1989 Hugo Awards (original) (raw)

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1989 Hugo Award Trophy Presented at: Noreascon 3, Boston, Massachusetts, August 31 – September 4 1989

Toastmaster: Frederik Pohl

Base design: Don Campbell (Design Etc., Inc.)

Awards Administration: Ellen Franklin

Noreascon 3 received a total of 547 Hugo nomination ballots: 8 of which were declared invalid. Of the 539 valid ballots, 514 were from members of Noreascon 3, and 25 from NOLAcon members who were not also Noreascon members. Noreascon 3 received a total of 980 valid Hugo final voting ballots.

Full Nominating Ballot Details (PDF)
Full Final Ballot Voting Details (PDF)

Best Novel

Best Novella

Best Novelette

Best Short Story

Best Related Non-Fiction Book

Best Dramatic Presentation

Best Professional Editor

Best Professional Artist

Best Semiprozine

Best Fanzine

Best Fan Writer

Best Fan Artist

The John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer
Award for the best new professional science fiction or fantasy writer of 1987 or 1988, sponsored by the publisher of Analog magazine. (Not a Hugo Award, but administered along with the Hugo Awards.)

Note: The 1989 nominating and final ballot figures were reconstructed by contemporaneous accounts of the 1989 Hugo Awards by Jo Van Ekeren in September 2017. The Hugo Awards web site thanks Jo for her effort in collating this information.