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Wasielewski said about 20 teams asked about Wright — his 6-foot-2, 215-pound frame alone merited interest — but numbers and highlights weren’t enough.

The data also suggests that China has a fairly broad definition of which populations merit “emergency-use” immunizations.

With some reservations, Pauli saw merit in Jung’s expanded definition.

Google did not achieve its position on any such market by competing on the merits.

A lawsuit filed in the Michigan courts by the campaign last week was dismissed by a state Court of Claims judge who said the suit lacked merit.

And there were enough of them in Soviet times that they merited their own shout-out?

Whatever fulsome cliché of brilliance you want to attach to Hoffman is merited.

In the Western media, the Chea and Samphan trials have barely merited a mention.

No word on if this outrageous sum, which Stewart raised for Hurricane Sandy relief, merited a smile from the famously surly star.

Freedom House found that the new developments merited just a one point increase.

Naturally, the picture was not perfect, but it well merited the flattering reception which it received.

How well they have merited that Degree of Confidence is left to the impartial World to determine.

Half an inch taller than Kerry, she fully merited the compliment designed by that trite apothegm, "a fine woman."

This event gave Grace Darling the notoriety which her noble conduct so well merited.

This unheard-of despotism, this horrible political perjury, was certainly not merited by the good and generous Brazil.