1954 Retro-Hugo Awards (original) (raw)

1954 Retro Hugo Award Trophy

Presented at: Noreascon 4, Boston, Massachusetts, September 2-6, 2004

Hosts: Bob Eggleton, Peter Weston

Base design: Patrick J. O’Connor

Awards Administration: Deb Geisler, Rick Katze & Mark Olson

The 1954 Retrospective Hugo Award winners were announced at the “Time Travel” event on the evening of Friday, September 3, 2004 at Noreascon 4 in Boston, Massachusetts. Bob Eggleton presented the Retro Hugo Awards on the “Past” half of the stage, while Hugo rocket maker and Fan Guest of Honor Peter Weston conducted interviews of the other Guests of Honor — Terry Pratchett, William Tenn (Phil Klass), and Jack Speer — on the “Present” side of the stage. Music was provided by the theremin orchestra “The Lothars”.

Nominators were provided with a helpful retrospective Introduction and Guide to the Works of 1953 created by Andrew I. Porter, Joe Siclari, and Edie Stern.

The finalists were chosen by popular vote by 131 members of Noreascon 4 and Torcon 3 who submitted valid nomination forms for work done in 1953. A total of 131 nomination forms (35 paper and 96 on-line forms) were received. 843 final voting ballots were received, of which 2 were invalid.

Full Nominating and Final Ballot Voting Details (PDF)

Per WSFS rules, categories in which there were insufficient nominations to justify the category were dropped.

The John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer is not a Hugo Award and therefore there are no Retrospective versions of these awards.

Best Novel

Best Novella

Best Novelette

Best Short Story

Best Related Book

Best Dramatic Presentation, Long Form

Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form

Best Professional Editor

Best Professional Artist

Best Semi-Prozine

Best Fanzine

Best Fan Writer

Best Fan Artist

The World Science Fiction Society Constitution allows, but does not require, a Worldcon held an even multiple of 25 years after a year after 1939 at which no Hugo Awards were presented, to present Retrospective Hugo Awards for works that would have been eligible for that year’s Hugo Awards if they had been held. (Once Retro Hugos have been presented for a given year, no future Worldcon may present Retro Hugos for that year.) The first Hugo Awards (the “Science Fiction Achievement Awards”) were presented in 1953 at the Philcon II Worldcon, but they were not presented the following year at SFCon, the 1954 Worldcon. In 2004, Noreascon 4 elected to present Retro Hugo Awards for works first published in 1953 which would have been eligible for the 1954 Hugo Awards, had there been Awards presented in 1954.