Mileva Maric-Einstein (original) (raw)

Mileva Maric-Einstein

(December 19, 1875 - August 4, 1948)

The Year 2008 is 60 Years Since the Death of Mileva Maric

Mileva Maric Einstein was the first wife of Albert Einstein. Mileva was his companion, mathematician, and co-worker on the "Theory of Relativity". Mileva was a Serbian woman from the Serbian city of Novi Sad. Newest evidence suggests that Mileva's role in formulating the "Theory of Relativity" was significant.

Einstein gave Mileva all the money from his Nobel Prize award as a divorce settlement.

The Tesla Memorial Society of New York thanks the Tesla Society of Switzerland, the Serbian community in Switzerland, the Switz Community and its officials, officials from Serbia, the Serbian Orthodox Church and the Russian Orthodox Church for their participation in the commemoration of Mileva Maric-Einstein on her gravesite in the Northeim Friedhof Ceremetery in Zurich, Switzerland.

Mileva and Hans

Above: Mileva and Hans Albert, 1907.

Mileva Maric letter to Albert Einstein from Heidelberg

Above: The letter of Mileva Maric to Einstein from Heidelberg, October 20, 1897. The winter semester of 1897 to 1898 Mileva Maric spent in Heidelberg, she was fascinated with a lecture about the relationship between the velocity of a molecule and the distance traversed by it between collisions, and she wrote to Einstein about that in this letter above. This was a topic relevant in Einstein's studies of Brownian motion and discussed in one of his famous three papers published n 1905.

The following images and text below are in german and were copied from the Tesla Society of Switzerland website ( ). We thank Peter Stojanovich, founder of the Tesla Society of Switzerland, for these images and excellent research work on Mileva Maric-Einstein.

2007 � Tesla Society Schweiz | |

Die "TSS" recherchierte exklusive 2004 �ber Einsteins erste Ehefrau und geniale Mathematikerin Mileva. Milevas Grab wurde nach 31 Jahre auf dem Nordheim Friedhof in Z�rich, Dank der Z�richer Beh�rden am 26. Juni 2004 wieder entdeckt.

The grave location of Mileva Maric was discovered in Nordheim Friedhof Ceremetery, Zurich Switzerland after 31 years from her death. Her gravestone was removed from her grave by the Nordheim Friedhof Cemetery for non-payment of cemetery fees.


geboren in Titel, gestorben in Z�rich
Mileva Maric was born in a small town called Titel in a northern province of Serbia on December 19. 1875. She died in Zurich, Switzerland on August 4, 1948. Mileva Maric was buried in Nordheim Friedhof Ceremetery, Zurich Switzerland.

Z�rich, 23.6.2004: v. links Trudi Wolf (Nordheim Friedhof), Marianne Herold (Bev�lkerungsbeh�rde Stadt Z�rich), Momirka Marinkovic (ehm. serbische Generalkonzulin in Z�rich), Simeon Prodanovic (serb. orth. Kirche Z�rich), Dr. Anna Pia Maissen (Stadt Archiv Z�rich), Brigitte Kn�pfel-Portmann (neue Autorin Milevas)
June 23, 2004: Visit to Mileva Maric gravesite on Nordheim Friedhof Cemetery in Zurich, Switzerland.

Nordheim Friedhof Z�rich
This is the location of Mileva Maric's grave on Nordheim Friedhof Cemetery in Zurich, Switzerland.

2008: Ehrentafel (65x50 cm) in Z�rich - weitere Infos folgen...

In this house Mileva Maric died on August 4, 1948. This building was a Sanatorium (health faculty) at that time.

Die Mutter oder der Vater der Relativit�tstheorie?

"I was proud and lucky when we were together to finish our work on the "Theory of Relativity" -Albert Einstein, giving credit to Mileva Maric for her work together with Einstein on the "Theory of Relativity"

Z ur Frage der Co-Autorinnenschaft Mileva Maric an Einsteins Arbeiten bis 1913

von Frau Magister Dr. Margarete Maurer - University of Vienna

(Wir suchen Ehreamtliche �bersetzer des Manuskripts in mehreren Sprachen (

�Zusammen sind wir Ein Stein� Quelle: Die Stiftung Science et Cit�

(deutsch, franz�sisch)

From High Hopes to Tragedy - Mileva Einstein-Maric von Olga B. Markovich

The "Love Letters" of Mileva Maric and Albert Einstein shed light on the role of Mileva Maric in Einstein's work and life.


Im exklusiven Dokumentarfilm "Einsteins Wife" bekr�ftigt Prof. Ljubomir Trbuhovic (Sohn von Desanka T.)

dass das Originalmanuskript von 1905 mit Einstein-Marity (Maric) unterschrieben worden war,

so Prof. Ioffe (Joffe) Abram in seinem Buch "Erinnerung an Einstein" von 1955.

The documentary film "Einstein's Wife", showed that the original manuscript from 1905 of the "Theory of Relativity" was signed with "Einstein-Marty" (Marity for Maric). Soviet scientist Abraham Joffe (shown on the stamp above) claimed to have seen the original manuscript with two signatures (Einstein and Maric). Abraham Joffe is an alumni of the famous Polytechnic Institue, in Zurich, Switzerland.

Danin Daniil Semjnowitsch - Wissenschaftsschriftsteller der UDSSR, best�tigt Joffes Manuskript von 1955, die Arbeit von Bern/Leipzig mit Einstein-Marity unterschrieben worden zu sein.

(Moskau 1962 - Buch: 57/392 Seiten)

Prof. Daniel Semjonovich confirmed Professor Joffe's statement that the original manuscript of the "Theory of Relativity" was signed "Einstein-Marty".

Danin Daniil Semjnowitsch mit Albert Einstein 1946 in Princton USA
Daniel Semjonovich with Albert Einstein in Priceton, USA, 1946.


Press Newspaper Belgrad, 30.12.2007

"Die Muse hinter der Formel" in der Frankfurter Vesti vom 9.12.2007

Serbian Newspaper "Vesti" published an article (December 9, 2007) about a visit to Mileva Maric's gravesite in Nordheim Friedhof Cemetery.


Albert Einstein and Mileva Maric visited Mileva's parents in the Serbian city of Novi Sad in 1905, 1907, and 1913. Albert Einstein and family visited Belgrade, the capital of Serbia, in 1905.

Serbisch-orthodoxer Priester Simeon Prodanovic mit Peter Stojanovic am Nordheim Friedhof 2004
Serbian Orthodox Priest Simeon Prodanovic with Peter Stojanovic, Tesla Society of Switzerland, at the entrance of the Norheim Friedhof Cemetery, Zurich Switzerland.

Above: The Wedding Invitation of Albert Einstein and Mileva Maric on January 6, 1903, in Bern, Switzerland.

So sah ihr Werkzeug an der ETH Z�rich von Albert und Mileva 1896-1901 aus. (Symbolbild)
Albert Einstein and Mileva Maric's books about Theoretical Physics, 1896-1901 at the Polytechnic Institute in Zurich. These books were used by Albert Einstein and Mileva Maric to study Theorical Physics at the Polytechnic Institute in Zurich.

Erster F�hrbittengottesdienst nach 56 Jahren f�r Mileva in Z�rich. (29.8.2004)

(rechts Olega Batov - russisch-orthodoxe Kirche Z�rich - Narzissenstrasse 10)
August 29, 2004: Commemoration ceremony at the gravesite of Mileva Maric by Russian Orthodox Priest Oleg Batov and Serbian Orthodox Priest Simeon Prodanovic. This was the first commemoration of Mileva Maric after 26 years of her death.

Nordheim Friedhof Z�rich - November 2004
November 2004: Visit to the gravesite of Mileva Maric at Nordheim Friedhof Cemetery, Zurich.

November 2004 - Visit to the gravesite of Mileva Maric at Nordheim Friedhof Cemetery, Zurich.

November 2004 - Visit to the gravesite of Mileva Maric at Nordheim Friedhof Cemetery, Zurich.

November 2004 - Visit to the gravesite of Mileva Maric at Nordheim Friedhof Cemetery, Zurich.

Im Winter 2004 regnete es in allen Str�men, doch fast alle Kerzen brannten

f�r die fast vergessene Mathematikerin,..?
In the winter of 2004, there was heavy rain but all the candles at the gravesite remained lit for the mathematician Mileva Maric at Nordheim Friedhof Cemetery.

Quelle: Muristalden Bern
"Everything that I achieved in my life, I must thank Mileva. She is my genius inspirer, my protector against the hardships of life and science. Without her, my work would have never have been started nor finished." -Albert Einstein quote for Mileva Maric, in 1905.

Serbischer Kulturminister Dragan Kojadinovic dankt (rechts) Peter Stojanovic f�r die kulturelle Initiative f�r Mileva Einstein-Maric. (Fotoaufnahme: Sept. 2004 im Ministerium Belgrad)
Dragan Kojadinovic, Serbian Minister of Culture, thanking Peter Stojanovic, Tesla Society of Switzerland, for his initiative to keep the memory of Mileva Maric alive.

Kisacka (Ulica) Strasse Nr. 20 in Novi Sad - Hauseigent�mer Mileva & Albert Einstein
Above is the house of Mileva Maric's parents on Kisacka Street in the Serbian city of Novi Sad. Albert Einstein and Mileva Maric stayed in this house when they visited Mileva's parents. There is an initiative to build a museum for Albert Einstein and Mileva Maric in this house.

von Prof. Dr. Senta Tr�mel-Plotz - Germany
"Mileva Einstein-Maric, the wife who solved the mathematicial problems of Albert Einstein's work." - Prof. Dr. Senta Tromel-Plotz, Germany.

Ist Mileva heute einigen Institution, Biografen usw. ein Dorn im Auge?
Bust of Mileva Maric in Novi Sad, Serbia. This Bust is blindfolded to emphasize the tragedy of Mileva Maric. There are three busts in Serbia and one school in Novi Sad is named after Mileva Maric. The Serbian people are proud of Albert Einstein and Mileva Maric.

Nordheim Friedhof - August 2004
The gravesite of Mileva Maric in Nordheim Freidhof Cemetery in Zurich. The gravestone on Mileva's grave was removed by the cemetery due to non-payment of the cemetery fees.

No comment,.....
The gravesite of Mileva Maric in Nordheim Freidhof Cemetery in Zurich (in the background). The gravestone on Mileva's grave was removed by the cemetery due to non-payment of the cemetery fees.

The documentary film "Einstein's Wife" was produced by Geraldine Hilton. The film shed light on Mileva Maric's contribute to the "Theory of Relativity".


Mileva Einstein-Maric


1. Magister Dr. Margarete Maurer


2. Dr. Simo Jelaca

Vizepr�sident (Fakt: I, II)

3. Karin B�ttig

4. Brigitte Kn�pfel

5. Peter Stojanovic

6. Oleg Batov

7. Prof. Gordana Nikolic

8. Papadelis Ignatios

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