Bresciano aims high for team, country (original) (raw)

Until - as seems inevitable - Harry Kewell leaves Leeds United, Italian-based Socceroo Marco Bresciano remains Australia's most expensive-ever soccer player.

But such is the spin and hype of the Premier League that few, except keen followers of the game, would realise that the unassuming 23-year-old from the Melbourne suburb of Rosanna holds that status.

When Parma swooped to grab Bresciano in a $20 million deal from his first Italian club Empoli almost a year ago, the former Carlton player looked set to catapult himself into the big time.

But a series of frustrating injuries hampered his progress and cost him game time, denying him the chance to impress as much as he would have liked.

But now, with the Serie A club about to begin its pre-season, Bresciano is optimistic that this will be the year he can stay injury-free and establish himself as a key component in a side looking for a top-four league finish to secure itself a Champions League berth the following year.

"Moving to Parma was a big change in every way, not just money-wise but it is a big club. The structure of the club, the facilities, its popularity means you are under a lot more pressure to get a result.

"We are a young squad and did all right this season by finishing fifth and qualifying for the UEFA Cup," he says.

"Without the injuries I had this year I would have been playing more regularly. I started off with a hamstring injury, then ankle, then quadricep, then did a hammy again.

"I did make around 20 starts this year but the season has been a little stop-start for me. I have never experienced these sort of injuries before and I feel as if I still haven't done anything, so I can't wait for next season to start."

Bresciano's goal target may sound modest, but with Italian defences renowned as the toughest in the world, any contribution from a team's midfielders is welcome.

"My target is to try and get five goals in the Serie A. I want to stay healthy and injury-free. If I can do that and be in good form, I will put the coach under pressure all the time. It will be hard for him to leave me out then."

While most Australians dream of playing in England, Bresciano has no wish to leave his current employer.

"As a little kid I always wanted to play in Italy. Now that I am there I want to stay there and be the most successful Australian ever to play in Italy."

Bresciano may soon have company, with speculation rife his life-long friend and former Carlton teammate Vince Grella may soon join him at Parma.

Bresciano left Australia at the tender age of 18 and last week, while speaking to students at his old school, Marcellin College in Bulleen, admitted home thoughts remained an important source of personal motivation.

"The first year I went I was very homesick. Coming from a country like this - it's a beautiful country, you just can't beat it - it wasn't easy. I was always thinking of my friends, my family, how far away from home I was. That was the only time I thought about coming home. I could understand Italian, but had to study the language to speak it.

"You go out on to the pitch and you see 80,000 people, that's enough to motivate you. But I also think about Australia, I think about my friends and things like that."

Perhaps because he has travelled so far, so fast, Bresciano is acutely aware of the opportunities the game has afforded him and how fortunate his life has been.

"Moving to Italy and becoming a full-time footballer, I think it's the best thing that's ever happened to me. As a sport, you realise it gives you so much - money, opportunity - you travel to other countries, the third world and you see how some people live. It keeps you off the streets, keeps you healthy, away from drugs."

The Socceroos' win over England was a huge fillip for the team's confidence, Bresciano said, and could act as a platform for greater achievements.

"It was the best game. It was good for the players, realising that if we come together as a team we can beat anyone. The new conditions make it a lot easier for us to get to the World Cup, but we can't afford to take it easy ourselves."

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