What's In a Name? -- Harry Potter and the Mary Sue Litmus Test (original) (raw)

What's In a Name?Fanfic

The Mary Sue litmus test

This particular version is by Priscilla Spencer, but it's based on the test created by Dr. Merlin.

Who is "Mary Sue"? Mary Sue is the perky, bright, helpful sixteen-year-old witch who hangs out with the main characters as though she was always a part of J.K.'s universe. Everyone likes Mary Sue, because Mary Sue is good at everything. Mary Sue is an brilliant sorceress, a helpful friend, a good leader, a cunning and skilled dueler, and is stunningly beautiful. Her name is often the author's name, be it a net name, birth name, or a favored nickname. By the end of the story, Mary Sue will be locking lips with the author's desired character, will have left amid cheers from all the regulars, or will be dead, usually accompanied by heavy mourning from the cast. The reader, on the other hand, will be celebrating. Mary Sue's twin brother, Gary Stu can often be identified by his brooding, solitary behaviour, matched by his maverick disregard for authority.

Scoring is simple -- the more questions answered "Yes," the more likely it is the character is a problem, or worse, is a retread of an hundred characters exactly like him/her. Keep tally of all the questions you answered "yes" to, and then check out how you scored at the end of the test.

Section 1 - The Name Game

Section 2 - Physical Attributes

Section 3 - Personal Traits

Section 4 - Wizarding Powers

Section 5 - The Love Connection

Section 6 - The Real World and Your Character

Section 7 - The Fiendish Plot

Total Points: somewhere around 83. You can't even get to 83, so if you're there, either you have a majorly messed up character, or you made a mistake with the grading.
If you care to score your own character and send me the results, I'll post them. Here's the basic scoring scheme:
0-15 Developed character, unlikely MS.
16-19 Borderline character. Characters in this range are potential MS's, who can go either way dependent on the author's skill.
20+ Mary Sue/Gary Stu. Proceed with greatest caution.
35+ Reconsider your character and plot. Please.

Other Mary Sue Resources: