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adjective as in fair, impartial

Weak matches

aloof, blameless, condign, conscientious, decent, dependable, dispassionate, due, equal, ethical, evenhanded, fair-minded, good, honest, honorable, lawful, nondiscriminatory, nonpartisan, objective, pure, reliable, right, righteous, rightful, rigid, scrupulous, strict, tried, true, trustworthy, unbiased, uncolored, upright, virtuous

adjective as in accurate, precise

Weak matches

cogent, correct, exact, faithful, good, justified, normal, proper, regular, right, sound, strict, true, undistorted, veracious, veridical, well-founded, well-grounded

adjective as in suitable, appropriate

Weak matches

apt, befitting, condign, deserved, due, felicitous, fit, fitting, happy, justified, legitimate, meet, merited, proper, reasonable, requisite, right, rightful, well-deserved

Weak matches

absolutely, accurately, completely, directly, entirely, expressly, perfectly, right, sharp, smack-dab, square, squarely, unmistakably

Weak matches

a moment ago, almost, approximately, at this moment, by very little, just a while ago, just now, lately, nearly, now, presently, recently, right now

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Example Sentences

In the just-released USA Today/Suffolk poll, Roberts trails his opponent by five points.

A just-published study in the journal Nature explored how mice reacted to a diet of artificial sweeteners.

Pamphlets were venues for advocacy and commentary on domestic affairs, but newspapers adopted a pose of just-the-facts neutrality.

(Complete CPAC Coverage) A couple of speakers later, Mike Huckabee revved up the crowd with his just-plain-folks sermonizing.

So every bottle of rowanberry schnaps you see began with thousands of hand-harvest, just-frosted rowanberries.

"Sure," grinned Stanton, with all the deceptive, undauntable optimism of the Just-Awakened.

It is served by a ministerial-looking butler and a just-ready-to-be-ordained footman.

Till now one with sudden hiss: "But-good Christ-just look-why, the roof's leaning—!"

In it were included the names of his brother, of Couthon, and of Saint-Just.

We hurried back for them, forgetting that we had promised ourselves a long just-us talk to bridge the months of separation.