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adjective as in young, inexperienced

Weak matches

adolescent, baby, babyish, callow, crude, half-grown, imperfect, infantile, infantine, jejune, juvenile, kid, kidstuff, puerile, raw, sophomoric, tender, tenderfoot, underdeveloped, undergrown, undeveloped, unfinished, unformed, unseasonable, unseasoned, unsophisticated, untimely, wet behind ears, youthful

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Example Sentences

This professional milestone closely corresponded with what was a seminal event for the immature SEO business.

My husband and I previously agreed that we didn't want them, but we were young and immature.

That’s because today’s quantum computers are still highly immature, and the limits of classical computing are not exactly well understood, even by the field’s leading theorists.

Adult honey bees forage for nectar and pollen upon which they feed themselves and the rest of the colony, including the immature bees.

Because of their immature respiratory and immune systems, they are at increased risk of severe illness compared to older children.

When I was younger, my friends and I used to make short films with camcorders—inappropriate, gross, immature, violent films.

For a time he had a crush on a girl in our class who thought he was an immature goofball.

In ways large and small, devious and immature, ingenious and inspiring, she struggled to escape.

Boland is an immature kid with a lean, unsmiling face, ice-blue eyes, and wavy blond hair.

He claims he was “awkward, shy and emotionally immature” in high school.

The primary quills had not been moulted, and are quite those of the immature bird, with no white tip whatever.

If, on the contrary, the harvest is not good, the immature leaves are left to grow.

This is a bad plan, as young and immature mares breed early on the veldt, and throw weedy stock.

The judgment is often immature and the life principles unsettled.

The female, also sexually immature, responds coquettishly to these advances of the male.