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Former Scotland striker's introduction to football was as a six-year-old goalkeeper

Where did you go to school and was sport an important part of school life? I went to junior and secondary school in Glasgow. We had a concrete playground with white lines at primary school, but everyone improvised. At secondary school there were no sports facilities, but we made do by playing matches on other schools' pitches. A lack of facilities was not a great problem. It never stopped us, even during lunchtime we always had a game of football. The teachers were very good, though, and were always prepared to sacrifice their own time outside the curriculum.

Today we need kids to show enthusiasm to teachers. Football at school is still very strong. Many people have benefited from the McDonald's coaching scheme in Scotland and I'm proud to be the sponsors' head of Scottish football in that regard. The number of new level one and level two coaches created, and the equipment they give out - bibs, cones, team shirts and the rest - has really encouraged so many people to get involved. The uptake has been brilliant, and it really is smiles all round.

Did you excel at other sports? I did not excel at anything at school. My attendance was the best part of my school record. I was always active as a child, and I still believe it is important to exercise. With winning the Olympic bid, there is a great opportunity now for people to get behind sport in this country. It's all well and good putting money in, but at the planning level we need to develop sports facilities. They seem to be able to put up new telephone masts without much difficulty, but can't put up as many floodlights for sport to be played in the evening. Common sense would not go amiss in sports planning.

What was your most memorable sporting moment as a schoolboy? Nothing in particular. I just remember moments in the playground, as a wee boy in shorts. I was six years of age when I played my first organised football. I remember it well because, unfortunately, I was in goal. Perhaps I should have stayed there.

How did your career develop at school? I played for Glasgow Schoolboys and Glasgow Schools, and we won the Scottish Cup. I also played for Scotland Schoolboys and, from memory, we were undefeated in our three Victory Shield matches against the home nations. My career developed through the help of my parents, who gave me great support and were interested in my football. They always spent time helping me, after school as well as when I was playing for the school. I played for the YMCA and Glasgow United, and from there I went to Celtic as a 16-year-old apprentice. The Celtic youth/reserve team played in the local equivalent of the Conference against men. At the time I was also an apprentice joiner. That lasted about a year - the football took over then. I couldn't fix my own windows today.

Did sport interfere with your schoolwork? I did my schoolwork. I passed most subjects, and I don't think my sport actually interfered. Having said that, I was certainly no great academic, either.

What are your views on how sport should be delivered in school? I think it should be delivered in parallel with education in this day and age.

A modern-day football apprenticeship does include education, and that is right because nowadays you need all sorts of qualifications to succeed in life. Education should not be dismissed. I think sport should have a central role in school life and, in some instances, could also be used as a reward.

Which sportsmen inspired you as a schoolboy - and why? Our local footballers were our inspiration.

We never saw a lot of footballers. Television coverage was minimal at the time. Denis Law was my childhood hero.

Did you have any mentors who brought you through? I was fortunate my dad had a good knowledge of football, and at professional level I went to Celtic at a time when they had just won the European Cup, and it could not have been better timing.

In Jock Stein, and other coaches there, we had great men taking the reserve and junior teams.

What advice would you give to schoolchildren interested in a career in sport? I would say it is all very well having a mission to go forward in sport, but it is a very difficult thing to achieve. My advice would be that they should not neglect their education. Strive for their sport but mostly have plenty of relaxation in their lives, and the enjoyment of friends around them to play sport.