laughing because it just instinctually happened, I didn't plan it.' The restricting vintage underwear helped, too, she says, once she got used to the discomfort – and once everyone had managed to stop giggling at all the upholstered, conical breasts on set.

Indeed, the costumes in Mad Men caused such a cultural stir that sculpted print dresses and secretarial pencil skirts began cropping up on catwalks last year. Blister-inducing girdles aside, Hendricks likes her on-screen wardrobe and says that it has inspired her to dress differently in real life. 'It's really taught me a lot about tailoring and fitting. I guess I never wore things that were so body-conscious before; I was more self-conscious. Now I'm just embracing it and tailoring, tailoring, tailoring!'

The cast are all great friends – Vincent Kartheiser (who plays the ambitious junior executive Pete Campbell) introduced Hendricks to Geoffrey Arend, her tall, curly-haired boyfriend of almost two years – and frequently socialise together. Even Jon Hamm, who plays Sterling Cooper's dark and mysterious alpha ad man, Don Draper, is often 'really funny and goofy and jokey'. Hendricks breaks off. Arend, 30, is heading out to work on his latest show, a television drama also about advertising called Trust Me. 'Honey, are you leaving?' She gets up and the pair embrace. 'I love you,' Hendricks calls as he exits.

About a week after our interview it is announced that the couple have become engaged. Hendricks glows as she talks about Arend, recalling how she thought, "Who's this cutie?" when they first met and how, after a month of being friends, 'we decided to have a kiss. It was lovely.'

Hendricks also has a recurring role in Life, a crime drama starring the British actor Damian Lewis, whom she describes as 'fantastic. He has a good American accent, too. I'm sure no one even knows he's a Brit.'

As for what's next, Hendricks says that she would like to do a film. 'That's what I'm currently pursuing.' One of her dreams is to work with Tim Burton – 'I just adore what he does.' But she has others. 'I'd love to do a romantic comedy. I'd love to do an epic western. I'd love to do a bit of everything. Hopefully I will.'

But she has no rigid plans, describing her career as 'going along for the ride'. 'I don't think I ever really had a plan. I still don't. People say, "Oh, where do you want to be in five years?" I have no idea. I didn't realise I'd be here. And the ride's been really fun. So why start getting a GPS when it's already been good without it?'