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Anthony Simkins, who has died aged 91, joined MI5 in 1948 and served as Deputy Director-General from 1965 until his retirement in 1971.

Having avoided controversy throughout his professional life, in 1981 Simkins publicly defended Roger Hollis, the former Director-General of MI5, against accusations that he had been a Soviet spy. Then, five years later, he successfully sued the writer Phillip Knightley, who had claimed that Simkins had leaked a copy of his internal history of MI5 to another historian.

Charles Anthony Goodall Simkins was born on March 2 1912 and educated at Marlborough and at New College, Oxford, where he was a keen hockey player and took a First in Modern History. He was called to the Bar at Lincoln's Inn in 1936, and served in the Territorial Army and the Rifle Brigade from the outbreak of war until the end of hostilities.

Between 1941 and 1943 Simkins was a PoW, having been captured by the Italians at Derna in the Libyan Desert. In September 1943, when the Italian government under Marshal Badoglio signed an armistice with the Allies, he was released from the camp at Fontanellato near Parma. Accompanied by a fellow officer, Philip Morris-Keating, he began to walk south, receiving a most hospitable welcome from the local population. Six weeks later, however, he was recaptured by the Germans and sent to a camp near Brunswick. Although Simkins endured no great hardship as a prisoner, regarding camp life as relatively easy after the privations of Marlborough, he was annoyed at having been caught by the Germans (whom he had mistaken for roofers) when he was only hours away from the Allied lines.

Upon his liberation in April 1945 Simkins was persuaded by his sister, Elizabeth, who had served in SOE, to join MI5 instead of facing an uncertain future in the Law. In 1948 he was posted to Rhodesia as MI5's Security Liaison Officer based in Salisbury, which the security services viewed as a useful listening post in southern Africa.

Three years later he returned to London to work at B Division, the counter-espionage department. He then switched to the personnel branch, and in 1958 was the first MI5 officer to attend the Imperial Defence College. He rose from Director, C Branch, in charge of protective security, to Deputy Director-General under Sir Martin Furnival Jones in December 1965.

In 1971 Simkins retired to Guildford, having been commissioned to write MI5's wartime history. When he did so there was no prospect of publication, so he was able to prepare a comprehensive account of the organisation's success in taking control of the enemy's espionage apparatus in England. His meticulous research was completed in 1978, but it was decided that security considerations would prevent further circulation of his lengthy manuscript.

When, however, Professor Sir Harry Hinsley was asked by the Cabinet Office to prepare an account of British Intelligence in the Second World War, he collaborated with Simkins to produce an abbreviated version of his manuscript. This was published in 1990 as volume four of the official history, under the title Security and Counter-Intelligence.

The book included an account of Garbo, the Spaniard who had managed to convince the Germans that he was the head of a network in Britain with access to key information. Although Garbo's reports were concocted from out-of-date reference books in a Portuguese public library, and contained such revelations as "there are men here in Glasgow who would do anything for a litre of wine", he was copiously supplied with money and equipment by the Abwehr, the German secret service. British Intelligence, however, did not take up his offer to work as a double agent.

Simkins and Hinsley's description of the Garbo episode prompted John Keegan to note in The Daily Telegraph that "there can be few official histories which cause a reader to laugh out loud".

In 1981 Simkins and Sir Martin Furnival Jones wrote to The Times to express their belief in the innocence of Sir Roger Hollis, the former Director-General, who had been named as a suspected Soviet spy, and brought out of retirement for interrogation. Simkins, always proud of MI5 and its work, was concerned that the name of the service was being brought into disrepute.

In 1986 he found himself again thrust into the public eye after it was implied by Philip Knightley in his book The Second Oldest Profession that Simkins had provided first-hand knowledge of MI5's activities to the author Nigel West - the pen-name of Rupert Allason, who was elected Conservative MP for Torbay in 1987.

Knightley and his publishers were obliged to accept that their allegations had been mistaken, and the action was settled with an apology and a payment of damages to a charity.

A keen sportsman, Simkins loved hunting and played tennis well into his sixties. He also enjoyed watching cricket, and in retirement took up golf.

Simkins was a modest and unassuming man. Due to the nature of his profession, his work was never discussed at home; "If anyone asks," his children were told, "your father works for the War Office."

Anthony Simkins was appointed CBE in 1963 and CB in 1968. He died on December 29.

He married, in 1938, Sylvia Hartley, who survives him with two sons and a daughter.