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Icelandic pronunciations from Forvo by
addihetja, alexandrayr, Almar, arnargisla, armannbern, aus11, bjarkibjarki, bjartursteingrims, dagurb, Elin, evarun, gbergur, goli77, Gudrun, guttyxx, hlodver, jonjonson, kongurlo, mannrusl1, MrMe, olfine, Petur75, Prandelli27, ragnaror, ret001, Sindrijo, Snaedis, Steinninn, SusannaMargret, Villi, wertxi, and whyking.

These pages have been created by enthusiasts for recreation and from a love of Iceland, photography and web design, not for profit.

The authors cannot guarantee the absence of errors or the currentness of the information included. For this reason we recommend that any reader should also search for more information at other sources. In any case the authors will not accept any responsibility for any action taken by anyone following the information contained in this website. None are exhaustive lists and all are provided solely for your enjoyment, and for ours. GPS coordinates provided are not exact. Should you wish to visit, these ought to get you to the immediate area but no guarantees.
This site is designed for most modern browsers but might not work correctly in oldies or if you turn off JS. If it doesn't work on your phone, sorry, my bad.
All video footage is amateur and done on the fly. Enjoy! All links open in a new browser tab because that's how I like it and I'm the one what writ it so there.
See, that wasn't so bad after all. And of course we value your privacy.
Website © Grafixation Ltd. All photos, video and other media © Mo Warden and Peter Oram, except map tiles (credit shown above.)
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License