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The Times & The Sunday Times

The Times & The Sunday Times

ian cowie

My best bargain British stocks

From Unilever to Fever-Tree, our investment expert runs through the domestic companies he thinks are worth investing in

Vive la renovation: how I transformed a French farmhouse

For Damaris Evans, the conversion of Haute Caussine, a summerhouse in the south of France, into a proper home feels like the bestselling memoir A Year in Provence by Peter Mayle. During her quest — in which she swapped life as a fashion designer in Primrose Hill, London, for mixing concrete, digging trenches and sanding shutters — Evans braved freezing temperatures...For Damaris Evans, the conversion of Haute Caussine, a summerhouse in the south of France, into a...For Damaris Evans, the conversion of Haute Caussine, a summerhouse in the south of France, into a...


‘JK Rowling wants me fired. I just want to help rape survivors’

Last Friday, Sandy Brindley, the chief executive of Rape Crisis Scotland, was collecting her daughter from primary school when a journalist rang to ask if she would comment on JK Rowling’s demand for her resignation. By the time the reporter hung up, Brindley was in tears. “I’m never upset in front of my daughter.Last Friday, Sandy Brindley, the chief executive of Rape Crisis Scotland, was collecting her...Last Friday, Sandy Brindley, the chief executive of Rape Crisis Scotland, was collecting her...