Plan "United States of Greater Austria" 1906 (original) (raw)

The "United States of Greater Austria" proposed by Aurel Popovici, 1906

The United States of Greater Austria: a proposal by A. Popovici, 1906

Proposal for a federation of independent states based on ethnographic principles:
proposed by the Romanian nationalist Aurel C. Popovici in his book "Die Vereinigten Staaten von Groß-Österreich" [The United States of Greater Austria], Leipzig, 1906.

The names of the proposed federal states are given in German according to the map published in Popovici's book.

The solid red line show the borders of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy in 1906, the dashed grey line shows the occupied territory of Bosnia-Hercegovina (annexed in 1908) which was not cosidered in the proposal.
See also the political map (1918) (1918) and the ethnographic map (1910) of Austria-Hungary, and the map of the modern countries of Central Europe (1997).

(compare the ethnographic map in the Austro-Hungaria monarchy)

Deutsch-ÖsterreichGerman-Austria(Language: predominantly German) Deutsch-BöhmenGerman-Bohemia(Language: predominantly German) Deutsch-MährenGerman-Moravia(Language: predominantly German) (mostly German) Enclaves
BöhmenBohemia(Language: predominantly Czech) SlowakenlandSlowakia(Language: predominantly Slovak) West-GalizienWest Galicia(Language: predominantly Polish) Ost-GalizienEast Galicia(Language: predominantly Ukrainian)
UngarnHungary(Language: predominantly Hungarian) SeklerlandSzeklerland(Language: predominantly Hungarian) TrentinoTrentino(Language: predominantly Italian) TriestTrieste(Language: predominantly Italian)
KrainCarniola(Language: predominantly Slovenian) KroatienCroatia(Language: predominantly Croatian) WoiwodinaVojvodina(Language: predominantly Serbian) SiebenbürgenTransylvania(Language: predominantly Romanian)