(original) (raw)

low-class ญอ หญิง woman; women The 13th consonant in the Thai alphabet

Unicode value: U+ญ (ญ)
TIS-620 value: 0xญ (ญ)

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ญวน yuaanM proper noun, geographical Annam; Annamese; Annamite
ญอ yaawM [pronunciation of the 13th letter of the Thai alphabet]
ญะฮันนัม yaH hanM namM proper noun, loanword [Thai transcription of foreign loanword] hell
ญัตติ yatH dtiL noun, formal, loanword, Pali motion; proposal; plan; idea; resolution; proposition; declaration; announcement
classifier [numerical classifier for parliamentary motions, plans, ideas]
ญัตติที่เสนอได้ผ่านที่ประชุมด้วยมติเอกฉันท์ yatH dtiL theeF saL nuuhrR daiF phaanL theeF bpraL choomM duayF maH dtiL aehkL gaL chanR example sentence, formal "The proposed motion was carried unanimously."
ญัตติสาธารณะ yatH dtiL saaR thaaM raH naH noun a public announcement (by a government institution, for example); declaration
ญาณ yaanM noun, poetic, Pali superior knowledge; wisdom; intelligence
noun, poetic, Pali insight; perception; foresight; prophetic vision
ญาณ yaaM naH [alternate pronunciation of ญาณ ]
ญาณวิทยา yaanM witH thaH yaaM noun Epistemology
ญาณศาสตร์ yaaM naH saatL noun the science of fortune-telling
ญาณทัสนะ yaanM thatH saL naH noun intuition; enlightened foresight
ญาณทัสสนะ yaanM thatH saL naH [alternate spelling of ญาณทัสนะ]
ญาณิน yaaM ninM proper noun Yanin [a Thai given name]
ญาณี yaaM neeM noun, loanword, Pali intelligent person; wise person
adjective, loanword, Pali wise; intelligent; knowing
ญาดา yaaM daaM noun, loanword, Pali wise person; intelligent person; scholar
ญาติ yaatF noun relative; kin; relations; cousins
[ญาติ ๆ] relatives; relations; family members
ญาติ yaaM dtiL [alternate pronunciation of ญาติ ]
ญาติดี yaatF deeM adjective [is] reconciled (with a formerly estranged person); [is] on good terms (with)
ญาติธรรม yaaM dtiL thamM maH noun member of the laity; non-monk
ญาติผู้ใหญ่ จะเอื้อมมือมารับพาน yaatF phuuF yaiL jaL euuamF meuuM maaM rapH phaanM example sentence "The senior relatives reach out to accept the tray [and its accessories]."
ญาติผู้ใหญ่โปรยข้าวตอกและดอกไม้ลงบนเตียงตามประเพณี yaatF phuuF yaiL bprooyM khaaoF dtaawkL laeH daawkL maaiH lohngM bohnM dtiiangM dtaamM bpraL phaehM neeM example sentence "Elder [respected] relatives spread popped rice and flowers on the bed, as is the custom."
ญาติพี่น้อง yaatF pheeF naawngH noun relatives; family
ญาติมิตร yaatF mitH noun kindred; kin; kinfolk; relatives and friends
ญาติโยม yaatF yo:hmM noun folks; [as used by a monk] lay persons, lay supporters, friends and family
ญาติสนิท yaatF saL nitL noun close relatives
ญาติ ๆ yaatF yaatF [ญาติ ๆ] relatives; relations; family members
ญาติโกโหติกา yaatF dtiL go:hM ho:hR dtiL gaaM noun relatives; entire family on both sides; extended family
ญิฮาด yiH haatL noun, loanword [Thai transcription of foreign loanword] Jihad
ญี่ปุ่น yeeF bpoonL proper noun, geographical, adjective Japan
proper noun, geographical [ประเทศญี่ปุ่น] Japan
noun [คนญี่ปุ่น] Japanese person
noun [ชาวญี่ปุ่น] Japanese people; Japanese folk
ญี่ปุ่นประสบความสำเร็จทั้งจำนวนนักท่องเที่ยวและรายได้ yeeF bpoonL bpraL sohpL khwaamM samR retL thangH jamM nuaanM nakH thaawngF thiaaoF laeH raaiM daiF example sentence "Japan has achieved success both in the number of tourists and in revenue earned."