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But to my untrained eye all seemed right between the USA and our neighbors to the south.

To the untrained eye, they look like normal scars; products of the typical follies of youth.

But he was either untrained for, or simply distrusted, any form of abstract thinking.

“Exorcists need to be certified to eliminate the practice of exorcism by untrained novices,” Taraborelli says.

Both trained and untrained, hundreds rushed toward the scene of the explosion site to tend to the injured.

To Madame Ratignolle he said the music dispensed at her soirees was too "heavy," too far beyond his untrained comprehension.

Something might befall this untrained citizen at any hour,—then where would the future of the Kano name be found?

The untrained body leaps from devotion to animosity, from obedience to open rebellion, in a moment.

Rakkan's fiddle wove in and out, a lovely accompaniment to voices that were untrained but made rich and alive by triumph.

The untrained housekeeper needs such directions as will not confuse and discourage her.