escenic (original) (raw)

The new year has begun for tennis in the same disappointing vein as the old one ended, with allegations of corrupt behaviour by its participants - and further embarrassment for the Association of Tennis Professionals. John McEnroe has called for the governing body of the men's game to put their house in order and impose the sternest possible penalties on offenders, whether it be for illegal betting or drug-taking, adding: "Surely it's time now for tennis to have its own commissioner."

Greg Rusedski's admission to a positive drug test has come like a hammer blow to the sport after the betting scandal that was uncovered by The Telegraph late last year. "We have enough problems in the sport," said McEnroe, "just getting more people to play and getting their attention without this sort of thing happening. It's the last thing we needed."

Notwithstanding a successful appeal by Rusedski on Feb 9, McEnroe called for the ATP to "come down harshly on him or anyone else" proved guilty of taking performance-enhancing drugs. "It would be sad if this was the case," said McEnroe, alluding to the British No 2's attempted comeback from injury, "because it shows the desperate measures people will go to in order to keep up."

But he was surprised that Rusedski should have proved positive. "Watching him play, I've never noticed anything about him that struck me as different, but I don't know him that well. It would be surprising if it were true. In fact, even not knowing him, it would be surprising," he said.

McEnroe had suspicions that players were taking drugs when he was playing. "If you don't have proof you have to back off," he said. "I don't think it was widespread but I'm sure it did go on."

McEnroe was disappointed that some of the testing nowadays was inconclusive. Seven players who tested positive for traces of nandrolone last year were absolved when it came to light that ATP trainers were unwittingly administering the illegal drug to players in electrolyte replacement products. It is partly on the basis of these findings that Rusedski has launched his appeal.

"I'm not sure some of the legal prescriptions, some of the strong, anti-inflammatory drugs people are given for speeding up the healing process, are that far removed from illegal ones," McEnroe said. "For six years I was unaware I was being given a form of steroid of the legal kind they used to give horses until they decided it was too strong even for horses. So people have to become more aware of what they are putting into their bodies. In general people are administered drugs too readily."