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The Atlantic Forum

Conference List and Highlights

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Dear visitors,

We regret that as of January 22, 2008, when we eliminated the subscriber-registration requirement from the Web site, we became temporarily unable to register new forum users. In the near future we plan to implement an upgraded forum, open to all. In the meantime, this version of Post & Riposte will remain in place so that those already registered may continue to post.

Anyone interested in expressing feedback about the magazine, the Web site, or a specific article, can contact us via our Feedback page. Also please note that several of our blogs—those hosted by Ta-Nehisi Coates, Megan McArdle, and Clive Crook—are comment-enabled.

We appreciate your interest in Post & Riposte, and we apologize for the glitch.

Sincerely, The Editors

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Forum Highlights ...

After Iraq
What will maps of the Middle East look like 50 years from now?
America's Elegant Decline
Should sea power constitute the most important part of our long-term military strategy? Weigh in on Robert D. Kaplan's article in the November Atlantic.
Poll: Guantanamo's Shadow
How would you have answered the poll question we put to our team of foreign policy experts?
China Makes, The World Takes
Is China's rapid economic development actually a good thing for the U.S.? Weigh in on James Fallows's July/August cover story.
Superiority Complex
Could U.S. efforts to retain nuclear primacy actually make the world more dangerous by leading to a new arms race with China or other countries? Share your thoughts on Kier Lieber and Daryl Press's article in the July/August issue.

The Uses and Abuses of Fonts
Do you think the profusion of new fonts is an aesthetic boon to society? Or is it a Pandora's box for tacky amateurs?

"Goodbye to All That"
Does Obama represent a significant opportunity for positive change? Is his youth an asset or a drawback? Weigh in on Andrew Sullivan's December cover story.
Is homeownership bad for America? Join the conversation about Clive Crook's article in the December Atlantic.
How Hollywood Saved God
Was New Line Cinema right to dilute the anti-religious themes of The Golden Compass? What, if anything, are Hollywood values?
Do more doctors lead to worse care? Weigh in on Shannon Brownlee's article in the December issue.
Caitlin Flanagan on Hillary Clinton
Is Caitlin Flanagan right that Hillary Clinton falls short of what one would hope for in a female president? Share your thoughts on Hillary Clinton—and on Flanagan's essay about her in the November issue.
Autumn of the Multitaskers
Do you consider multitasking the bane of your existence or something that improves the quality of your life?

Saul Bellow
Share your thoughts on Saul Bellow. Do you love his work? Do you find it boring or overrun with too much philosophizing? Are there certain of his works that you've especially liked or disliked?


Join the conversation ...

Welcome to Post & Riposte, The Atlantic's online forum. We invite you to comment here on articles that appear in the print edition of The Atlantic Monthly and in _Atlantic Unbound,_our online journal, and to join in discussions with other readers on topics you choose.

The Atlantic has always been an invitational forum and never an ideological pulpit; the same holds true for our presence online. Above all, we ask simply that you voice your opinions in a tasteful manner, respecting the many others from around the world who form this online community. Of course we reserve the right to delete any post or discussion thread we deem inappropriate or offensive.

Our complete rules of use for the forum may be viewed by clicking here. Your use of the forum signifies your acceptance of these rules, so read them carefully. You may also view The Atlantic Online's legal notices here.

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This is also the place subscribers can give us feedback on our Web site in general, and on Post & Riposte in particular. Information on sending letters to the editor and submissions may be found by clicking here.

The Editors