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Critics say FERC’s standards to determine the merit of permits for export pipelines are especially lax, incorporating such easily met benchmarks as whether projects will generate taxes and jobs.

Reported data breaches are rare, but some scribe companies have lax security, said Cliff Baker, CEO of the health care cybersecurity firm Corl Technologies.

Hahn emphasized the role of science in the development process as the agency has come under scrutiny for potentially lax standards for a vaccine.

It’s just the latest in a series of actions by the coalition that has targeted Facebook over its lax policing of its service.

Wyoming has particularly lax business transparency laws, and Platinum Advertising appears to be a shell corporation.

At best, his administration appeared exceptionally lax, and at worst, it willfully obstructed justice.

Conservatives have attacked the lax security under Obama, even straining to tie the threat to ISIS.

In the age of the Internet and in our lax regulatory environment, there are more quacks than ever before.

The relatively lax immigration policy of the early 20th century gave way to rabid nativism in the 1920s.

Georgia is one of several states whose lax gun laws result in a continuous flow of illegal guns into New York and other cities.

The country had never altogether recovered from the reaction of lax indifference into which it had fallen after the Restoration.

There is a general idea that the medical training is lax, and the doctors, as a rule, are not highly considered.

Of all classes it may be said that their manners are, on the whole, good, and their morals generally lax.

Such a division of authority makes lax expenditure and bad management.

Mr. Mitchell was nominally a Unitarian in his religious creed, but he held very lax notions of this theology, and verged to Deism.