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Dr Abdullah Abdullah spoke to an audience of around 2,000 Pashtun voters in the restive, but politically crucial city of Kandahar.

The 48-year-old former foreign minister has emerged as Mr Karzai's strongest rival, with polls showing he will take the incumbent to a second round run-off after voting on August 20.

However, observers believe his career as a former senior aide in the Northern Alliance and his choice as candidate of the Tajik-dominated National Front opposition bloc could see him struggle to win votes in the Pashtun nationalist south.

Pashtuns are Afghanistan's largest ethnic group, making up an estimated 40 per cent of the population, while Kandahar is the ancestral home of the Karzai clan.

The son of a Pashtun father from Kandahar and Tajik mother, Dr Abdullah told the crowd: "I am originally from Kandahar and my ancestral roots are in Kandahar." He criticised the Karzai regime for corruption and inability to solve the country's problems.

He added: "Mr Karzai has not been able to use the opportunity that the foreign countries have given him.

"There's corruption, there's treason, but seven years ago we had security." Kandahar is the traditional seat of Afghanistan's royal and political elite and the spiritual base of the Taliban, where their leader, Mullah Mohammed Omar, was anointed as 'Commander of the Faithful'.

Locals said Dr Abdullah's speech was in heavily accented and occasionally incorrect Pashtu and it drew mixed reactions.

Syed Mohammed, a 45-year-old farmer, said: "I think Dr Abdullah can save Afghanistan. I have seen flaws with Mr Karzai, he cannot bring security to Afghansitan." Another voter, who had travelled to the rally to help him choose a candidate, said: "I do not think he can do anything for us and I will vote for Mr Karzai."