(original) (raw)

mid-class ฏอ ปฏัก harpoon; spear; javelin The 15th consonant in the Thai alphabet

Unicode value: U+ฏ (ฏ)
TIS-620 value: 0xฏ (ฏ)

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ฏคระ dtaL khaH raH adjective [is] cross-eyed
ฏอ dtaawM [pronunciation of the 15th letter of the Thai alphabet]
ฏังกะ dtangM gaL noun, Pali spade; hoe; hatchet
ฏังกิกา dtangM giL gaaM noun, Sanskrit axe; hatchet; chisel
ฏัฏฏนี dtatL dtaL neeM noun, Sanskrit house lizard
ฏางการ dtaangM gaanM noun, Sanskrit ruffian; hooligan; law-breaker
ฏาร dtaaM raH proper noun, ancient, loanword, Pali Ganymede (a beautiful youth in classical mythology carried off to Olympus to be the cupbearer of the gods)
noun, Pali catamite (a boy kept by a pederast [one that practices anal intercourse especially with a boy]); a beautiful boy representing a perfect sexual ideal; goodlooking boy kept for unnatural purposes
noun, Pali one who is guilty of sodomy
noun, ancient, loanword, Pali horse
ฏิก dtiL gaL verb, loanword, Sanskrit to go; to move
เฏรกะ dtaehM raH gaL adjective, Sanskrit [is] cross-eyed
โฏฏะ dto:hM dtaL adjective, Sanskrit tiny; small; little; diminutive