1999 Hugo Awards (original) (raw)

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1999 Hugo Award Trophy Presented at: Aussiecon Three, Melbourne, Australia, September 2-6, 1999

Host: Michael Jordan, Paul Ewins

Base design: Justin Dix

Awards Administration: Roy Ferguson and Justin Ackroyd

The Hugo Awards were presented at an evening ceremony on the 4th of September at Aussiecon Three, the 1999 World Science Fiction Convention.

There were 425 valid nominating ballots received from members of Aussiecon Three and Bucconeer. 438 valid final ballots were received from members of Aussiecon Three.

The Novelette category had seven nominees due to a 3-way tie for fifth place. The Short Story, Professional Editor, Professional Artist, Fanzine, and Fan Artist categories all had six nominees due to 2-way ties for fifth place.

Full Nominating and Final Ballot Voting Details (PDF)

Best Novel

Best Novella

Best Novelette

Best Short Story

Best Related Book

Best Dramatic Presentation

Best Professional Editor

Best Professional Artist

Best Semiprozine

Best Fanzine

Best Fan Writer

Best Fan Artist

John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer

*Finalist in their 2nd year of eligibility