Nadia Kamil In Wide Open Beavers (Nadia Kamil) (original) (raw)

ED2013 4/5 Reviews ED2013 Comedy Reviews

By | Published on Friday 9 August 2013

From the beginning, it is clear that Nadia Kamil has more things to say and jokes to tell than time will allow. After chaotically crashing onto the stage, she inhabits character after character before showing off her pioneering feminist burlesque. Kamil’s set is broadly about intersectional feminism and the casual misogyny of the world around her, delivered with the disarmingly bookish eccentricity of the likes of Josie Long; the feminist burlesque and Virginia Werewoolf routines sum this up perfectly. There is audience participation, but the good type, ie. it makes everyone laugh and doesn’t humiliate or degrade the participant. As she closes with a rap segment that neatly avoids being terrible, the set has steered around potential cliché to send you home smiling.

The Stand IV, until 25 Aug (not 12), 3.30pm.
tw rating 4/5 | [James Hampson]

READ MORE ABOUT: Nadia Kamil | The Stand