The Harry Harlow project (original) (raw)

November 30, 2009 — 11.00am

Written and performed by James Saunders, Full Tilt, the Arts Centre, until December 5 Reviewer Cameron Woodhead

THIS one-man show dissects the life and work of American psychologist Harry Harlow (1905-81), whose experiments on monkeys have had an enduring and controversial legacy.

Harlow's most famous experiment, the "cloth mother", showed the importance of maternal contact to the social and cognitive development of infant primates. It changed the face of child psychology. His later work, inducing psychosis and depression in baby rhesus monkeys, spurred the expansion of the fledgling animal rights movement.

James Saunders uses a range of performance techniques to distressing and sometimes humorous effect. We get the stuttering Harlow, compering his own life story through interviews, soliloquies and stand-up comedy routines. At one stage, Saunders channels Harlow's critic and biographer Deborah Blum. And the spectre of the abused test animals is suggested through physical theatre and a ventriloquist act.

Martyn Coutts' live video art is the show's highlight. Saunders' performance is ghosted in black-and-white projection, the images warped to create a sense of disorienting isolation. They also suggest that, in Harlow's lab, the observer and the observed are linked in a destructive dance.

The erratic pulse of Kelly Ryall's electronic soundscape adds to an atmosphere of unease.

The weakest link is the physical theatre. There's a smattering of tortured, simian movement, but it ends up looking more pretentious than disturbing.

The scripting and Brian Lipson's direction don't always shine, either. The dramatic potential of the biographical material on Harlow remains just that - potential. The Harry Harlow Project is still a fascinating idea for theatre - it's just waiting for the performance to match the genius of its design.

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